Chapter 1 - The Beginning Of My Story

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My story began 16 years ago in Starling City, where it was the year's biggest celebration, which meant that the playboy of Starling City would be there. However, considering the party was in the Glades area of Starling City, which was not the safest part of the city due to gang violence, thievery, and other issues, young Oliver Queen sneaked out of the Queen Mansion behind his parents' backs to attend the party with his best friend Thomas Merlyn.

Although Oliver and Thomas were just 15 at the time, he was required to attend the party in order to maintain his reputation. As Oliver approached the warehouse where the party was being held, music could be heard from miles away, lights blazing, and people everywhere. Oliver walked into the building and looked around until he saw Tommy, who was already at the bar surrounded by a group of girls. "Tommy!" Oliver shouter as he saw his friend before running over. "Oli, I see you found the party, I was beginning to think your parents caught you," Tommy said laughing with a big grin on his face.

Because Tommy could get away with anything after his mother died, his father gave up trying to control his behaviour. "You know me Tommy, I wouldn't miss the party of the year," I said as everyone cheered behind me. I grabbed a drink from the counter and began to drink it while standing there with Tommy until I noticed a girl walk past me, her long orange hair moving insinc with her as she moved. So I placed my half-drank drink on the bar and said to Tommy, "I'll be back in a minute," trying to keep my eyes on her at all times so I didn't lose her. "OK," Tommy said as I ran after my suit up a stair case following her onto the second floor until I was behind her. I continued to follow her until she turned around and our eyes met for a brief moment

"Hello," the girl said, sarcastically lifting her hands before placing them on her hips. This wasn't usually the case with girls; in fact, they would be happy to be followed by me, which intrigued me. "Hey, I'm," I said as I looked at her with a grin that didn't seem to amuse her. "I know who you are, Oliver Queen," she said as she picked up her drink and took a sip from it as we both stood there awkwardly silent as she glared at me. "

So, why do you believe you have the right to follow me and talk to me, playboy of Starling City?" She muttered sarcastically, which made me laugh. "Well, your orange hair drew my eye," I murmured, tilting my head in awe of her. Many people aren't fond of Gingers, but I'm thinking I'm the only coloured-haired female you haven't flirted with." She continued sarcastically "no actually I've spoken to many gingers in my time but none of them as pretty as you" I said which made her laugh I think she thinks I'm joking but for the first time in my life I'm being serious.

"Seriously, that's the worst pick-up line I've ever heard," she continues to laugh, making me uneasy. "OK," she says as she begins to go outside, but before she reaches the door, she turns around to face me and adds, "you coming or what?" She says questionably as she looks at me with a flirtatious look on her face so I follow her onto the balcony which was right about the city so you could hear and see everything for about mile radius. So Oliver Queen, you really think I'm pretty" she says as she continues to drink "did I say pretty I meant gorgeous" I say which makes her smile "thanks" she says as I see her let her guard down with me.

"My name's Amelia" she said as she looked at me "Nice to meet you Amelia" I said moving her hair away from her face before I leant in to kiss her I wasn't sure if she would kiss me back but she did later that night we left the party and went to a hotel I'm not going to gruesome you out with the details but that night stuck in my mind for years to come.
End Chapter 1

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