Chapter 3 - Oliver Queen

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it had been a year after my mother's death and a year since I had gone under the radar living in the glades with Maddie as she always said "us against the world" however at this time I was by myself we always divided to complete duties like getting food and supplies to last us. I was wandering through the glades late at night by myself when I saw a bustle outside a business that had kept its televisions on all night, so I went over to see what the noise was about.

As I squeezed through a small gap in the crowd, I noticed the television, which showed that a police officer's daughter had been killed. When his face appeared on the television, I remembered him from a year ago; he was Officer Lance, one of the officers who came to the house that day, and I would never forget his face.

They suspected a link between Starling City's vigilante the Green Arrow and her death since she was discovered with arrows in her chest. When a while of watching television, I heard my name being called, so I glanced around in the throng, and after a few of them moved slightly, I noticed Maddie waving to catch my attention, so I pushed through the crowd and raced over to her, hugging her she was the only family I had.

"Hey," I said happily as we hugged. "Did you see the news?" I asked, looking at her worriedly, because the police force was convinced that Oliver Queen was the green arrow because he had appeared right around the time Oliver Queen returned from death.I have a lot of free time, so I regularly watch the news at the shop, and there are a lot of rumours flying about the glades.

Which caused me to go into a daze, so Maddie punched me, causing me to snap out of it. "You have to go and find him," she said, laughing to herself. "Maddie get real, you really think he'll believe me and if the news is true, he's a murder of his ex girlfriend's sister, and I don't want a murder for a father," I said, which caused a grin to appear on her face. "Plus, if you don't trust me, why should he?" I replied, changing her facial expression. Before she went the other way and started walking in the opposite direction, she realised I wasn't following her, so she turned around, grabbed my hand, and pulled me along with her in the opposite direction. I had no idea where I was heading, but I had faith in her.

We wandered the busy and noisy yet lonely streets of Star City until she stopped at a holt which confused me so I turned to face what she was looking at it was a tv store there was another a few blocks down which wasn't usually as crowded the televisions were showing a fire down at the glades it was spreading quickly I learned how to be safe on the streets, but I also learned that you had to help people who needed your support to live, so I pulled her along with me, but she stopped, forcing me to turn around to face her. "What?" I said, confused, "where are we going?" she asked.

"To help," I said, making her pull a face. I knew she thought it was a bad idea, but I needed to help them. "We need to help," I said, looking deep into her eyes and she saw my sadness and drive to help, especially after my mother's death, and she just nodded. She was the first person I told about my mother's murder last year, and she was also the first person I met on the streets. "Plus, if the green arrow is the hero you believe he is, he may be there as well." Maddie said, which made me draw a face at her, "shut up and let's go," I replied, sounding furious at her, before we both started running, running as fast as we could until we reached the fire, which was engulfed in flames.

When we arrived at the fire, we heard screaming. The building on fire housed a large group of the Glades homeless, which meant that many of our friends would be in there as well, so we looked at each other before covering our faces with our hands before finding an entry point and running in. As I looked around me, the entire place was nearly destroyed, luckily most of the people living here had already gotten out, but as we moved further into the building, the smoke became thicker and heavier.

Which caused me to cough, which caused Maddie to stop "you ok?" Maddie said worriedly "maybe we should leave this to the people who know what they're doing" Maddie said looking scared "its a building full of the Glades homeless they won't come until its too late" I said sarcastically but it was true no one cared about the Glades otherwise they would have made improvements for the wellbeing of the homeless years ago.

Then we heard another scream coming from further in the building "we have to keep going" I said and instead of speaking Maddie nodded and we headed further into the building where the fire was even worse eventually we reached someone whose legs were covered in rubble from the building it looked like the fire had already caused parts of the building to collapse so we ran over to her she was scared "hey" I said hoping to calm her down "I'm going to die aren't I" she said which made me remember that night.

I stood up and tried to lift a wooden pillar "no you going to live" I said as I tried to lift it with my shoulder but I was a 13 year old girl so I didnt really have much strength as I looked at her "Maddie come help me" I said looking at her in the distance "Maddie" I shouted as she stood there scared which was the first time I had seen her like this since I met her she had taken on guys double her size.

End Of Chapter 3

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