meet the flash

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trying out your new sonic voice u hear yelling about someone, u narrow your eyes giving in to what u want to do and save people, putting on the black mask over your face and rushing to help


i stop behind a tree to see someone else and a girl getting held by a....shark man? how parculer"let her go!" he shout as she was scared like no tomorrow'well i came here to help might as we-' mine thoughts were cut off as he speed hitting the shark man getting her then going away, i ran to the shark dude ad peer down, whisling at the work this speed guy has, i should call people like me and him speedsters yah thats it

"man~ that must of hurt~"i said his hand swipe at mine legs as i went back i blink"man u are realllly ugly"i said it growl as i grin"follow me sharky~"i said as i went haft speed as it follow me, i stop then ran in a cirle so when it sop i shot lighting at it, it went down, i poke it"yep down out cold well its a shark i will allow it to um go bak to the sea?"i said to mine self unsure i thought about the other speedster'i wonder who that was'i thought running back to mine makeshift home as i rest jumping anf resting in mine chair, or a bit of a beat up chair i then recall i have to check if i can control mine voice

"riiiiight" i said with a duh tone and ran to where i was, the place need to be dimploish like the sign said but it been getting workers hurt sooo im doing the job for them with mine pratice!"okay "i took a deep breath and scream at the wall, trying to foucus on the middle part of the wall but it was a bit wide so itcause the wall to crumble from the inside out, i huff"so close!" i huff 


i walk in to mine new report place to see the girl i saw here"hello~ who might u be?" i ask her, she jump but smile at me"hello im irsis! im new here" she tells me i hum"oh~ well im y/n nice to meet cha"i said shaking her hand, been here for a looong time almost 5 years! though schooling was a bitch to do online since i had to work at gitters before i went here, though i glad that we got a new reporter!" so what got u hire?" i ask her" im the one who did most of the aricals on the flash" i blink, wo the flash"sorry im not caught up with stuff since i beeen out of town mind telling me who this flash is?" i ask her

'or more like i wasnt in job with vecation to get more stuff for mine place' i thought chuckling mentally"he this speedster that showed up after the parical exselterator" she tells me, parical exselirator? "..."i stare at her she sense mine cunfusion and for an hour she explain to me what been going on for the last 4 months, cause i been here for a month back cause even with mine speed i cant ruin stuff i need for mine house! or make shift home..

i nod getting it now as the hard head came here"irsis what are u doi- oh y/n i didnt know u were here!" he said i blink"yep! is that a problem?" i tilt mine ead, oh the 5 year thing after i got enough i made a deal with the owner so when the old man died i got his conpanies! there all over the city and some other places, made some a mangers but i stay here sometimes i go and check on them till someone relize i own the new report place! thats why i was goe for a month or two cause i got enough to buy more stuff!! i got a couch and a t.v! but no cable or internet to watch anything....

"no no i just didnt know u came today" i smile at him"i was talking to irsis here~ i been missing the last four months so she been filling me in~" i said she nodded slightly cunfused why he went from strick to a bit worry when he relize i was here"b-but she has work to-"i cut him off"irsis what u do agan, the flash right? do u have anything for today?"i tilt mine head in intrest"not right now noting big has happe"i hum"okay u may go i got her work cut out now that she with mee" he sweatdrop i may be young but i know what im doing, why u think i done just sit an not help this place? nope i work so this place and any other place i now own went to number two! i cant beat gitters no way i love their coffce to much!

:right" he left"dont forget to do your work!" i said he nodded as they left, irsis look at me cunfused i smile"oh i tell u why he like this after you finished your story~"i said she nodded"how about coffce?"i blink nodding"sure! what place?"i question as we left, i wave bye to everyone"gitters?" i brighen"oh oh i looooove their food and coffce there!!" i said she chuckle at mine rant on how there coffce and food there good


as we sat down she went for her drink and took a sip, smiling in content, i couldnt help but laugh, sure berry is like this before his speed but she something else(ha ha ha) i told her the rest while she listen taking fires sometimes but stuck with her coffce" and thats about it" i told her she smile big"wow! ever try to right about the medas? i mean that also would do good, i mean its almost like files for the flash to look over, i mean like the shark man" i nodded

"true i agree i mean if it go in water it invincable" she coke "w-what?" she said i eye her weirdly"yah the sharkman, as u call it, water is it strength"i told her she blink then rub her head muttering something but smile again"so~ now tats over! what u want to ask me~ i ask u so much already!" she reply with a happy tone like normal"sure why is mine boss so timindated by u when he saw u where there?" i ask her the question been bugging me

"oh cause the report place u work at along with the others" i nodded"i own it!" i stare at her in shock as she sip her coffce"yah i made a deal after going to the highest rank with the owner and when he pss i took over, brining the news stand to number two! not number one gitters i loooove to much! i mean they have this weird drink call the flash so i got it while we came here and it sooooooo good!"

she chirp i stare aat her, she so young yet she brought the plac all over the state known as the biggest best place for news on her own" wow" she tilt her head" what i dont look like someone with that much conpanies behind me?dont worry be honest" i nodded she grin

"it beceause well your so young" she turn a bit red" i-im only 21!" she said lushing a it, i blink in suprise she a year younger then berry but the same age as me" you and i are the same age" she blink then smile"cooool did u know im never good with talking with girls? yah i never was i always was imintated by then but when im with u i feel so light hearted and easy to talk to! u didnt bewitch me did u~" mine eyes widen shaking mine head no"no no i would never!" i told her she grin laughing a bit" im teasing! dont sweat it ok? ne ne irsis u work here before right" i nodded not seeing why she brought it up" your good making coffces right?" i nodded a bit cunfused, she turn into a bright light bulb"then then if i ask u can u like make coffce for the both of us??"

i laugh as she beg me"s-sure no problem y/n"i told her she cheer"yay!! this is so cool! i made a new firend and she dont mine making coffce!" she cheer i giggle at her cherry personality when the news went off about a fire, i got up she look at me with intrest"lets go to that fire! it will make a good story if the flash gose there"

she brighten nodding as we went, it was three blocks away so we got there quick"oh man thats a very fire~" y/n sang looking at it then we hear a women cry"mine baby! my baby in ther!" y\i turn around to only see y/n going in there!!

"berry berry!"i call him"irsis whats going on?" he said"mine boss, y/n she went in a buring building when she heard a baby was in there!" i told him"what! im going there now dont worry!" he tells me knowing he will speed to star labs and get his suit

"hey irsis!" i look up to see y/n with the baby"dont worry the baby fine miss!" she call to the mother as the mother cry in relif" buuut the stairs are no more so i cant get down~" she san i wonder why mine boss so calm" but we have to hurry! there two other people in here and one of then knocked out!" she said a bit not careless as berry show up"hold on!" berry said her eyes flash(ha see what i did there??)

with an intrest"were up here! the fire spreeding!" she told him as he rush in the room threw the window, first two males came out then y/n with the baby, she gave the baby to the mother then turn to berryu must be flash thanks!" she said i saw no burns on here, strange"o problem"he said as he speed off

"cool~ irsis u get that u get that?" she ask me i nodded then look over her"are u okay? u could of gotten hurt! what where u thinking??" i ask her cosern she blink then her arm went over mine shoulders as we began walking" im fine nothing like a rush of ingerlen to get the blood pumping!" she said i stare at mine boss wondering if the smoke gotten to her brain

"but its ok since u knew the flash was coming and he might of gotten hurt if i didnt go in there to get that little one , it was caught in a ring of fire so it was hard to get it safely but i mange to make sure it wasnt urt! same with the others!"she said" well irsis go work on this sotry! also when your done work on the medas ok? i will make a account and follow u k??" she said i nodded turning to mine car and open the door for me, i smile as i got in she smile back"anything for a friend~ oh if u think im a boss i will put a ice cube on u"she said giggling she left i shook mine head, she a strange one that girl but im glad she likes me im happy


great i seen the flash and i got someone who might be working for him because right when i went in i finally got mine sonic voice under mine control on range and size thank glob and right when i got in i knew irsis might call this flash as he show when i told her whats going on, im thankful for super healing i got a burn on mine back reaal bad when i save the little guy but it was hards day of work! now time for a conputer and get to see if she did what i persway her to do~

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