Suspicious Life

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    "People say murder is rare, but taking a life subtracts the life left in them from yours. To save a life or lives adds onto yours."  I reflected on this saying for years.

  " I am Susan Lee Jones."

  " Flashback..."

   I heard the doorbell ring. I was not in the mood to answer it.

  It was a bad day for me. It was raining outside, I was sick, and someone had the nerve to come over unannounced.

   I yelled at the person to get lost.

  It was afterward I looked at the porch and saw an Amazon package. Boy, I sure felt stupid. 

  This was only the same box I waited for an extra two weeks to arrive. The business was behind schedule for who knows what reason.    

  I brought the item inside and ripped it open.

 Sure enough, it was here at last!

I smiled.  I tried on the dress.

  It fit perfectly.

  Goodness, wait until he sees it.  By he, I meant my boyfriend.

    I  took the dress off and changed back into my jeans and t-shirt.

   It was not date night for another week.  

  "Did I mention we had a long-distance relationship?"

   I  dated a boy who lived three hours away.  I was probably crazy for doing so, but for me, it was love at first sight.

   One week later, Bobby Willfried III took me out to this nice restaurant.  I was shocked when he proposed.

 Sure we had been steady for 2 years, but I did not expect all this.

  Anyway, I said yes!

"End of Flashback..."

"I made this huge mistake that ruined everything for me."

  "By everything, I mean everything."

    I sighed.  The memory of it all was still fresh on my mind.  Ever since Bobby left, I  had more time to dwell on it.

   "It all started One year after I got engaged."

   "I took on this new job as a reporter."

     The pay was fantastic, it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and Bobby supported me.

      I was grabbed by a co-worker one day after work.  Needless to say, I was not happy about it.

      I kicked him and maced him. One week later,  I found out my boss was not too happy about what I had done to his son.  Oops!  I lost my job.

    I applied to many other places to find a replacement job. I found work as a waitress. I was a pay-cut but better than nothing. Again, Bobby supported me.

    The restaurant burnt to the ground within three months. I felt jinxed.

   I  found myself jobless once more. This time I was hired as a hairdresser in a local beauty salon. I loved this work more than the previous jobs. 

   It was always full of excitement.  I never knew what interesting hairstyles someone might want next.


    Fast forward a bit to six months later, I was on the way home. My car ran out of gas.

   I walked a mile to the gas station, paid for the gasoline, and walked back. I filled it with the small gas in the canister I had with me.   Then, drove the rest of the way home.

  I took a shower as I was sure I reeked of gas fumes.

   I was invited to attend a party with Bobby and his folks. I accepted. 

   I  noticed folks dancing the moment I entered the place in my new red dress. I felt so out of place.

  Bobby told me to dance with his cousin. I never once suspected a thing.  I danced with the guy.

   A few minutes later, Bobby danced with me.  

After the party, Bobby and I went to his place.  I fell asleep on his sofa.

  A few hours later, I woke up and called a taxi.   Upon arrival, I paid the driver, entered my place, and went straight to bed.  The next day, I prepared for the day as usual.


   "How was I to know that was the day everything would change?"

     I  left my place around 10 am. I arrived late for work, but my boss did not seem to mind. I worked hard. I got paid overtime since I was there a few minutes before closing time.

    I  was glad to go home at last. I was so tired from the night before I ran the red light. 

    Two days later, it was on the news a young man was dead.  He died in a car accident.

   I thought the whole thing was awful. I searched to find more details about his death. What I discovered made me cringe. I almost threw up.

    The article read the man died from a  hit and run driver that came out of nowhere and bashed his car in soon after they ran a red light.

    The first thing I thought was no.  It was me.

   I felt sick. I was a horrible person.


       So many years, maybe even centuries later, I do not recall how many, Here I am alive but never aged.

     I do not understand it. Why should I be so healthy?  Why should I be here?

      "I am a murderer, for I know that I was to blame.  It was I, Susan Lee Jones, who killed him. "

     I told Bobby years ago what happened, and he offered to take me to see a counselor. 

    I refused.  I  yelled at him.  I told him that he was mistaken that no one could help me.

   It was a few days later, Bobby left and never came back. I can not say I blamed him.

    I went on the run ever since the day it all settled in the fact that I accidentally caused the life of someone else to be snuffed out. All because I did not stop at the red light.


       I changed my name.  It was not originally Susan Lee Jones. My old name was soon forgotten.  

     I forget how old I am since many say I appeared to be the same age I was all those years ago.  

          What do you expect for someone like me? Someone whose life is said to be suspicious.

         Perhaps, I will never find out.

          I  recalled how I  thought someone might discover the truth.  How could they?  I lived in a place where no one recognized me. 


          I stepped outside my apartment and went on a walk in the park.

             I felt like  I was being watched.       Impossible, no one else was there.

             I heard the sound of leaves as they crutched not far from where I stood.

             "Who is there?"

              I received no answer.


             I turned around and almost fainted.  

             Right before my eyes, was the girl. The sister of the man I killed.  What was she doing here?

             "So, here is the deal, you give me $3 million and I will not tell a soul, I saw you."

              "What is in it for me?"

              "Ha, you dare ask me this?  Just give me the money or you will regret it," She snarled.

              I was so terrified that I gulped.  "Yes, I got it."


               "Good, then I expect it in full  at 4:30 am tomorrow."

              I  knew the hour she told me was ridiculous.  Who in their right mind was up at this time?

               I dared not argue for fear of what could happen if I refuse to show up.

              "Okay, but where do I take it?"

              I saw her scratch her head as if in deep thought.

              A second later, I grabbed the note she held in her hand.

              I read it. I  frowned.

              I saw her as she smiled.  

              "Alright, fine have it your way!"  I yelled at her.

             I breathed a sigh of relief when she left. I still had no clue how she found me.  


              True to my word on the day appointed, Saturday, July 18th, I brought the $3 million to place agreed upon.  I  made sure it was in a marked envelope just to be sure it was clear that it contained the right amount.

              I  shivered as she counted it.

             I thought to myself, now what?

             I  needed not to worry though as she was satisfied.

            "Good, it is all here,"  I heard her say.


          I got out of there as soon as I could.

         I never saw her again since the day she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blackmailed me.

         I  never thought in a million years it would come down to this.  Me a victim of blackmail.

         How could one little mistake come back to haunt me after so much time?

           I regretted it all. I wished I could turn back the clock.


          I arrived back at my place where he waited for me.

          I know I forgot to mention him.

         By him, I mean, my dog.

         I purchased a small toy puddle.  It was not much of a companion.  It did beat being alone.

       I used to have a canary. It died within the first few weeks after I brought it home.

       I   was grateful for the landlord not kicking me out.


       I  screamed when I heard the glass shatter on the front windshield of my car.

      I looked up to see what hit it. It was a huge rock.

      The person who tossed it was none other than some creep with a ski mask on his head.

      I never notified the police as crazy as that sounds. I  figured I deserved all the bad stuff that happened to me since I took a life.

     Maybe, this was my punishment have to live forever while never getting old.

      the end...

Tag : #WritingCarnations







 #short story

 #written by Summer Cheng37


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