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The video of 20 min started, twilight sparkle and flash sentry were there.
"Hello!" Flash started
"Today me and flash gonna answer a lot of your romantic questions" twilight added
"Well... let's start" flash said

"Question number one... did you too got married?" Twilight was reading "not yet" she answered
"I was just proposed if she will marry me and she said yes" like what flash was saying
Twilight smiled and she blushed at the same time then she read the next question. "Question number two... how many kids you both would have" she read it as her cheeks were really red, Flash got shocked and they still silent for a moment. "Eeh... two?" Flash said with a big embarrassing looking at his feet, "em... i guess three... or two is better" the purple princess said.
Flash took the phone from twilight and he read the next question. "Question three... what is the mark of the both of your phones?" Flash said as he smiled a bit. "I have iPhone X" twilight said. "And me iPhone 11 pro max" Flash added.
Flash read the next question. "Question four... why are you both feel in love?" He looked at the camera with some embarrassing
"Well..."Flash stopped. "At the first time I was coming here, I bumped into Flash at the cafe and my drink fell on the floor, we got down to hold it... then we held hands, i remembered this moment like it was happening yesterday" twilight said with happiness, "and remember when I asked you for a dance? And you said yes?" Flash asked "yup!" Twilight answered
"Question five... wow it's not a question... it's a DARE!" Flash said, twilight the phone from flash's hand then she read. "Okay... the dare is... omg, they dares us to kissing each other on the lips!" Twilight said scaredly, flash looked at twilight's eyes and she looked at him back, he held her waist and she put her hands on his chest, they closed their eyes, and flash pressed his lips to twilight's, the purple girl got shocked at first, but a second later she closed her eyes again as she kissed him back.

"And this is the end of the video!" Flash said. "Sorry we couldn't answer all your questions but TYSM for enjoying!" Twilight screamed. "Okay bye! We loved you all!!" Twilight and flash screamed at the same time

A/N: damn... the questions were from my mind lol lol lol 😂, but I hope you like it, bye bye

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