Childhood memories

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That date was twilight's birth date, and that day, she found the person who she will marry a couple of years later, who is Flash Sentry, his mom and hers were close friends, causing twilight and Flash to fall in love with each other.
Flash was only one year old, but he got a strong feelings for twilight, unbroken feelings, his mom was shocked when she found out about that, and she tried to support him.
"Mommy, I think I love her" flash said to his mom pointing at twilight, who was into her mother's arms

1 year later...

Twilight is now 1 year old, and flash 2, they become so close to each other, they met every evening to play together, twilight also got a strong feelings for flash, but no one knows, she didn't admit it yet, she wants flash becomes the only one who knows about her feelings, sometimes she kissed his cheek, and they held each other's hands every time they met, when that met each other every evening, they hugged, and they went together to a comfortable place to play in, holding hands of course :)

3years later

Twilight here was 4 years old, and flash 5, twilight still didn't admit her feelings to him, and flash didn't tell twilight about how does he felt for her, they were both shy, but, they were close best friends, never separate from each other for someone else, each time a girl or a boy came to play with twilight, she went to them, and she asked flash for accompanying her to play with them, and when he refused, she refused playing with the others, same thing with flash, he never left her alone, he always wants her by his side, between all the familiar problems he got, but he loves twilight, and he doesn't care about anything...

2 years later...

And here, twilight was 6 years old and flash was 7, they already entered school, they studied in the same school, and that was good for them both to see each other in the break, and they went home together, flash was a popular boy in his school, so no one mess with him, but they were hurting twilight too much, and each time they did, flash tried his best to protect her.
"Get away from her!" Flash yelled at twilight's classmates
"What do you love her?" One of his classmates said, making flash get a red blush on his cheeks...
"Yes! I love her! And it doesn't matter u, get away from her?" He yelled at her "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY BEST FRIEND!!!" He yelled as much as possible
Twilight looked at him, with teary eyes, and a light pink blush
"Flash..." she said "do u really love me?"
"Twi..." he said, his eyes got cristallised, "y-yea... I do... I don't know how to tell you at first, but, I have a strong feelings for u" he finally admit it to her.
"Omg flash thank you, I feel the same way too" she said hugging him with tears falling for her eyes
"I like you twilight" he said hugging her back, while starting to cry
"Me too" twilight said

That was the day when they admit their feelings for each other

And three years later, Flash become 10 and twilight 9, they knew about each other's feelings, and they were so close to each other, but Flash got a big problem, and he was about to move away, he doesn't want to, but his parents forced him to accept, and when he told twilight about that she began to cry and she hugged him
"I don't want u to leave me" she said crying
"And I don't wanna leave u" he said
"But do u promise me that someday we will find each other? In the future? And we will be together again?" She asked
"I hope so, yea, someday we can fall for each other again"
"I love u flash, I will miss u so much"
"Me too twilight... me too" he said

And they kiss

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