Come back

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Narrates twilight:
  I opened my eyes, to see myself in front of the CHS, with my human form, I went directly to search for my friends, when I finally saw them, they were laughing and playing with each other, wait what?! T-they forget about me?! When I saw this moment, I looked at them for a few seconds then I remembered Flash, I went to search for him, when I arrived-
Twilight: hey flash I'm b...- I couldn't finish it cuz it can't be real what I'm seeing right now...
Flash is talking to SunShim?! Omg... this hurt me a lot, when I saw them, I felt a tear felt down from my eye, then I went to the portal, and I sat down there, and I began to cry, then I heard laughs, I raised my head to see Flash is playing with sunset shimmer, he told her goodbye and she told him the same thing, Flash turned to see the portal then he saw me and he got confused
Flash: T-Twilight?!- he said when he ran to hug me- I missed you so much!!!
Twilight: I- I missed you too...- I said hugging him back- but don't you like sunset?
Flash: what?! Pfffft, I don't like her, we rarely do things like playing and stuff, just like best classmates, but she isn't my friend or bsf or gf....
Twilight: really?
Flash: she is so mean with other girls like you, why I be friends with her? Also I broke up with her a months ago just for that.
Twilight: well.... u didn't forget about me
Flash: of course not, how can I forget u and forget all of those memories which we had 4 months ago?
Twilight: thank u Flash, thank u that u didn't forget me!- I said hugging him slowly
Flash: ur welcome- he said hugging me back- well, I think it began to rain
Twilight: yea...- I said putting my hand on the sky
Flash: well... if it doesn't bother you... would u like to stay in my house?
Twilight: umm.... yes sure
Flash: okay let's go- he said getting up and giving me his hand to get up
I took it and I got up, and we went together to his home, it began to rain more and more, then Flash took off his jacket and he put it on me
Flash: take it, I don't want you to be sick or wet- he said putting his jacket on my head
Twilight: t-thanks Flash...
I took it and we continued to walk together then we arrived, he took the keys and he opened the door.
Flash: mom! I'm home
Flash's mom: oh hi son- she said then she saw me- and who's she? Ur girlfriend?
Flash: nooooo! Not yet.... she is my bsf
Flash's mom: okay, and also... WHY ARE U WET!?
Flash: mom! I give twilight my jacket, I don't want her to he sick or something like this
Flash's mom: ok go change ur clothes and right now before u got sick before her.
Flash went up the stairs, and I followed him of course, he took his pijamas and he went to the bathroom and a few minutes he come back.
Flash: well... what do we gonna do now ?
Twilight: I have no idea._.- I said then Flash opened his lips from happiness- what r u like this? Did u remembered something?
Flash: yes, ur words makes me remind the song "no idea"
Twilight: oh please Flash I want to hear it!
Flash: ok.
Flash sat down on bed, just next to me, and he took his cell phone and he began to search for that song
Twilight: is that ur phone?
Flash: yes
Twilight: what's the mark of this phone
Flash: iPhone 11
Twilight: oh ok
Flash: do u have a cell phone?
Twilight: sorry but no.
Flash: oh ok, and there is it- he said pointing on the music video
Twilight: oh nice!
He tapped on that video, and the song began, Flash and I were listening to it, I honestly like this song, and I began to move my arms and my hands, Flash looked at me confused
Flash: well twilight?
Twilight: yes?
Flash: wanna dance?
Twilight: yyyes...
Flash stood up and he took my hand, he put another song it's name is "somebody to you" by vans and Demi lovato, this song is for couples from the sound, Flash held one of my hands, and his other hand is holding me by the waist, and mine, one holding his, and another one holding his chest, and we began to move our bodies together, and I was looking at his eyes which were looking at mine, we were too close, he took my hand and he turned me as a circle and we returned to the first position, we still like this for a moment, and we were so close, and I began to felt his breathin'
Flash: twilight, today is the day.... which I can declare to u my love
Twilight: huh?
Flash: twilight... I love you so much, I have a lot of feelings for u, I can't leave u, also those months u left in, I missed you a lot.... I love you a lot, and I hope u love me too
I blushed as much as possible and said: f-flash... I... I love you too... and I missed you so much, I'd love to stay with u every time
Flash: same Twilight.... same- he said...
    And then he kissed me, and I kissed him back, the best feeling ever💞

The end of the chapter.

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