Friday, January 7th

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"I knew they were listening!" Emily says in a 'I told you so' kind of voice. "Well obviously I didn't." I told her. "Steven heard about the revenge. He would not leave me alone last night." She says, giggling at the memory. We're both at lunch. I haven't seen Aiden all day but I'm not worried because I know he'll show up. "Aiden wouldn't leave me alone either." I said, butterflies flying in my stomach just at the sound of his name. "My parents are going out with your parents tonight so it's just going to be you and I in the house." Emily says. "They'll definitely show up." I told her and she nodded. "Do you want to eat lunch outside today?" I asked and Emily nodded so we both made our way to the doors. When we got outside, we went to our usual spot, which is the field behind the school that no one goes to. When we got there, we both sat on the grass and began to eat and talk. "It's like you want me to tickle you Alaina." I hear Aiden say from behind me. I turn around and see him smirking at me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You and Emily, hi by the way," Aiden says as he waves to Emily, which she returns, "You both came out to a field in the back of the school where no one can see or hear you." Aiden said. "Maybe we just like it here." Emily suggested. "Don't worry. Steven is on his way for you." Aiden said, making Emily blush. "And as for you," Aiden said as I placed my food down and ran away. "And as for me what?" I said as I ran and he chased me. "You're all mine." He said as he tackled me to the ground and attacked my sides. "AIDEN!" I squealed right before he snaps his fingers and we both teleport away from the school yet again. 

Aiden didn't teleport us to the same place as before. Instead, he takes us to the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. Once Aiden gets off of me, I get to have a better look at the place. The water was is so clear, you can see the very bottom of the sea floor. The sand is perfect and so is the weather. It's not too hot and not too cold. So it makes me wonder why this beautiful beach is empty. We're the only ones here. "Where are we?" I asked him, still in a daze. "Beauty Beach." He told me. Yet again, a place I've never heard of. "It's so beautiful." I told him, looking back to him. "Hence the name." He said smiling at me and I smiled back. "I still don't understand why you do all this to me." I said honestly. "You don't have to because I do." He said, walking towards me as I blushed. "Hey I have an idea!" I said, realizing he's probably going to tickle me again. "Remember how you said you could go 5 minutes without tickling me?" I asked him and he groaned. "I have to do that now?" He pouted and I laughed. "Aww it looks like someone can't do it after all." I said smirking and he gasped. "How dare you doubt my ability!" He said and I laughed. "So does that mean you will try it?" I asked and he sighed before saying. "Only for five minutes!" So I took out my phone and set the timer. "Ready...Set...GO!" I said before starting the timer.

If he thought I wasn't going to mess with him the entire time, he's living in a dream world.

"Hey Aiden!" I said so he would look me in the eyes. Then, I rolled my eyes like five times back to back. "You little..." He said, getting up to chase me. "Ah ah ah! You can't tickle me." I said, waving the timer in front of his face. "You're going to get it so bad when those five minutes are up." He said, smirking as he imagined the things he was going to do and I gulped nervously. "Whatever." I said, shaking it off. Then I sat on the sand floor and drew designs in the sand. "Stop being cute! You're making it harder!" He complained. I looked up at him and he was blushing and smirking. I've never seen him blush before. "Awww!!! You're blushing!!!" I said, standing up to rub his cheeks. "You're making this way too hard. Can't we just sit in silence?" He asked and I laughed at him. "Nope." I told him before checking the timer. I realize there's only one minute left and I gulp.

He's going to tickle me to death.

So, I looked around for somewhere to hide and decided to run into the ocean after throwing my phone on the ground. Aiden smirked as he watched me run and then said the remaining time out loud. "12...11...10..." He chanted as he slowly started coming towards me. "5...4...." He continued and I kept running into the ocean. "ONE!!! I DID IT!" He yelled before he speed over to me, yet another power I did not know he had, and went invisible as he began to tickle me immediately. "Since when do you have super speed?!" I yelled through my giggles. "I didn't use it until now because I like allowing you to think you can get away. It's adorable." He chuckles. Remembering we're in the water, I decide to start splashing his face, which seemingly shocks him because he stops tickling me. I stick my tongue out at him and start running away again, only for him to speed up to me again and grab me by the waist. "You think you're so smart huh?" He teases before he splashes my face multiple times. I quickly cover my face to avoid getting water in my mouth. "AIDEN! QUIT IT!" I yell just as he starts to use the arm that is still around my waist to tickle me. So now he's splashing me with water and tickling my stomach as well.

Dang he's good!

"AIDEN!!!!" I scream and he just laughs as I giggle and try to wiggle away from him. "You're not getting away from me until I'm done with you. You rolled your eyes like 12 times!" He said, moving his hands lower to tickle my knees and thighs. "IT WAS 5!" I manage to scream back. "Hmmm...I'm pretty sure I counted 12." He says with a smirk as he continues. "I gotta pee!" I lie hoping he would stop like last time. "I can tell when you lie princess." He said as he stops splashing water in my face but continues tickling me. "Ok! Ok I'm sorry!" I beg him and he chuckles and stops, turning me around to face him.. "You have to say that I'm the most handsome person in the world and you never want me to leave you alone. If you say that, I'll stop." He said. Well, he is the most handsome person I have ever met but I don't want to admit that to him! "I'm never saying that!" I tell him as I try to catch my breath. "I guess I'll just continue then." He said as he went back to tickling me. "NO! OK! I'LL SAY IT!" I yell and he stops again with that stupid smirk on his face. I'm tempted to roll my eyes but I don't want to dig myself into a deeper hole. "You're the most handsome person I have ever met and I never want you to leave me alone." I told him, looking anywhere but his eyes and blushing. "Good. Because I'm never leaving you alone anyways." He said smirking and I splash water in his face before I take off running again. 

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