Monday January 10th Part 4

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A/N: Thank you to everyone that wants me to continue writing the story. Just as a heads up though, this chapter doesn't have a lot of tickling but I promise the next one and the ones after that do. Also, some of this chapter was influenced by Disney's Encanto. Hope you enjoy! 

We walk into what looks like a fairy tale world. When Lilly walks in, a baby unicorn gallops over to her and tackles her to the ground, licking her face and making her giggle. There's a beautiful path lined with daisies that leads to her bed that has white comforters and every pastel color imaginable in pillows. Theres also a bunch of human sized fairies flying around. They all look to be Lilly's age. "This is incredible." I said in complete awe. "Everyone in Flawless has a personalized magical bedroom. Her superpower is communication with mystical creatures so this is her room." Aiden explained. "So does that mean..." I asked. "Yep, you're going to get a magical bedroom too." He said and I squealed with excitement. "When? Today?!" I asked and he shook his head no. "When your citizenship papers go through and you're officially moving here, then you will be in the system and another tablet will form next to my bedroom." He said. "Really? I'm sharing a bedroom with you?" I asked and he smirked but nodded. "Our bedroom will be a mixture of our personalities." He said. "Guys! Come jump in the bouncy house with me and my friends!" Lilly yelled. I looked over and she was jumping up and down with the other fairies. "Maybe later! I want to show Alaina some of the other rooms in the house." Aiden said.

The next room Aiden took me to was the theater room. When we opened the door, the lights immediately turned on and Chris looked over at us frowning. He was sitting on the floor between two huge dogs. "Oh hey. You're trying to show her to theater room?" Chris asked. "Are those you're dogs?!" I asked and Chris nodded. "Yep. My power is animal communication. So I can get them to do whatever I want." He said. Just as he said that, both dogs look at him. Then he nodded his head toward me and like clockwork, they both looked at me. I smiled nervously before saying "Wow that's really cool." And looking away from the dogs. "What were you watching?" Aiden asked. They're theater room looked different from how theater rooms look on Earth. There was a huge screen that took up all of the walls but at the moment, only one of the walls looks like a TV and the others have electronic decorations on them. There's also no chairs in the entire theater. The rug is super soft though. "I was looking for something to watch. Have you even been in a Flawless theater room?" Chris asked and I said no as Aiden closed the door behind me. "Well, it's amazing. There are three settings when you watch movies here. One setting is the regular movie watching experience. The second setting is the VR experience, which is where you feel like you're in the movie. In that setting, you can either watch from the point of view of one of the main characters or just watch all of the action from the sidelines but in virtual reality." Aiden explained. "And the third option is everyone's favorite." Chris said. "We call it the play fighting scenario." Aiden said. I was still in so much shock that I just looked at both of them confused. "This one uses more magic than technology. Each movie has different story lines you can play. Some of them are really funny, some of them are scary, and all of them are a lot of fun." Aiden said. "You mean to tell me that I could watch Avenger's Endgame and literally play with the characters?" I asked. Chris and Aiden both laughed at my astonishment but still nodded. "There are even movie theaters devoted to the playfighting setting. It's even more fun when you play with a lot of people." Chris said. "Wow." I gasped. "Do you want to do one?" Chris asked. "Sure!" I said as he continued looking through the movies. They literally had every movie, including some movies I've never heard of. I'm assuming some of them are movies produced on Flawless or on some other planet. "Let's do playfighting with the Ready or Not movie." Aiden smirked. Chris smirked back and nodded. "Wait, what's the Ready or Not movie?" I asked. "It's a movie that was produced here. You'll love it." Chris insisted but I just glared at both of them, knowing they were lying. Chris clicked the Ready or Not movie. The cover picture of the movie gave nothing away. It was just "Ready of Not" In with letters on the background of a sky. So then, he choose the playfighting setting and selected three players. Right before he could press the okay button to start the movie, someone burst into the room. "Are you guys really going to do play fighting without explaining to her what the movie is about?" Mia, Aiden's older sister said. "It's more fun that way!" Chris whined. "I'm sure it is. But I'll play so that she can have someone on her side." Mia said and I smiled. "Thanks. Wait, what do you mean on my side?" I said as she stood next to me. "We have to stick together in this house full of boys." Mia said. "Fine." Chris and Aiden said changing the number of players to 4 before starting the movie.

The lights in the theater immediately dimmed and the entire room was pitch black. "Aiden?" I said, getting scared. "You're fine princess. It'll start in a second." I heard Aiden say. Then I saw a countdown in front of us with big red numbers. "3...2...1...0" It said. Then all of a sudden, it was light outside and we were standing in a big field. I only see Mia at first. "What are we supposed to be doing?" I asked. "Okay so this movie is literally about a group of guys that chase after a group of girls. They use this movie whenever they want to annoy us." Mia whispered and I rolled my eyes. "Of course they do. So what happens first?" I asked. "Well, there's the school in the distance. That's our first destination." Mia said. "Okay let's go!" I said, skipping towards the building in the distance. She laughed at me and said "You seem really happy." "I am. Your brother is amazing." I told her honestly. "Are you sure we're talking about the same guy? Because my brothers are all annoying." Mia said and I laughed. "He's definitely annoying and crazy." I admitted. "You don't even know the half of it. But you will since you're moving in." Mia said. "I heard you live with your fiance now." I said and she nodded. "Yeah but you're welcome to come and visit anytime. Poppy and I are actually planning a girls-only slumber party for all of us and a few other girls so you can get to know some people in Flawless but also to get a break from the boys." She said. "That sounds like so much fun! I'm excited." I said. "You should be. Living here is awesome. I can't wait for you to get your room. I'm sure Aiden didn't tell you this part because boys don't really care about it but one of the best parts about the room is the closet. They customize your closet based on your personality. Of course they don't give you unlimited outfits but they give you a starters pack and its always amazing." Mia explained. "Wow." I said. I felt so overwhelmed with everything but definitely in a good way. "Yeah. I'm excited for you. Also, I know we just met but since your family, you're definitely going to be a bridesmaid in my wedding so we have to get you your dress. Make sure you get my number on your F-Tab before you go." She said. "Omg a wedding! I love weddings!" I exclaimed as we approached the school. "Who doesn't?" She said. "Isn't that the school?" I asked as I squinted at a school not far from where we were. "Yep. Let's go!" She said as we both jogged over. This is definitely going to be interesting. 

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