Sunday, January 9th, Part 3

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"She'll... be... coming around the mountain when she comes!" Aiden belted out. "YEEHAW!" I sang along, giggled at our childishness. Right now, we're just goofing around waiting for the World Citizenship representatives of Flawless to arrive. I was getting nervous about the whole ordeal and Aiden started to get playful to take my mind off of it. "She'll be coming around the mountain she'll be coming around the mountain..." Aiden sang while I jumped around on the bed. "She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes!" And unknown voice joined in, making us both stop and look in the direction of the voice. "Victor!" Aiden said as he got off of the bed and walked over to Victor, giving him a bro hug. "Aiden! What are you doing here?" Victor said, smiling at what he just witnessed. "Yeah you can't tell anyone what you just witnessed. Ever." Aiden said, making Victor laugh. Victor looks like he's a couple years older than us, like maybe 18 or so. "Alaina, this is Victor. His dad is responsible for the citizenship agency in our world." Aiden said as I got off of the bed and walked over to the two of them. "Victor, this is Alaina. My girlfriend." Aiden introduced, making Victor's eyes almost fall out of his skull. "You're dating a human?!" Victor exclaimed. "Nice to meet you too." I joked, making them both laugh. "Of course it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm just shocked." Victor said, shaking my hand. "So why did you call me?" He asked. "We need someone to break the news." Aiden said and Victor nodded. "Ah so you want me to tell the parents?" He said and we both nodded. "Okay I need some details before I can." Victor said. 

Victor asked me questions about my parents, if I have any siblings, where I live, and other personal information questions before deciding that he can break the news, which is apparently what they call the process of letting the parent's know about Flawless. "Okay this is my last question." Victor asked. "Would you two like to be present when I break the news?" Victor asked. Aiden looked at me right as I looked at him. As if he read my mind, he says "Yeah we would."

Victor teleports us all to my parents house and we knock on the door. When my mom answers and sees all of us standing there, she looks confused but still invites us in. "Is everything okay Alaina?" My mom asked. "Yes but I need to tell you and dad something. Can you call dad into the living room so all of us can talk?" I asked and she nodded. 

Once we were all together, Victor began. "Hi Mr and Mrs. Love. My name is Victor. I'm a friend of Alaina's. It's very nice to meet both of you." He started off with. "I'm here today to speak to you about Flawless. Have either of you heard about Flawless before?" 

Victor told my surprised and confused parents everything Aiden told me and they sat there very shocked for at least a few minutes before finally asking questions. "Who will she live with? Do they have stores over there? What's the currency? How will she get around? How will she contact us if she's in trouble? Is this a prank?" All valid questions that I never thought to ask them myself but Victor had an answer for everything. And then came the hardest decision of my entire life. 

"Alaina, we just want you to be happy." My dad told me. "If this is what you want and we can visit you regularly and check in constantly, then it's okay with me." My mom said and I smiled. "It's okay with me too." My dad added. "Yes!" Aiden said from behind me, which made me smile even more. "So now the final decision is completely up to you Alaina." Victor said. "Um..."I stuttered, thinking extra hard to see if I could think of any downsides to moving to Flawless with Aiden. 

I can visit Earth whenever I want.

I get to live with a guy that clearly cares about me with all of his heart and makes me laugh all the time. 

I wouldn't have to go to school once I move. 

I get to live in a beautiful place where things like racism are just stories about the craziness from another planet. 

My parents are okay with it. 

Nope. Can't seem to think of a downside. 

"Alaina, don't feel pressured okay? This should be completely up to you." Aiden whispers in my neck, making me want to giggle but I hold it in seeing as my parents are right there. "I made my decision." I told them and Aiden perks up while everyone else waits and listen. "I really enjoy living in Earth with my friends and family. And even though school sucks, it's the reason why I met Emily and so many other people." I told them, watching as Aiden started to look sad. I guess he thought I was getting ready to say that I don't want to live in Flawless. 

He thought wrong. 

"But..." I said, "I think living in Flawless sounds like way more fun. And I have no doubt in my mind that Aiden cares about me a lot. So, I want to move to Flawless and be with Aiden." I told them. "OH MY GOSH!" Aiden yelled, picking me up and spinning me around, making me giggle. "Don't scare me like that!" He scolded, tickling my sides as he did. "You should have seen your face." I giggled, making him smirk back at me. "Congratulations on your decision Alaina. We'll start your application for citizenship as soon as possible." He said as he made a tablet appear out of thin air and typed somethings into it. "I'm so happy for you honey!" My mom said as my parents both gave me a hug. "And welcome to the family Aiden!" My dad said as they also gave him a hug. "Thank you sir." Aiden said. "Okay so the next available appointment at the citizenship office is tomorrow. Are you available?" Victor asked. "I have school. How long is it going to take?" I asked. "Well, it will probably take the whole day. You and your parents have to fill out paperwork, take a short tour of Flawless, and see the house you will be staying in." Victor said. "My house." Aiden smirked and I rolled my eyes. "I don't have work tomorrow so I'm free." My mom said. "I do but this is important and I haven't taken a vacation day from work yet. I can miss a day." My dad said. "Can I miss school for this?" I asked. "Sure why not. You hardly ever miss school anyways." My mom said. "Aiden you're available right? It would be better if you were there too." Victor asked. "Of course." Aiden said. "Okay perfect. I'll see you all tomorrow at 9 AM. We'll pick you guys up outside of your house." Victor said. "Congrats Alaina." Victor said, giving me a hug, which made me smile. "I promise you'll love it there." He said before waving goodbye and vanishing into thin air, just like Aiden does. "Aiden," My dad says. "Yes sir?" Aiden asked. "I think we should have a talk." My dad says, getting super serious all of a sudden. "Dad, be nice please." I said, pleading with my eyes. "I will." My dad said as he and Aiden left the room. "Sweetie, that boys clearly cares about you a lot." My mom said as we both sat on the couch. "I know." I blushed. "I just want you to know that you're a very lucky girl. But your relationship will not be perfect. There's going to be some bumps in the road. If you get over those bumps, your relationship will be even stronger than ever and one day, we'll be traveling to Flawless for your wedding." My mom said, making me smile. "Thanks mom." I told her, giving her a big hug. "Now, tell me about your first kiss." My mom said, making me blush. "My first kiss on my lips or in general?" I asked, blushing harder. "Whatever he did, he did it well if you're already blushing." My mom said, laughing at me, only making me blush some more. 

After a while, my dad and Aiden came back to the living room, laughing at something together. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Oh nothing cutie. Don't worry about it." Aiden said with a smirk and I frowned. I wonder what happened back there. "I'll see you tomorrow cutie." He told me, winking which let's me know he'll probably show up in my room in a little bit. "Okay." I said before we kissed and he hugged my parents goodbye. Then just like that he vanished. 

I can NOT believe I'm moving to Flawless. 

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