Tuesday Jan. 11th, Part 2

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"Why weren't you in school yesterday?" Emily asked me as we walked to our second period class. It's so weird that I have to lie to her, especially since she's my best friend. "Doctor's appointment." I said and she nodded. "How are things going with Steven?" I asked and she blushed. "He's amazing!" Emily admitted. "Oh my gosh seriously?! Details please!" I exclaimed. "I've never laughed harder at anyone in my entire life. Ever since that night at that weird escape room, he's opened up more and he's actually really funny. Once he gets me laughing, he does anything to keep it going. And his cuddles!" Emily said, blushing more and more as she talked. I just smiled, truly excited because maybe this means Steven will ask Em to move to Flawless! "I'm so happy for you Emily! I knew everything would work out with you two." I said. "Thanks. How are things going for you and Aiden?" She asked me and I immediately started blushing and grinning. "Your facial expression says it all." Emily said, making me laugh. "He makes me feel so special. Like I'm royalty or something." I said. "Awwww!" Emily squealed. "When was the last time you saw him?" She asked. "This morning." I admitted, almost forgetting that I can't tell the whole truth. "Really? What did he do?" Emily asked. "He made it a lot harder for me to get ready for school this morning." I told her and she laughed. "Tickling?" Emily said. "Yep. And blushing and kisses and compliments and snuggles. Everything." I told her just as we walked into our second period class. During my class which happens to be Math class, I get a text on my F-Tab. I quickly pull it out to see it's from Becky, Aiden's mom. "Hey Alaina! Aiden gave me your F-Tab number. I wanted to let you know that I scheduled a tour of 'Just For Kids' for your tomorrow. Do you think you will still be able to come?" I smile at the message only to get another message from none other than Aiden himself. "Guess where I am right now?" His message says. I quickly click his messages and respond with "Where?" "Guess. And by the way, you're smile gets prettier every time I see it." He said and I blushed. "You're here aren't you?" I texted. "Of course. I came to ask if you want me to pick you up today." He said. "Yes but you could have asked me that through text you know." I replied. "Yeah but I couldn't do this through text." He said and I frowned at the message. "Do what?" I responded but right as I hit send, I feel him give me a kiss on my neck, making me smile and shrug my shoulders up. "No more okay? You'll make me giggle." I texted him. "Fine but only until classes end." He said. "Also, can we go to Flawless tomorrow? Your mom wants me to do a tour of 'Just For Kids'. " I asked. "You really think I would say no to getting to spend the day with you?" Aiden asked and I blushed. "You take every opportunity to make me blush don't you?" I asked. "Making you blush makes me happy." He replied and I blushed again. "Okay this conversation is turning me into a tomato. I'll see you after school." I told him. He sent laughing emojis before I felt him kiss the other side of my neck and whisper "Bye princess."

"Can I come over today? I just feel like hanging out and I need to talk to you about something." Emily asked as we walked out of the school to dismissal and I cringed to myself. I don't want to say yes and Emily ends up being the third wheel but I don't want to say no and be like those people you see in the movies that get into a relationship and forget all about their best friend. "Um yeah of course! But you should know Aiden is picking me up today." I told her. "Oh. Do your parents know?" Emily said and my face went blank. I just realized I can't tell her that my parents know about Aiden! "No they think I'm doing a school project and that someone's mom is bringing me home." I said quickly. "You should still come though. I'll tell Aiden to chill with the cutesy stuff." I said and she smiled. "Thanks. I just really need some girl time." She said.

Aiden came to pick me up not long after that but I could see him visibly frown when he saw I was with Emily. "Hey Emily needs some girl talk today so she's leaving with us." I told Aiden as he bent down to kiss me. "Oh." He said, sounding a little disappointed. "Don't worry. We'll hang later. She just seems concerned about something." I whispered to him and he nodded. "Yeah I understand." He whispered back. "How about we go get some ice cream? We can sit at separate tables so you guys can have your girl talk." Aiden said. "Aw you don't have to sit at a separate table." Emily said. "Trust me. I do." Aiden said, looking at me with a smirk. I blushed before saying "Yeah maybe that would be for the best then," and looking down and away form him. "Well then, let's go!"

We all got our ice cream and Aiden sat a few tables away from us, still able to see us and make eye contact with us. "I just don't know what to do." Emily told me as we ate our ice cream. "How are you dealing with it? Cause not knowing anything about where they came from had me a little worried. I really like him. What if one day he just stops showing up?" Emily told me and I nodded, completely understanding. I was once worried about that too."He wouldn't do that to you Emily. You know that." I said and Emily shrugged. "Maybe. But what if he does? I'd be heartbroken" Emily said. "Why are you thinking of the worst case scenario? He hasn't given you any reason to think he would abandon you." I said as my vision shifted over to Aiden. I keep trying to think of a way I can get him back and then just like that, I did. "Hold on Emily. I just need to do something really quickly." I said, calling over a nearby waiter. The person walked over and I asked her to lean in closer. "You see that boy over there?" I asked and she nodded. "Tell him that I said when we get home, I'm going to tackle him and make him pay for what he did this morning." I told the waiter. She laughed and nodded before walking over to Aiden to tell him. I watched and the waiter told him and his eyes immediately shot over to me with a huge smile on his face. Then he whispered something to the waitress. His response made the waitress's eyes widen which made me nervous. She walked over, leaned in and said "Girl it's over for you when you get home." That made me laugh. "What did he say?" I said. "He said all you need to know is when you're done with Emily, you should run." She told me.

Oh gosh.

I looked at him and he showed his finished plate of ice cream before mouthing "You're going down." For some reason, I decided to mouth back "It's on." "Okay sorry. You were saying?" I said, trying to focus back on Emily even with Aiden's smirk focused on me.

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