Wednesday, January 5th

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Wednesday, January 5th

I wake up in the middle of the night to my own giggles. Right when I open my eyes, I stop giggling. "Hello?" I whisper as I look around my bedroom. I see and hear no one but I realize the door is open. So I stand up to close my door since I hate sleeping with my door open before returning back to my bed. Once I get comfortable again, right before I close my eyes, I see my bed covers slowly start rising on the side of the bed I use to get off of my bed (since my bed is against a wall). Immediately I sit up as I watch the covers rise as if an invisible person is getting into bed beside me. "Snap out of it Alaina!" I say to myself, rubbing my eyes. When I open my eyes again, everything is back to normal. I sigh before I lay back down and close my eyes again to go back to sleep.

Not even 5 minutes later, I start to feel a tickling sensation on my tummy. Immediately I start giggling, trying to run from the ticklish feeling but end up against my wall giggling. I try to get off my bed the opposite way but it feels like something or someone is trapping me in place. "Stop!" I squealed as I continued giggling. They begin to tickle me harder and I start getting even more scared. What is going on? Why can't I see anything? Why am I giggling? What's tickling me? Why am I trapped? Finally the tickling sensation stopped and immediately I tried to get off the bed but I'm stopped by some unknown force. Then a human boy with big blue eyes appeared with a wide smirk on his face. Both of my hands are pinned on top of my head with one of his. I try to scream but he covers my mouth. "Hi princess." He said before he vanished. I quickly bring my hands to my chest and hop off of the bed, breathing extremely hard.

What the hell was that?

I don't get much sleep after that. Who would? The next morning, I get out of bed and cautiously head to the restroom to take a bath, checking every corner for the cute invisible boy that ambushed me last night.

Did I just say cute? Ugh.

After I'm finished getting ready for my first day back to school after winter break, I head downstairs to the kitchen where my mom is finishing up breakfast. "You look like you didn't get a wink of sleep." She said right off the bat. "Good morning to you too mom." I groaned. "Are you okay? Do you want to stay home from school today?" My dad asked as he walked into the kitchen and gave my mom a kiss. Stay home? And have another dream or whatever like I did last night? No thanks. "No I'm fine. If I'm still not feeling good tomorrow, then I'll stay home." I told them and they nodded. After I finished breakfast, I rode the bus to school.

"Yikes. Did you sleep last night?" I hear my best friend Emily ask from behind me as I close my locker. "Does it look like I slept?" I asked, giving her a fake smile. "Ugh. Tired Alaina is a meanie butt." Emily said and I laughed at her. "Thank you." We both walked to our first class, which is English, and sat in our usual seats in the back. It didn't take long for the bell to ring and class started immediately afterwards.

As I'm taking my notes, I start to get a weird feeling. Like someone is watching me. So I look around but everyone is either on their phones or sleeping. (Typical high school) "Stop being paranoid" I say to myself as I turn my attention back to the teacher. When the teacher starts saying information I already know, I put my pencil down, only for it to be picked up again...but not by me.

"Oh no..." I whisper as my floating pencil begins to write. "Hi princess." The pencil writes. 

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