back to where we started

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Lara woke up after her long sleep but something didn't feel right. She got up and realized what was wrong. This isn't her room! "Oh youre up." A voice from the other side on the room said. Lara looked over but it was to dark to see the face of the person. "I was going to wake you up but we decided to wait. Im Viola by the way." Viola introduced herself. "We?" Lara asked. "Yup! 13 people are outside this door waiting for us." Viola told her. Lara gave a questioning look. "We all woke up here too, i can introduce you to them if you want." Viola said putting her hand on the door handle. Lara over to Viola and fallowed her outside the room.

When Viola opened the door 13 people Lara has never seen before were looked at her. "This is..." Viola said waiting for Lara to introduce herself. "Lara" Lara told everyone quietly. One of the guys that was sitting in a chair opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a random voice. "Finally you guys are all up! You took longer then the last group." It said. Everyone looked around the room trying to figure out where it came from. "You guys are here to play a game of Flicker! The last group beat the game faster then i expected so i brought you here to gibe me even more entertainment!"

"What the heck is flicker and who is this 'last group'?" Viola asked. "Just a bunch of kids who thought a stick was better then a knife." The voice mumbled. "Enough about them, this is about you guys now. Someone in the room is a murderer so you have to figure out who it is. The murderer will kill one of you every night and you have to decide who you think the killer is! Everyone will get a role and team blah blah blah. Lets start the game now!" The voice explained the game exciting. "How do we know our roles?" Someone asked.

The lights flickered and everyone had a bag right next to them. "Look in that bag. You have everything you need in there plus a journal, paper, and pens. Its up to you if you want to tell someone youre role and you can pass notes with the paper and pens, keep track of things in the journal, etc." The voice told everyone. "The game will start in 10 minutes so be ready." The voice said finally. Everyone was quite for a while and looked in their bags.

"Detective." Viola whispered in Laras ear. Lara was silent for a moment not sure what to tell her. "Medic" Lara told Viola not sure if she should have said that. Viola gave a smile and they stood there waiting for the game to begin.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I know its short but thr next ones will be longer. Next chapter will be violas prospective.

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