Two have died!

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Ally was writing something down in her journal when Charlie came up to her. "What are you writing?" Charlie asked. Ally jumped but calmed down when she saw who it was. "Just keeping track of who's voted out, dead, and good." She said, showing him a list of every ones names that looked like this:
(If the font it like this it means they are voted out,dead,or have proof that they are innocent.)


Charlie looked at all the names "I still haven't written in mine." He said. "Same." Minji joined the conversation "The lights might flicker soon so, you might want to get ready." She warned them and picked up the stick next to her. "Put the stick down Minji it not going to do anything." Ally told her. "What I can hit the murderer on the head with it!" Minji said swinging the stick. "If the murderer comes for you, they will break that stick in seconds." Ally said.

Minji shrugged "Its worth a try." She continued to swing the stick in the air again and the lights flickered out. Charlie was going to walk over to the candle John had, but he knew if he did Jo would probably say he is murderer just like he did with Elizabeth. The lights flickered on again and Charlie felt someone place something in his hands. He looked down, and it was a muffin. When he turned around he only saw Ally putting what he guessed was her journal back in her bag. "Oh my it appears two houseguests have died!" The mysterious voice said.

Charlie looked over to where Minji was sitting and realized she was gone. He and Ally shared the same stocked face and ran to the kitchen. When they got there Ally was going to tell everyone about Minji when they realized, she was standing next to Elizabeth. "Minji? We thought you and Elizabeth were dead!" Ally said and hugged them. "When the lights flickered i came over here to look for Elizabeth." Minji told them. "Its Vinny and John who are missing." Elizabeth said looking down at the floor. Jo and Jamila came into the room with bags. "We lost our Detective and psychic." Jo said.

She and Jamila placed the bags on the table. "Did they write anything in their journals?" Colleen asked. "No." Jamila said quickly. "Well i think Vinny wrote some stuff in his." Jo said looking for the journal. "The psychic knows if people are good or bad, so he must have written something helpful in here." Jo flipped the pages. "Dan is good, Minji is good, Jamila is..." Jo looked at the journal in shock. Ally took the journal and read the rest to herself. "I know who I'm voting." Ally dropped the book on the table for everyone to read and went to vote with Annie.

"Are you guys really going to believe in some stupid journal?!" Jamila asked. "If it says, 'Jamila is evil' then yes!" Elizabeth said and walked off to vote with Minji right because her. "Me to." Charlie said and walked off to join them. Jo gave Jamila a look and went off to vote and colleen did the same. Jamila looked at Jackson. "You to?" She asked. "I'm sorry" Jackson said quietly and went to vote. It wasn't a surprise that Jamila was voted off that night.

"Congratulations good team you just got rid of the assassin! Now only the Dark psychic and the murderer and left on the evil team." The mysterious voice said. Even if it was good that the game was almost over four people had died and three disappeared to who knows where.

(This will probably be over in two or Three chapters but if you guys want i will make more with other characters from the game and in another map.)

Who will die next? Who are the last to people on the evil team? Who will survive? Will that stick finally do something?! Find out next time on...Flicker

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