Welcome to Flicker!

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(This takes place in the house map)

Charlie woke up on the floor in a place, he doesn't know at all. He got up and looked around, but then he saw he wasn't the only person waking up in a strange place. Ally opened her eyes, but she wasn't on her comfortable bed she was on a couch. Ally saw someone next to her and dumped off the couch. The person that was next to her looked around her age and was sleeping. "W-who are you?" Someoneasked. Ally looked in the direction of where the voice came from and saw a guy standing in the kitchen looking as confused as she was. "Who are you?" Ally asked back.

"I asked you fir-" Charlie was cut off by a scream coming from the kitchen. Charlie picked up a stick that was next to him and went to the kitchen with Ally close behind. "Oh Yes, like a stick is going to do something." Ally said quietly. "Shut up!" Chatlie whisper shouted. When they got to the kitchen they saw a girl that looked a little younger than them next to her was boy around their age. "Get away from me creep!" The girl yelled. "Help I'm being kidnapped!!!!" She continued to yell. "I'm just as confused as you are!" The boy told her. The girl started to calm down, but she looked up to see Ally and Charlie. "AHHHHH" she kicked Charlies leg. "What was that for?!" Charlie asked while looking down at his leg. "We are good to." Ally said calmly ans started to walk towards the little girl.

"I just wanna go home." The girl said quietly. "We will find a way out of here i promise." Ally calmed her down. "What's your name?" Ally asked. "Annie." Annie responded. "I'm Ally, and this is...." Ally looked up at Charlie. "Charlie." Charlie said still in pain from that hard kick. "I'm Meteo." The guy who Annie was next to said. "How many people are here?" Meteo asked. "Not sure I saw another person in the living room and who knows how many people are in the other rooms but I'm pretty sure Annies screaming woke them all up." Ally told him. They started to walk back to the living room, and Ally was right about Annie waking people up. "Who the-" the girl was cut off. "Charlie, Ally, Annie, Meteo." Charlie said pointing at everyone before she could ask. "Umm...Colleen." she said.

Just as Colleen introduced herself four people walked into the room "woke up here to?" The guy in the front asked. They all just nodded.

-when they all wake up and are chill-

Jamila was the last out of all 15 of them to wake up. "That's everyone. So what now?" Ally asked. The lights flickered, and everyone jumped. "Looks like your all up!" A random voice said. "Who is that?" Minji asked. "Me? Oh, I'm just a spectator. You guys are probably confused so let me explain." The voice continued. "Welcome to Flicker! This is a fun little game i made for you guys to play." The voice explained. "We don't want to play your stupid game!" Jackson yelled at the wall.

"Yell if you want to leave then you kinda have to." Said the voice. "Well how do you play?" Jo asked. "Glad you asked! Little do you know there is a murder amongst you all and you have to find out whom it is!" The voice sounded happy. Everyone looked at each other. "Every night when the lights go out the murderer will kill someone and then you guys vote who you think the murderer is and the person with the most votes is out." The voice explained "I'm not sure if you noticed, but on the table you will see bags with your names on it. Your bag has your role, everything you need for that role, journal, and paper for notes. In this game, we have a good and bad team." The voice told them. "How do we win?" Vinny asked.

"Eliminate the other team. Now you can't look at others peoples bags or you...well...you know...die. The person with a role decides whether to tell people or not. You can keep track of things in your journal and pass notes with that paper and pens you have but others can read the notes so make sure to do it fast." The voice was quite for a while. "Oh and if you betray your team you die. I think that's it! If you have any questions just ask. The game will start soon so Hurry and get your bags!" Everyone was silent. "The murderer wishes you good luck."

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