20 | Recording

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This is the last chapter of the story before the Epilogue. *sniffs* I'll miss writing this.

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Day Six Part 2

Putting the flash disk on the television was a harder task than Chase initially imagined.

Marshall's corpse was standing beside the television, propped up with a coat hanger. Other than his mutilated limbs and gaping stomach, the rest of his body was untouched.

Chase gazed at the peaceful face of his best friend. Even at death, he still wore his signature smile, the very same smile that used to brighten up everyone's day just by seeing it. But now, all Chase could feel was pain, knowing that he won't ever get to see that smile again.

The police cadet forced himself to look away at the painful sight and inserted the flash disk on the USB port of the television. After pushing a few buttons and taking his seat beside the others, the video was up and playing.

The video started as a black screen, which isn't surprising considering the fact that the mastermind is trying to hide his identity. What was surprising is the fact that the voice wasn't edited in any way, revealing the true voice of the mastermind.

"Hello, PAW Patrol. You may or may not know me by now, but if you haven't yet, I'll be introducing myself."

"That voice sounds familiar," Ella muttered, her eyes transfixed on the screen.

"Because it is," Chase said darkly. "If I'm right about this, then the mastermind is someone we know, and someone who should be dead."

The screen changed to show a very familiar-looking boy sitting on a chair in what seemed to be an interrogation room.

"RYDER?!" Tuck, Ella, and Everest all screamed in surprised disbelief while Chase just scowled at the screen.

"I knew it," he growled out, making everyone shiver at the utter hatred in his voice. "I fucking knew it."

"What do you mean by I knew it, Chase?" Tuck asked, keeping himself from snapping at the older boy for withholding crucial information.

Ella went to grab the remote control and paused the screen while Chase tried to calm himself enough to answer.

"Marshall told me his suspicions last night," he said, gritting his teeth. "I hoped he was lying, but apparently, he's not. Ryder's indeed the mastermind."

"B-but why?" Everest whispered, on the verge of breaking down once more. "Why would he do this to us? We didn't do anything to warrant this!"

"Hopefully, this video will give us answers," Tuck said before pressing the resume button.

"Hello, my name is Ryder, and I'm the leader of the PAW Patrol. Well, ex-leader actually since I'm supposed to be dead."

"You see, I did not plan on living. No, when I drove my ATV off that bridge, I really planned to die. I didn't plan on waking up on the shore on the other side of the beach with nothing but soaked clothes on. But kidnapping my team and forcing them to kill each other? I definitely planned that."

Tears were falling from Ryder's eyes but the four did not know how to feel about it. On one hand, this was their friend, the one who helped them, but on the other hand, he just admitted to setting up this sick game for them.

"If you think that I enjoyed doing this, I don't, but it's the only way I know to cope. I couldn't bear the thought of you guys abandoning me, and I'd rather have you die with my direct interference."

"How much sicker can this get?" Ella said, looking a little pale.

"I don't know, Ella. I just don't know."

Ryder was crying hysterically now, and despite everything, Chase wanted to go beside him and wipe his tears away. He wanted to whisper soothing words to him like what Marshall would do if he were in his position.

"I-I thought I w-would feel better i-i-if you d-died by my h-hands. I-I thought that i-if I f-felt your blood in m-my hands, t-the p-p-pain will g-go away. Th-that's why t-the others were b-b-brutally m-murdered."

"I c-couldn't t-take it. A-all I've been d-doing is making you s-suffer... and m-making myself s-suffer too. B-but I g-gotta finish the j-job. I-I don't wanna be a c-coward..."

Ryder went to collect himself while the other four looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

"I-I don't know what to think," Everest whispered.

"Me either. All this time, Ryder had been afraid of us abandoning him," Ella shook her head.

"He should've told us," Tuck said, putting an arm around her sister. "All of this wouldn't have happened if he told us."

"And it's not like we'll abandon him either," Chase seethed, tears of pain, rage, and betrayal streaming down his face. "He thought we'd abandon him just like that?! How dare he?!"

They all turned to the television when Ryder spoke once more.

"You don't have to worry about me anymore," he sniffled with a strained smile at the camera. "After I record this video and give it to you, I shall be killing myself. All of the traps in this house are deactivated, and you are free to leave as you wish."

"I only request one thing, and that is to leave my body here to rot. I deserve nothing more. You can take the bodies of your friends if you wish to give them a proper funeral."

"One last thing. Live your lives like how you wanted it to be before I took you all here. I know it's impossible, but please do your best."

"This is Ryder, signing out... for the last time."

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