8 | Drama in the House

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Hey guys, it's my birthday on Saturday, and I hope that I'll be able to post Night Three on that day as my birthfay present to you guys.

Fun fact: this chapter exceeded my word limit of 1000 words.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Day Three Part 2

None of them spoke after that. They all just stood in silence as Everest helped Marshall regain his breathing.

“That was… dramatic.”

It was like a switch was flipped in Chase as his expression turned feral in less than a second, like a wild dog ready to attack its owner.

“You,” Chase growled threateningly, sending shivers down everyone’s spine. “What did you do to Skye?”

“Aren't you happy to see her, Chase?” the voice asked, amusement lacing his tone. “We brought her back for you.”

“SHE ISN'T SKYE!” Chase screamed, tears falling down his face. “SKYE IS DEAD! WHO WAS THAT AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?”

“Oh, she's Skye, alright,” the voice chuckled. “I used her original body to make a robot version of her. Everything you touch is real. The eyes, the hair, the skin, they're all from her original body. The insides, however…”

“You changed her insides to robotic parts and programmed her to act like Skye,” Rocky whispered, his face turning green at the thought. 

“Precisely. You know, if we were at Hogwarts, I would give ten points to Ravenclaw for such a good answer.”

Everyone else paled and some looked like they were about to lose their lunches right then and there.

“Don't you dare vomit on the carpet. It's hard to remove the smell,” the voice said. “Besides, I'm not yet done. Everyone, go to the living room.”

Everyone looked at each other apprehensively before making their way to the living room couch.

"Wait, whewe's Wubble?" Zuma asked, looking around worriedly.

Before anyone could answer him, the TV screen flickered open to show the very same boy he was looking for. 

Rubble, in some ways, had his corpse in worse state than Skye had. His body was cut into pieces like a cake and was served on the dining table with blood still dripping down from the sides like chocolate syrup. Needless to say, no one would have the appetite to eat anything from the kitchen from that moment on. 

"Our dear savior died from the murderer last night, " the voice said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "I made him a cake for everyone to enjoy, but I highly doubt you'd eat it."

Everyone shuddered at the thought of eating their friend, cake or not. 

"If anyone is wondering about Tracker..." Rex leaned forward on his wheelchair in interest. "Look above you."

Everyone looked up to expect the chandelier looming on them only to scream when they saw the face of Tracker smiling emptily at them.

"Oh my lord," Everest whispered faintly. 

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Zuma croaked out before bolting towards the bathroom.

"I think you already know what would happen next," the voice said above the sound of retching.  "Vote someone or I will."

The speaker and the TV went off after that, but none of them spoke. Everest was trying to comfort Rex who was staring at his best friend in shock and horror. 

Chase noticed Marshall trembling in his seat and he laid a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. The younger boy looked at him from where he was burying his face on his knees and smiled shakily. 

"I can't believe it," Zuma muttered disbelievingly from the doorway of the living room. "You have the newve to act all innocent aftew evewything that happened in the past thwee days."

"What are you talking about, Zuma?" Tuck asked from where he was hugging his sister. 

"Him," the black boy growled, pointing at Marshall. "Mawshall wight hewe is on the evil team. Maybe Skye was wight. He might even be the one muwdewing all ouw fwiends."

"How dare you accuse him," Chase growled right back as Marshall shrunk deeper into himself. "You don't have proof."

"Oh, but I have," Zuma smirked as he got out a journal where it was listed that Chase is in the good team while Marshall is in the evil team.


"I get clues evewy mowning," Zuma cut him off. "I am able to know if a pewson is on the good team ow on the evil team."

"But how could you trust it," Chase snapped at him. "Remember, he was the one who made us do this in the first place."


"And we don't?" Chase growled back. "You're not the only one who has a family depending on you, Zuma. So get that stick out of your ass and think."


"I am not," Chase growled. "I knew Marshall since we were little kids. He isn't capable of killing anyone."

"Then why don't we ask him?" Zuma asked bitterly, glaring at the white-skinned boy.

Chase looked at his brother who was ready to bolt out of the room as everyone's attention went to him. 

"Marshall," he said gently. "Were you the one who killed Skye and Rubble?"

"I-I…" Marshall started hyperventilating, his blue eyes darting in all directions. 

"See," Zuma growled. "He was pwactically admitting to the deed."

Everest scrambled to get a paper bag for Marshall and glared at Zuma.

"You know that Marshall is afraid of being in the spotlight," she growled. "How insensitive can you get?"

"Marshall," Chase tried again when the younger boy was calming down. "Were you the one who killed them?"

"I…" Marshall looked between Chase and Zuma and took a deep breath. "I haven't killed anyone."

"You'we lying," Zuma growled.

"Marshall is not a liar," Chase growled back.

"I thought I'd pitch in before someone ends up getting murdered here," the speaker went to life at that statement. "Only I get to say on who gets murdered around here. Now sit down before I cast the two of you out of here."

Zuma and Chase glared at each other before sitting back down.

"Good boys," the voice cooed. "Now, have you decided on who you're going to vote out? Skye voted for Marshall, in case you want to know."

"Mawshall," Zuma immediately said.

"Zuma," Chase said, glaring at the black boy.

"Zuma," Everest said before burying her face in Marshall's neck. 

Rocky, Rex, Tuck, and Ella all abstained in voting. Everyone looked at Marshall who refused to look at anyone.

"...Zuma," he finally whispered.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Zuma screamed, launching himself to Marshall only to find a tanned fist connecting to his face.

"You've always been a sore loser, Zuma," Chase said coldly, rubbing his fist. "Now go out."

"You will regret this," Zuma growled for the last time before walking out of the room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Time passes by...

Flick, flick…

Something is... happening…

It’s gone silent.

Flick, flick…

8 survivors remain

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