➫ forms {closed}

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one word, keep it exotic
minimum age: 15 maximum age: 18
male or female
Skill Level
1=worst 10=best, minimum of 3 and maximum of 8
Weapon Of Choice
their favorite weapon
Basic Appearance
for the characters page
Detailed Appearance
have fun, nothing crazy.
Positive Traits [4]
Neutral Traits [3]
Negative Traits [4]
must be believable and balanced
Preferred Common Dragon and Name
out of the list I gave in the rules, no cross-breeds ⬇️ look down for name
Preferred Rare Dragon and Name
any Dragon you'd like, no cross-breeds. The dragon's name must be two syllables, such as Stormfly and Skullcrusher
Code #1
to ensure you've read everything
Code #2
to ensure you've read everything
the Timezone that you (the roleplayer) are in

M Y ⋅ C H A R A C T E R
(get to know Thalia)

Name || Thalia
Age || 18
Gender || Female
Rank || Alpha
Skill Level || 8/10
Weapon of Choice|| Double Sodegaramis
Basic Appearance || lithe and limber rider with long wavy black hair
Detailed Appearance || Thalia is a short but fiercely strong suntanned viking with long wavy hair that is usually in a windblown braid or loose. She prefers not to wear a helmet, but rather a cloak with a hood instead (sort of like Heather, she's Heather cousin and looks up to her a lot). Her eyes are a piercing green and if looks could kill, she could slay an army with those eyes. However, if you get on her good side, you will see the soft side of those eyes as well.
Positive Traits || sensible, good leader, perceptive
Neutral Traits || strong, fast, intelligent
Negative Traits || bossy, aloof, cynical
Personality || Thalia is sensible. She can be very aloof and cynical, but inside she really cares about the dragons and riders on her team. Her past makes it so that she always has to be strong, so she hates showing fear or emotion in front of anyone else. She can be quite bossy and a bit controlling, but she always means well. Boys don't particularly interest her unless she's warmed up to them, but she is secretly a hopeless romantic and loves matchmaking other vikings.
Common Dragon || A female Deadly Nadder called Frostbringer, blue/turquoise in color
Rare Dragon || A male Timberjack named Shardkeeper
Timezone || EST

Thanks you all for joining, and I hope you'll enjoy it!

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