how long has it been?

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"Tell me now, immediately, right now, do you need those oranges, yes or no? What's your answer? Quit fucking around and just tell me what I need to know, for the love of mankind."

"I'm afraid I ended my case on a long day's work. I feel just like dice, shake me up and throw me to the ground, you'll get a different result every time."

"Is there a reason behind the lack of vision for your future?"

"Does the Poe shit in the woods?"

"What did you say?"




"I might just quote you on that."


"I feel your impatience growing evermore."

"Why can't you be what I want you to be? I need the music in other people's ears, don't you see? Why can't you be that?"

"It's that you don't allow me to be so, you're lost inside your own metaphors."

"Has my arm always looked like this?"

"I feel as though you ought to know that I've been good, as good as I can be."

"If you stare long enough at your arm, it's like you discover it for the first time."

"What's with the piano music?"

"There's something else underneath it, something not meant to be."

"Isolation is wearing thin, I'm wearing thick inside this shirt."

"Avoiding words like they're bullets."

"Oh, fuck."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, holy shit, yeah, alright. I saw it wrong."

"Holy what?"

"I thought the eye was open."

"It's closed."

"I thought the octopus was awake."

"You know, I just realized you've been talking all this time, but I never heard you. I don't even know what your voice sounds like."

"Fuck me."

"I've been reading your lips all along."

"You like to read everything but what you're supposed to read."

"Elaborate on that?"

"It's been sitting by your bed for ages."

"That book must have hemorrhoids by now."

"Are you actually going to write something? Or are you just going to reread this and think it sounds good?"

"I might just do that."

"Make everyone believe your fucking around is a stroke of genius."

"Why not?"

"It's not ethical."

"The world isn't ethical. Everyone's clever these days."

"But are they ready for this?"

"I'm not sure you follow me, you might have a refrigerator in your eye."

"Why are we even collaborating on this if we have no intention to postpone the inevitable."

"Interview me a river, cry me an author."

"It's slipping, like soap."

"Like ice."

"Like damnatio memoriae."

"Damnatio memoriae. Damnatio memoriae. Damnatio memoriae."

"This is getting too long."

"It's not a matter of length, it's how you use it."

"Who gives a fuck how long a paragraph is?"

"Only an epigraph."

"Or an epitaph."

"Can I dedicate my epitaph to you?"

"The ultimate gesture of a back-scrubber. Get your head out of the shower."


"Gutter alert who?"

"British all of a sudden?"

"Remember you can't hear my voice, and you can't even see lips, can you?"

"How can I hear you, then?"

"It's your own voice as a matter of fact."

"That's so sweet."

"How long has it been?"

"I know what you did on New Year's Eve."

"I think it's been long enough."

"And yet it's never long enough, is it?"

"Someone always has it longer, I agree."

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