Chapter One

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To Hailee,
Mom just brought him home today. I get a bad feeling about the two of them, like something isn't right. I can't figure it out. I swear, though...He just HAD to bring his stupid son along, my arch nemesis: Kaleb Greelpe. He has THREE other kids, too. Bryan, who you seem to be playing with, Jeremy, who is kind of annoying, and Riley, the sixteen-year-old girl who I don't know much about, but she seems okay. I'll keep you posted,

I snapped the pen shut and closed the notebook. I hid it under my pillow again and began to walk back downstairs. As I passed the mirror, I checked my bun to make sure it still looked good. Hailee, my four-year-old sister, was playing with Bryan, the three-year-old son of my mom's new boyfriend. Bryan was also the brother of my arch nemesis, Kaleb Greelpe. Ugh.

I had never, ever told anyone about my book. I had planned to give it to Hailee in a few years, when I had filled it up. It felt like an easier way to vent my feelings than a diary, because someone would actually read this.

Anyway, I sat at the table, seeing that the pizza delivery guy was here. I set the table, then got a glass of lemonade and started drinking it.

The doorbell rang, as I had expected, and Mom went to go get the pizza and pay the man. When she came back, she called everyone in for dinner. They all ran in.

"Kaleb. Your seat is over there," I said, pointing across the table at the sest farthest from me.

He sneered and walked over to it. Mom and Jacob, her boyfriend, sat next to each other. Hailee climbed into her seat next to me. We each got a slice of pizza and began eating.

"Hey, kids, we have something important to tell you!" Mom said, looking thrilled.

"Whaht?" Jeremy screeched.

I sighed. This was going to be a long dinner, but at least it would be over soon.

"What's so important? Can it wait?" Riley said.

I giggled on the inside.

"We're getting married!"

"What?" I said, shocked.

"Isn't this great?" Mom asked me.

I numbly shook my head before running away up to my bedroom and locking the door. Tears began to stream down my face. I began to write.

Mom is getting married. Well, I guess Jacob is dad now...

There was a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" Came Hailee's little voice.

I unlocked the door, let her in, and locked it again.

"What da matta?"

"Oh, Hailee...Mommy and Jacob are going to get married."


"Jacob is going to be your daddy."


"You're terrible."

"Uh oh?"


I let her go out and relocked the door. I cleaned myself up, redid my makeup, and brushed my hair out. I put it in two braids on each side of my head. I walked downstairs, breathing slowly.

"Mom. Can I...Speak with you in the living room?" I asked.

"Sure, honey." She followed me.

"Why?" I asked when we arrived in the living room.

"Because we love each other."

I groaned. We walked back into the kitchen and sat down.

"So, we will move to their house in a few weeks, so you should begin packing this weekend," Mom said.

Could this get any worse?

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