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Flints POV

I woke up, staring at the ceiling. people were talking about teams, which I was sort of scared about.I mean how could I not be scared. 10 years ago the teams of RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL were made when they looked at eachother.

"HEY!!! YOU!!!" a girl yelled across across the room. she came over holding a butter knife. " YOU GOT ANY BUTTER!!!!!!!! I GOT PANCAKES SENT FROM MY MOM AND I NEED BUTTER AND SHE ATE IT ALL AND SHES OUT OF SYRUP!!!!!"

" Im guessing your a Valkyrie?" I said slightly mortified. A calmer dude walked up and said, "she's only like this when she hasn't had her medicine. He then shoved pills in her mouth and held her down. Her limbs calmed down and she looked back up.

"I apologize for my behavior before. I am Liv Valkyrie. "

"Nice to meet you..." I say a little horrified. No human should be able to absorb pills that fast.  I was not even going to ask...

"So what school were you in before you came here?" She asked.

"I didn't go to one."

"WHAT! How did you not go to a school and make it into beacon! That's unheard o- your one of the Reformed Students, aren't you."

"As in the fact that I was a criminal? Why does that seem so hard for people to imagine... It's not like I killed people... I just stole from people..." I said confused. My left hand was starting to itch in anxiousness.

"Oh that's good! You only stole from people. As long as you never took a life, your still good in my book. So... Where did you live, I guess..."

"In a shipping crate under the vale pier. It's where I kept all of my stolen belongings that I'm not giving back."  I stated, as my semblance slowly came out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down... You might have to give those back, you know."

An anger rushed over me, that I quickly quelled. "Sorry 'bout that... My semblance is a bit of a special one, I guess. It's called Pack Rat and it lets me take things and make them more efficient for what I need. It does take a lot out of me... So I normally end up getting super attached to the items I take."

"One last question... What's that thing at the bottom of your pistol?"

"OH that! That is an adaptive plug device that I made! Say you take this pen and attach it to the end, it wraps around it, and then rips up the resources to refine them as ammo. That's why when I flip out the slot to put a bullet in, I use this weird glass-like bullet.  To hold whatever liquid I need. But it makes solid bullets as well..." I said.

"You're weird and I like you."

I walked away to the locker room as we were instructed to go to. As I start grabbing dust and stuff, I noticed a statue titled "never forget her bravery." With a picture of Pyrrha Nikos on it. I walked past it and shuddered.

After the locker room, we were instructed to meet at the newly installed gym.  I had been notified that this gym was filled with some of the best tech and if I stole anything that I would have to pay for it. I already decided to not steal from it.

As I walk in, lights strike my eyes and I see a large looking tree. The tree was about as big as several Goliath Grimm stacked on top of each other.

"Holy s-" I was about to say when I heard a voice. "Welcome Student!" I heard a perky voice say. I looked up to see Ruby Rose, one of the most known huntresses alive. I can't believe she was hosting this.

"I am Ruby Rose, your Training Teacher this year. Ozpin couldn't make it today so I will be hosting this event.  I will make this easy for you. Inside that tree is several talisman. You and your partner to be will trek through there and will fight Grimm along the way. Grab a talisman and make it back here! Hmm... How to decide partners... Let's keep it old school. First person you make eye contact with is your partner for the next four years!"

Several people were complaining, but I expected it. Ruby was known to be quite an airhead about this sort of thing. "Everybody stand on your platform, because I will be dropping you into the Maze!" She yelled. Many people started getting into position and I joined them. I had a plan.

"Mrs. Rose? Can I talk to you as you drop us?"

"Sure, young student."

Several students were already dropped. I would be one of the last. "What do you need, mr..."

More students dropped. "Abernathy. The name is Flint Abernathy."

The floor dropped beneath me, and I used my semblance to grab Ruby's weapon, Crescent Rose. I fell quite far and when the tunnel passed and I made it through the tree, I saw the top of the maze. I used Ruby's weapon, which was a high powered sniper scythe, to recoil my way through the top, and land in the middle. Or at least that's what I though I landed on. Instead I landed on a person with large blue eyes and an arrow at my throat.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me."

(There it is. What you all have been waiting for a long time. Two years to be exact... The next chapter of FLNT has been released and I hope you liked it...)

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