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I was trying not to post this, as I still have some stories which are unfinished, but I guess I am not as strong as I thought :/... Aaanyways

A few weeks ago, there was this clip of how Aditi was in the river/swamp doing the 'funeral' scene. It struck me that even though she seems to be a very active girl, she does not know how to swim.

Of course, my brain came up with something:


Plot description

Aditi gets a new job, and is on her path to tackle new challenges. Nevertheless, something has been bothering her for quite some time now. Something that she should have dealt with a long time ago. She needed to learn how to swim.

However, she did not know who to ask - who would have the patience, but at the same time be motivational as well to be successful? After debating for a long time, she comes to the conclusion that she only trusts one person to get through this. Zain.

She trusts him the most, as she had to do many scenes in the water with him, and he had been the only one who assured her that she'd be fine. Moreover, he had an attitude that will for sure make her push herself to do better.

She knows, it would be quite unconventional of her to ask him, but she also knows somehow, he would not let her down. 


What do you think? Let me know!

See you soon!

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