Ice and Darkness?

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I was about to fall asleep when I felt a chill.
"EEVEELOUTIONS RULE!!!!" A loud voice screamed as the villainous human was trapped in ice.
A moment later the ice became darker then night.
The blue pokèmon opened the cell door and let me out.
"I am Glaceon and the black pokèmon is Umbreon we are both eeveeloutions like you." The blue pokèmon stated.
"Hi." Umbreon said as he looked into my eyes.
"Hi." I said as I grabbed my sword.
"Nice sword." He (Umbreon)said.
"Yea it's cool." She (Glaceon) said.
"We should get some sleep" Glaceon said.
"I will keep watch until mid-night." Umbreon stated.
Me and Glaceon fell asleep minutes before it became mid-night, then Umbreon fell asleep.

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