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I was in my dorm.
My door was locked.
I heard someone knocking on the door.
"Hello Flora?"
"Are you in there?"
"I got a surprise for you!"
I unlocked the door and opened it.
"What?" I asked.
It was Winter.
She bit her lip.
"Sorry." She said.
She handed me a gift.
Before I could do a thing she ran off.
I sat on my bed.
What is this?
It's a birthday present!
I opened it.
Inside there was a note and a box.
I picked up the note to read it.
It had,
'Dear Flora,
I know, that I have been acting off...
Like a jerk, and I apologize.
My demons need blood everyday.
If they don't they get out..
I know, I may seem stupid to you.
But, if Jewel ever becomes a Glaceon one day,
I will give her my throne.
I don't know anyone who wants me as a ruler in the ice realm.
Only because I have demons.
It sucks.
Not what you think it is.
Try to enjoy my surprise.
Mine sucked.
Best of luck...
-Winter F'
I smiled, opening the box.
Inside there were many things.
Inside as an opal bracelet for Jewel.
There was a garnet bracelet for me.
There was a cream and green friendship necklace.
I put on my bracelet and my necklace.
There was a note that my necklace was covering.
It said,
'Meet me in the library after school.'
There was also a drawing of her demon necklace.
I flew to the library.
A note was on the floor.
I picked it up.
It said,
'Dear Winter,
I know things are messed up.
Meet me at the gym at 3:00 A.M.
It is twelve hours to 3:00 A.M.
I flew to the library.
The lights were off.
This better not be a trap...
I walked in.
Looking for a switch.
I turned the light on.
I jumped.
I turned around.
Jewel was on my back.
All my friends and family were there.
Skye laughed.
Euvie was flinging herself at Jewel.
Winter caught her.
I saw a topaz bracelet on Skye.
There was also an amethyst one on Euvie.
I handed Jewel's her's.
She put it on right away.
My family hugged me, I hugged back.
Euvie and Skye tackled me for a hug.
I hugged them.
"Let's play-" Sunrise began but was cut off by Jewel.
Winter nodded sitting next to Sky and Euvie.
Jewel was next to Skye and me.
I was next to Sunrise, who was next to Euvie.
"Truth or dare, Winter?" I asked.
"Dare!" Winter said.
"I dare you to act like someone you know!" I said.
Winter sighs.
She walks to the middle of the circle.
Winter flops around.
She then jumped up, pretended to fly, and did a derp face.
"Truth or dare, Euvie...?" Winter asked.
"Truth!" Euvie chirped.
"Are you a Girly Girl?"
"No! Skye, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Skye sang.
"What is your favorite food?" Euvie asked.
"COOKIES!" Skye yelled. "Jewel truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Jewel yelled.
"I dare you to use glitter bomb!" Skye said.
Jewel used her glitter bomb.
"Sunrise?" Jewel asked.
"Dare." Sunrise said.
"I dare you to tell however you have a crush on to tell them." Jewel said.
"Ok, wait... now?" Sunrise asked.
"Yep!" Jewel sang.
"Fine, see you home." Sunrise said leaving.
Ok, she likes someone in her army...
"Flora, truth or dare?"
"Dare." I said.
"Say everyone in your family." Jewel said.
I sighed naming everyone I knew I was related to.
"Truth or dare, Winter?" I asked.
"Dare." Winter said.
"I dare you to name all the boys in your family."
Winter did so and she said, Blackout, Blaze, and Walker.
I asked Winter why they are in there.
She explained, then the kids ransacked her for candy.

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