Chapter Fourteen: Hands

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"They're so adorable aren't they?"

"Jungkook, you're so obsessed with their relationship that you're bordering on fangirl level."

Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Seokjin before looking back over at the new couple as he wiped down the counter. They were currently stood over by one of the window, one of Yoongi's hands held by Hoseok, the younger drawing circles on his palm as they chatted about who knows what.

Jungkook couldn't keep the almost proud looking smile off of his face, because he'd like to think that he aided in the two getting together.

"Hey! Jungkook-ah!" The younger's head snapped up at the sound of Hoseok's voice and he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah?" He asked, walking over.

"Could you cover my shift today?" The brunette asked, jutting out his bottom lip.


"I forgot that I had a small dance performance today for my professors and the other people taking the same course as me. So, please?" The older male continued to pout and Jungkook sighed, smiling. He then looked over at the pink haired male standing next to Hoseok, hands in eachothers.

"Is Yoongi-Hyung going also?" Jungkook asked, a smile playing at his lips.

Yoongi nodded.

"Hoseok basically got down on his hands and knees begging his professor to let me come for 'moral support'." Yoongi laughed, Jungkook letting out a snort in response. "He finally said yes as long as I don't distract Hoseok or disrupt the class."

Hoseok grinned.

"Seriously though, what could Yoongi do that would distract me?" He asked, shrugging.

Jungkook snorted and hid his face.

"I can think of a few things."

Yoongi's face reddened and he attempted to pull up the collar of his flannel to hide it.

"Jeon Jungkook!" He scolded, trying not to laugh and failing.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow and looked in between the two who were exchanging glances and giggles.

"Am I missing something?" He asked, smirking.

Yoongi shook his head and ruffled the younger's hair (although because of the height difference this proved to be a bit difficult. This didn't stop Yoongi though.)

"It's nothing." He replied, smiling fondly at the brunette.

Jungkook paused.

"Wait when does your shift end?" He asked, remembering the plans he had later that night.

"Pretty sure 5:30." Hoseok answered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'll take your shift." He confirmed, leaning against the wall. Hoseok grinned and hugged the younger boy, who just rolled his eyes. "You're lucky, if it were any later you probably would've made me late for my date with Tae."

Hoseok pulled away from the hug, a shocked expression on his face.

"Since when were you and Taehyung dating?" He asked, still in a bit of shock.

Jungkook shrugged.

"Not long, we only got together a little bit before you and Yoongi-Hyung."

"How come I didn't learn about this?" The older asked, looking over at his boyfriend, who just shrugged in response.

Jungkook smirked.

"It can be hard to remember things sometimes when you're sick." He shrugged, looking between the two.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at the brunette with concern.

"You were sick?" He asked, pressing his hand up against Hoseok's forehead to check his temperature.

Jungkook nodded.

"He sure was."

Hoseok frowned and shook his head.

"I never got si-" He was interrupted however, but a grinning Jungkook.

"Love sick."


"I can't do this."

Hoseok stood rooted in his spot in front of the campus dance studio, an a extremely worried look on his face.

Yoongi frowned and walked from his spot in front of the doors, towards the brunette.

"What do you mean?" He asked lacing his fingers with the younger. "You've preformed in front of people before right?" Yoongi asked, looking at Hoseok's worried expression.

"I-I have but... My professor is a really harsh marker, and I'm afraid that he'll find something wrong with the routine that I didn't pick up." The younger mumbled, looking down.

Yoongi sighed and lifted Hoseok's chin up, making him look at him.

"Hoseok, you do know that worrying will never help you in situations like this right?" Hoseok nodded. "Then stop it. No matter what happens, I'll be extremely proud of you. Even though I know that you'll do amazing regardless."

Yoongi flashed a smile at his boyfriend, who let out a breath and nodded.

"Thank you." He smiled, squeezing Yoongi's hand lightly.

"It's what I'm here for." His pink haired counterpart answered before leaning up onto his tip toes.

Hoseok grinned and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist, then leaning down the last few centimetres until their lips met.

It seemed as if every inch of worry in his body had been wiped away the second they kissed. Hoseok letting out a sigh into the kiss, drawing small circles onto Yoongi's hip with his finger through the fabric of his shirt.

"Hey, um Hoseok-Oppa? Is that you?"

A voice called out from the now open building door, making the two break apart and look over. However, the refrained from moving from their spot, so Hoseok's arms still remained around Yoongi's waist.

"Oh, Momo!" Hoseok removed his arms from around his boyfriend's waist, then taking his hand and walking over to the girl in the doorway. "Yoongi, This is Hirai Momo. She's a first year exchange student from Japan."

Yoongi nodded and looked over at Momo, smiling.

"Konichiwa, Momo. O Genki desu ka?" Yoongi asked, the sudden knowledge of Japansese making Momo's eyes widen in surprise.

She grinned.

"Totemoto genkidesu!" She replied, making Yoongi smile.

Hoseok looked dumbfounded between the two, before letting his eyes rest on his boyfriend.

"Since when could you speak Japansese? What did you say?" He asked, a look of curiosity on his face.

"I just asked her how she was doing and she said that she was doing well." He replied. "I had a friend who was Japansese when I was growing up, so I picked up on a bit."

Hoseok grinned and squeezed Yoongi's hand.

"You're just the whole package aren't you?" He asked, Yoongi grinning back at his boyfriend.

"I guess I am."

Momo looked in between the two and grinned, bringing her hands up to her mouth to try and hide her smile.

"You two are dating right?" She asked, removing her hands from her face and revealing the huge smile on her face.

Hoseok chuckled and looked at Yoongi.

"Mhm! Just got together actually."

"You're adorable together!" She gushed, he blonde ponytail swaying slightly as she bounced lightly on her toes.

"Aw thank you." Yoongi grinned, rubbing his thumb along the back of Hoseok's hand.

Momo nodded.

"Anyway, I originally came out here because professor wanted me to look for you, we're starting performances soon." She added, shoving her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants. Hoseok sighed and nodded, beginning to walk up the steps hand in hand with the older.
Momo walked through the doors, after wishing Hoseok good luck, leaving the two alone once more.

"Are you ready?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah. I got this.

One of you suggested that I listen to Twice and now I'm hooked so thanks for that.

- Charlie

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