Chapter Twenty One: The "L Word"

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"I know I had a life before him but, right now it really seems like I didn't. Life without Hoseok? I can't picture it."

Yoongi sat in front of the keyboard, racking his brain for ideas as Jimin sat in the room next to him. He had begun talking to himself. "How did I get so lucky to have him? What did I do?"

Yoongi sighed, absentmindedly pressing various notes on the keyboard. The song had to be perfect. In Yoongi's mind, Hoseok deserved nothing less. But his brain just decided not to function right now.

A knock on the door was heard and Yoongi let out a grunt in response, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Hyung, You sound kind of stuck so I brought you some tea and some inspiration." Jimin smiled, a mug in one hand and his phone in the other.

Yoongi smiled softly and took both items from Jimin's hands, thanking him before he left.

"Hello?" He answered the phone, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yoongi, Jimin said you were feeling a little down. What's up?" Hoseok's voice rang through the receiver, making a smile break out on Yoongi's face.

"It's nothing much, I'm just feeling a bit stuck while writing your song." He replied, swirling the spoon around in the mug.

"You're working on my song?" Hoseok asked, the smile evident in his voice. "Don't push yourself too hard! I can wait, you know."

Yoongi laughed lightly and nodded.

"I know, I just want it to be perfect."

"Yoongi, if it's made by you I can guarantee it will be absolutely amazing."

Yoongi felt his face heat up and he shyly smiled to himself. "Listen, take a break and stop by the coffee shop. I want to see you."

The older grinned at his boyfriend's request.

"I'll see you in a few."


"It's a beautiful day isn't it today?" Seokjin smiled as he saw Yoongi walk up to the counter, clothing lighter than usual.

Yoongi nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, I'm glad it's finally warming up." He replied, Seokjin humming in response.

"Took it long enough." He set down the can of coffee grinds he was holding and faced Yoongi, "You're looking for Hoseok correct?"

Yoongi nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. Seokjin nodded and turned around before hollering into the back for Hoseok.

"Coming!" Came the younger's response before he dashed out of the back a few seconds later, face brightening once he saw the familiar pink hair making its appearance in the store. He ran out from behind the counter and didn't waste any time pulling him into a hug. "Here's my hardworking boyfriend." He smiled before pecking Yoongi on the cheek.

Yoongi blushed and smiled.

"Hey you, are you on your break?" He asked, intertwining his fingers with Hoseok as they began walking out the door.

Hoseok nodded.

"I have classes after work so I wanted to see you before I had to go." He replied, pushing the door open and walking outside. His face brightened an he sighed, closing his eyes. "It's so nice out today! Makes me wish I didn't wear all black."

Yoongi chuckled.

"Let's go find some place cooler then yeah? Maybe get some ice cream if we have time?" He suggested, humming silently once a cool gust of wind blew.

Hoseok nodded, smiling over at his boyfriend.

"That would be really nice." He beamed, tracing small shapes on Yoongi's palm with his thumb.

"Alright. I know this one place..."


"Aw, this is where we went for our first date."

Hoseok immediately recognized the shop that they stood in front of, Yoongi grinning back at him.

"Technically, we didn't call it a date back then." He giggled.

"Well, we were lying to ourselves because that was definitely a date." The younger replied, pulling the door open and walking into the shop. Immediately they were hit with a wall of cold air, both of them sighing softly at the temperature change.

"What are you going to get?" Yoongi asked, scanning all of the different flavours that they had. Different ones had been added since they last came.

"Um..." Hoseok looked amongst all of the ice cream, leaning into Yoongi's side slightly. "Strawberry."

Yoongi nodded.

"I think I'll have cookie cough."

Hoseok nodded and took out his wallet, rolling his eyes once he saw that Yoongi was about to protest.

"I'm paying, you literally can't stop me." He laughed, walking up to the cash desk.

"I could've you know." Yoongi pouted, leaning against the counter.

Hoseok laughed.

"But you aren't."

After Hoseok payed, much like last time they both walked back outside. Yoongi sat down on the grass outside of the store, Hoseok filling soon after. "You're birthday is coming up soon isn't it?" Hoseok asked, licking some of his ice cream.

"It sure is." Yoongi nodded, smiling softly.

Hoseok grinned.

"Well, I'm just going to have to get you a damn good gift now aren't I?" He beamed, then frowning at the ice cream that was melting onto his hand due to the weather.

Yoongi shrugged.

"All I want is you so I'm not sure how exactly you're going to get a gift better than that." He replied, cringing soon after. "That was cheesy wasn't it?"

Hoseok grinned and nodded.

"It kind of was, but you're just a cheesy person which is one of the reasons why I lov-" The younger's voice stopped in its tracks, leaving both of them with widened eyes.

Yoongi wasn't sure if is heart was actually beating at the moment, because it felt like it stopped.

Was Hoseok about to say what he thought he was?

"Hoseok," Yoongi whispered, "Go ahead."

Hoseok let out a deep breath and completely disregarded the melted ice cream that was currently dripping off of his hand.

"Min Yoongi," He started, looking into his boyfriend's eyes. "You're cheesy as hell, which is one of the reasons why I love you."

Yoongi's smile stretched up to his eyes and he placed his hand on top of Hoseok's.

"Jung Hoseok, I love you too."

I'm just full of fluff lately whoops.
Question: Who's your bias in BTS?
Mine's definitely Yoongi, he's my ultimate bias ^_^

- Charlie

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