Chapter Twenty Two: Burning Up

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"Yoongi-Hyung, you're obviously not feeling well. You look like you're about to pass out."

"Impossible. Min Yoongi doesn't get sick."

Contrary to his words, Yoongi was current sitting in his usual seat in the coffee shop, head feeling lightheaded and hot as he gingerly sipped his coffee.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the older male and pressed the back of his hand to Yoongi's forehead, his Hyung not even flinching and trying to swat him away like he usually would. Jungkook's eyes widened as he pulled his hand away.

"Hyung, you're burning up!" He exclaimed, pushing Yoongi's coffee away. "I'll be back with an ice water, and probably your boyfriend."

The younger quickly dashed away, leaving Yoongi to hold his head, cringing at the headache that was pounding against his skull. It hadn't been this bad when he first woke up, at first it was just a few sniffles and the whisper of a headache. How he currently felt was a completely other story.

He wasn't exactly lying though, Yoongi found that he hardly ever got sick. The problem with this was however, when he did get sick, he either denied it, or accepted it and was a huge baby about it. Taehyung can confirm that the second option is not as amusing as it sounds.


Yoongi slowly slipped out of his daze, noticing the new cup of ice water in front of him, and pulling it towards himself. He then looked up and saw the concerned faces of Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Don't even try to deny it, you're sick. Go home before you infect me or something." The orange haired male frowned, crossing his arms

Yoongi narrowed his eyes.

"I'm fine, and what if I want to be here hm?" He stubbornly replied.

Soon after, Hoseok slid into the seat next to him, pushing his boyfriends hair off of his forehead and feeling for a fever. Hoseok frowned and pulled away.

"Yoongi please, you're sick. Hear me out okay?" He began, Yoongi nodding weakly.

Jungkook and Taehyung both shared looks as they both knew, if they had called anyone other than Hoseok to convince Yoongi to get some rest, it definitely wouldn't have worked. "I get off of work in twenty minutes. If you let Taehyung bring you home, I'll come take care off you as soon as you get off work okay?"

Yoongi thought for a second, taking a sip of his water and almost sighing at the cold contrast against his temperature. He exhaled and nodded, leaning into Hoseok.

"Fine, but you better come over."

Hoseok smiled and lightly ran his hand through his boyfriend's hair.

"I promise I will." He answered, then looking over at Taehyung. "Tae, you're fine with taking him home right?"

Taehyung nodded and couldn't help but smile at the couple in front of him, wrapping his arm around Jungkook's waist.

"It's no problem." He grinned, then turning and pecking Jungkook on the forehead. "I'll be back in few okay?"

Jungkook nodded and smiled, watching as Yoongi and Hoseok both stood up out of their seats.

"Get well soon alright Hyung?" He sighed, patting Yoongi's back lightly as he walked towards Taehyung.

Yoongi smiled softly.

"I'll try."


"I'm literally dying."

Currently curled up in a ball on his bed Yoongi concluded this fact to himself as his temperature failed to lower. Being too weak to get up off of the couch and get a cold cloth or something of the sort, Yoongi huffed and kicked off the blanket that Taehyung had given him when he dropped him off.

He tried to have a nap, he tried various times. But most of the time Yoongi liked to be cooler when he slept (unless warmth came from Hoseok) and he couldn't for the life of him get comfortable.

Which is probably why the sound of the front door opening sounded like a blessing.


Hoseok's voice rang through the apartment, Yoongi sighing and letting out a grunt in response.

Walking down the hallway, Hoseok walked into Yoongi's room, sighing at the body curled up in the middle of the bed. He made his way over to the figure, tapping his boyfriend on the shoulder, who's eyes glanced up towards him. "How're you feeling?"

Yoongi frowned.

"Like shit."

Hoseok giggled softly.

"I assumed so." He replied, hooking his arm around his boyfriend's in attempt to lift up the fairly limp body. "C'mon Yoongi at least try to sit up."

"Don't want to."

The brunette rolled his eyes.

"I can't help you if you continue to stay curled up in a ball." He sighed, tugging on Yoongi's arm once more. "If you sit up I'll get you a cold cloth, you're still burning up."

Frowning, Yoongi groaned and finally put effort into sitting up. Staying in the middle of the bed, he sat cross legged. His face was red from his temperature, as was his nose from all of the sniffling he had been doing. "Good." Hoseok smiled, "I'll be back in a few."

Yoongi nodded weakly, sniffling as his boyfriend left the room. His room was extremely dark at the moment, not bothering to turn on the light when he came home, or open the curtain, the only light came from the hallway.

A few moments later, Hoseok returned and leaned against the doorframe. "Why don't you take a cold shower first? I'll have soup and medicine for when you get out."

Yoongi nodded and slowly swung his legs over the side of the bed walking over to the bathroom and stripping off his shirt as he did so. Too tired and out of it to care about the fact that Hoseok was still in the room, Yoongi was completely oblivious to the gaze that followed him.

Hoseok shook his head and walked back into the kitchen, the sound of the shower starting becoming quieter the farther away he got. He got a glass of water and medicine for when Yoongi got out, the walking to his kitchen to see what soup making ingredients his boyfriend had. He scrunched up his nose once he realised that was not exactly a lot. However, he decided to deal with it.

Once finished, he hadn't yet realised that the shower had turned off, and nearly jumped out off his skin once he turned around and saw Yoongi leaning against the wall. Quickly regaining his composure, Hoseok walked over to Yoongi and rested one hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, using the other to brush wet hair out of his face. "Do you feel a bit better?"

Yoongi nodded in response, smiling up at Hoseok. "Good." The brunette smiled, "Go lie down on the couch alright? I'll be over in a second."

Yoongi obeyed, dragging his feet slightly as he made his way over to the couch, Hoseok following closely behind. "Here." He smiled, laying the cold cloth onto Yoongi's forehead once he lay down.

"Thank you." Yoongi hummed, his eyes fluttering closed as Hoseok ran his fingers through the older's wet hair.

"It's no problem." Hoseok began to watch as Yoongi's breath evened out. Seeing how quickly he fell asleep, Hoseok realised how exhausted he was.

He frowned and traced Yoongi's jawline with his thumb.

"Don't overwork yourself too much okay?" Hoseok asked the sleeping Yoongi, before bending down and kissing him lightly on the cheek. "I love you."

I was going to wait to post this but I couldn't so here it is.
Also the title, I'm laughing "burning up" does anyone remember the jonas brothers
A huge thank you for 7k!!

- Charlie

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