iii. "one day I'll marry you"

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Pink, yellow, blue and red, white and purple. The meadow was filled with flowers. The small bouquet in my hand was unprofessionally picked by Gilbert, and he was still picking them, yards from my standing figure. "Gilbert, what if your father finds out you're out here instead of training?" I stammered. "My brother says you have to stay in training and not mess around Gilbert!"

Gilbert just smiled. He started to walk towards me. "If he catches me, the fun is over. Besides, I think these flowers look very beautiful against your complexion (Y/N)." He gave me the flowers in his hand. "Just say you picked them after stopping by to see your best friend."

"Are you sure about that? My momma knows a lie when she hears one," I looked up at Gilbert. "Then papa will know, and then he'll tell your father, Gilbert."

"Your momma will know what to do," he snickered. He's right. My mother adored him and would never let my father ruin something so special between Gilbert and I stray. "You know, not long I'll be called Major Gilbert Bougainvillea, doesn't that sound nice?"

"It has a ring to it, but that's off topic Gilbe-"

"General Hodgins."

"What about my brother?"

"I hope to work with him someday too," Gilbert smiled. "It wouldn't be like old times, but close enough."

I smiled. "You're very special to me Gilbert."



"One day I'll marry you. So neither of us will be lonely after the war."

You left me here all alone Major.

"I want to know what 'I love you' means," Violet spoke.

"I can't answer you what he meant for you or what you mean for him Violet. I wish I could, but it's not that simple," I averted my gaze. "He's very special to me, and I want him to return home."

There was silence for a moment. "You know, maybe you too should talk when Violet gets back from this job. Maybe it'll give you two some more time to think?" Claudia put a hand on my shoulder. "It's a very sensitive subject for my sister right now anyways Violet, she's," he was cut off by Cattleya.

"She's just very sad that she can't see him right now is all."

Has Violet not heard? "How long is this job Violet?"

"About seven days. My client lives in the countryside."

"Oh, well, I'll see you then Violet."

"Goodbye Lady Hodgins," Violet waved as she turned away.

"How do you know Violet already, besides her being by Gilbert in war, that is?" Claudia asked.

"I heard he took in a little girl after Dietfried discarded her." I spoke. "I only met her the day he told me they were going to war. I can only assume you met her in the war?" I looked up at my brother.

"That's right, I uh, told Gilbert that after the war was over, she could come get a job with the business I wanted to create." Claudia smiled. "Violet is a very good worker, and I'm grateful that I get to look after her now."

I smiled. "He would be so happy that you're taking good care of her, Claudia."

"You think so?"

"I know so. He has a big heart."

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