𝟴-𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗼

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With those words, the parking lot soon became a war field. The members of Toman and Moebius started fighting each other.

Punches were thrown

Asses were being kicked

Blood was splattered everywhere.

In the middle of all these chaos, a certain blond with blue eyes and a certain raven with orchid eyes were looking for a particular individual.

"Ryukuroi-san, I lost sight of Draken-kun!" Takemichi shouted, avoiding a punch. Akina gritted her teeth before raising her knee up to the man's stomach, seeing him cough saliva as soon as it connected.

"Dammit... We can't let him be stabbed by Kiyomasa..." she mumbled, crouching down to dodge a punch. She kicked the man's kneecaps, making him fall over. Takemichi then elbowed the man in the back, making him fall to the side in pain.

"...You have been training, haven't you." she stated, watching as he simply chuckled nervously as he blocked a punch.

"Yeah... Let's just say I've got a teacher." he simply said before punching the man in the face. Akina simply nodded. Making their way through the crowd, they started to look for Draken. He couldn't be that far away from them. Takemichi then stopped, his eyes wide.

"K-Kiyomasa..." he mumbled. Akina looked to the same direction. He was right. There was Kiyomasa. he had a blade coated in blood. 'Blood?! W-Wait, that means...' the orchid eyed girl, looking around. Her eyes widened when she saw it:

Draken's body.

"RYUGUJI-SAN!/DRAKEN-KUN!" both her and Takemichi shouted, running towards the blond. Mikey stopped, looking over to the direction of the yell.

"Takemitchy! What happened?!" he demanded.

"D-Draken-kun.... H-He's been stabbed!" the blond exclaimed as Akina knelt down, trying to feel any pulse. Mikey froze.

"He still has pulse, Sano-san! We need to get him to a hospital, quick!" she informed. Takemichi nodded, getting Draken on his back.

"I'M LEAVING KENCHIN TO YOU THEN!" Mikey yelled before Hanma ran towards him and tried to punch him.

"Hehehe~! Mi~key~" he sang with a sadistic grin. The short blond gritted his teeth, pissed off.


Takemichi gritted his teeth, struggling to carry Draken. 'Come on! Legs, move!' he shouted in his mind, trying to move. "Hanagaki-san, let me carry him." Akina insisted, trying to let the taller blond on her back.

"N-No... I'm fine..." Takemichi answered, panting heavily.

"You obviously aren't. If not, just let's rest for a few seconds here." she told him.

"I already said-"

"Takemichi-kun!" Hina's voice got his attention. Turning his head around, he saw both Hina and Emma running to him.

"Hina! Emma!" he said with a surprised face.

"I called an ambulance! How's he?" Takemichi's girlfriend asked, worried.

"Weak pulse. Will the ambulance take a while?" Akina asked, putting Draken down.

"Apparently, with the festival and the rain, the roads are really busy." Emma informed. The orchid eyed girl gritted her teeth. 'Dammit!' she thought. Quickly thinking, she grabbed her unfolded kimono and lifted the taller's shirt. She quickly ripped of a long part before folding it and placing it on the taller's chest, putting pressure on the wound. He gritted his teeth at the sudden pressure, his hand twitching.

"Although that won't suffice, I think I may be able to stop the blood for a short period of time." she voiced out "The ambulance better get here quick." she mumbled, her grip tightening. Suddenly, the five heard footsteps. Looking around, they saw Kiyomasa and his gang slowly approaching them with evil grins on their faces. Takemichi started trembling, scared. Both Draken and Akina noticed.

"Well well well, if it isn't Shittymichi." Kiyomasa chuckled darkly, puffing out some smoke.

"Looks like Draken is still awake, too." Red added, cracking his knuckles.

"Oi! Someone get me more scotch tape!" Kiyomasa spoke, howling with laughter. The rest laughed too.

"Hanagaki-san." Akina whispered, gaining his attention "Don't listen to them. Face your fears." she adviced before her focus went over to Draken, who shakily got up.

"Takemichi..." he spoke "Take Hina, Emma and Ryukuroi and get out of here..." he told them. The two girls in kimonos widened their eyes.

"What?! What about you?!" Emma franctically asked, trying to stop Draken.

"Ryuguji-san, there's no way we're leaving you here on your own." Akina firmly spoke, forcing him to sit down as she kept putting pressure on the wound. The taller gritted his teeth. 'Even if I have to die here... I'm not leaving any of you here...' she thought, her focus was on Draken.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Takemichi screamed, surprising everyone. The raven looked over to him in surprise. That's when she saw it. The glint of determination in his eyes.

"I'm pathetic!" he shouted, taking a deep breath. He then walked in front of Hina. "Hina, stay back." he ordered.


Akina felt her lips twitching upwards as she watched how Takemichi made his way towards Kiyomasa. 'I see... He thought that he was strong because Sano-san was by his side... When, in reality, he was still the same...' she thought. "What, dumbass? Do you want to die too?" he asked, pissed off.

"I refuse to run away." he stated. 'Not this time. I refuse to leave them here.' he thought, his face darkening as he met Kiyomasa's eyes 'It's time to redo my life.' "This will be my revenge!"

"Takemichi..." Hina muttered, shocked. The orchid eyed girl got up.

"Sano-san. Tachibana-san." she called, looking at them "Put pressure on the wound and try to stop the blood as much as you can. I'll guard you with my life." she told them, seeing how they nodded. The raven got up, standing right in front of the girls in a protective manner.

"Hey, Kiyomasa. I believe we still have something we have to solve." the blond spoke, confusing the taller "Our duel got interrupted by a third party." he stated.

"The fuck are you saying, bitch?! You clearly lost!" he yelled, pissed off.

"He didn't lose, Kiyomasa." Akina spoke "I interrupted the duel and broke your arm. Or perhaps you have forgotten already?" she taunted, her face still remaining neutral. Hina and Emma looked at her in shock. They had no clue that really happened.

"Hehe..." Draken chuckled, gaining everyone's attention "I bet 100 million yen for Takemichi." he announced.


"It's fucking stupid, but I'll chime in." he said, gripping his wound.

"Me too! I bet 100 million yen for Takemichi!" Hina exclaimed, serious.

"And me! Another 100 million yen!" Emma joined in.

"What are you guys saying?!" Takemichi questioned, surprised.

"I bet a billion yen Takemichi will win!" Akina raised the stakes a lot "And, if Kiyomasa loses, then... He'll be my lab rat." she announced, pointing at the black haired male with a dark expression. Everyone shivered. 'Lab rat?' Emma thought, sweating bullets.

"Pfft- They went nuts. What a bunch of fucking idiots." Kiyomasa laughed it off.

"Please. The only dumbass here is you." Akina spoke "You should know not to bring a knife to a fist fight, dirty cheater." she spat out before dashing towards the raven, disarming him. Everyone saw as she jumped back, holding the bloody knife in her hands. Draken frowned, looking over to his injury as Emma felt her breath stop for a split second.

"HAH?!" Kiyomasa exclaimed, annoyed. 'How did she even know where I hid the knife?!' he thought.

"Now then. May the duel commence!" the raven announced, completely ignoring Kiyomasa. Takemichi ran up to the black haired male, his fist raised in the air.

The black haired male easily pushed him away, making him fall to the floor. The blond quickly got up, and ran to him again, grabbing him. Kiyomasa kneed him in the stomach.

"Takemichi!" Hina exclaimed, worried.


The blond then bit Kiyomasa on the side, making him scream in pain.

"He bit him!"

"What a lame show, Hanagaki!"

"What are you, five?!"

"Let me go already, you bastard!" Kiyomasa said, trying to get Takemichi off of him.

'I don't give a shit about being pathetic! I don't care if I'm lame!' the blond thought before sinking his teeth deeper onto Kiyomasa's side.


The blond then crawled all the way to his back, wrapping his legs around his sides and putting his arms around his neck, putting him in a chokehold. Kiyomasa tried to make him let go.


Hina's eyes widened as soon as she heard those words come out of his mouth. They were the exact same words she had told him when he was tied up with scotch tape. She let the tears pour down her face, mixing with the rain.


"LET ME GO, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Kiyomasa shouted, digging his nails onto Takemichi's arm to try to breathe, somehow. It didn't work.

"DON'T LET GO OF HIM, HANAGAKI-SAN/TAKEMITCHY!" both Draken and Akina shouted. With a warcry, Takemichi's grip tightened. It seemed like time slowed down as Kiyomasa finally gave his last breath, his eyes going blank. With a small noise, his body fell on his knees before falling backwards. Takemichi panted, a grin plastered on his face.

"I... won?" he muttered between breaths before letting out a pained chuckle "My revenge... was a success." he said. Akina placed a hand near her heart, knowing that he just won a battle, not the war. After all, Kiyomasa's subordinates were still there.

"Takemichi, are you alright-"

"Tachibana-san, don't go! It's dangerous!" the raven stopped her, glaring at the boys dressed in a Toman uniform. Takemichi struggled to sit up. 'I gave it guts, huh Naoto?' the blond thought "I managed to defeat Kiyomasa, but... Sorry Naoto...' he thought, looking over to the others 'The mission failed.'

"So, you finally got what you wanted?" Red asked, pulling out his own knife "At least you'll bring that win to your grave." he added, smirking.

"You're pathetic, Kiyomasa." another spat out. Takemichi shakily got up, walking away from the laughing group.

"...Hina, take Emma and Ryukuroi and get out of here." the blond told them.

"Takemichi..." Hina muttered, worried.

"We'll be fine. Please!" he begged. She simply nodded before the two girls ran away. Akina stayed behind, watching the events. Draken got up as well, holding his injury.

"Hey Draken... How do you think heaven will be like?" the blue eyed boy asked. Said person laughed at that.

"You're going straight to hell, buddy." the onyx eyed boy joked. Takemichi smirked.

"Huh? But I'm one of the nicest people here." the blue eyed boy chuckled. He was barely able to keep standing.

"I see you two very motivated." Red joked.

'I can't even feel my left hand... Nor can I feel my right arm. I can barely keep standing. We're fucked.' the blue eyed boy thought.

"They can knock you out with just a simple push, Takemitchy." Draken joked.

"Haha... Look who's talking." said person argued back. The two smirked, watching as the group ran towards them.

"YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" they shouted.

'In the end, I wasn't able to change the future...'


'But, I gave it my all.'

Red ran towards Takemichi, ready to slice his throat.

'And I won't give up until the end!'

It seemed like time slowed down as Red approached the trembling blond with a sick grin plastered in his face. Akina started running to them. 'I won't make it in time!' she thought, gritting her teeth.

And then...

"TAKE THIS!" someone shouted as Red was both kicked and punched at the same time. He was sent flying towards the floor, sliding due to the slippery floor. Takemichi looked to the source: A familiar plum haired boy with magenta eyes and an unknown girl with periwinkle hair which roamed free and pale red eyes.

"...Akkun?" Takemichi mumbled.

"Already crying?" Akkun asked, looking to Takemichi "Crybaby Hero." he smirked. The image of older Akkun smiling flashed in the blond's mind.

"MIZO MID GANG: READY TO BATTLE!" he announced as Takuya, Kazushi and Makoto came out of the shadows, ready to fight.

"Oi oi! Are you forgetting about me right now?!" the girl asked in a mocking tone. It was someone who Akina knew very well.

"Rai?! What are you doing here?!" she questioned, running up to her.

"What, you think I was gonna let you fight all of this on your own?" Rai asked with a smirk "No way! Too bad Yuuji isn't here, cause he's missing out on some action." she chuckled, cracking her knuckles as she faced Red and the rest. They all glared at her.

"ALRIGHT! LISTEN UP, PUNKS!" she shouted, pointing towards them "I'M GOING TO DISFIGURE YOUR FACES SO BADLY THE POLICE WON'T EVEN RECOGNIZE YOU AT ALL! CONSIDER THIS YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR HURTING KINA-CHAN'S FRIENDS!" she announced. It was clear that she was pissed off. The Mizo Mid Gang looked at her. Akina widened her eyes before chuckling.

"Are you seriously leaving me out of the fun?" she asked in a joking manner as she took a step ahead, her face was now serious "I do want to beat them up. Right now." she stated, stretching her arms. Rai smirked.

"Well then, Kina-chan! Let's do it like old times!" she proposed. Although that wasn't needed. They already knew what to do.

"Mizo Mid's Hell Duo! Reitan & Ketsueki!" the two shouted, getting in a fighting position. Pissed off already, Red dashed towards them.

"STOP SAYING SOME RANDOM, STUPID ASS BULLSHIT! I'LL KILL YOU!" he shouted before lifting up his weapon. Rai ducked before doing a spin kick, kicking him hard on the ribs. He coughed out saliva in surprise, not expecting such force in the impact. Akina then punched him in the face, making him stumbled backwards.

With that, the Mizo Mid Gang ran into battle as well.

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