Scores For Entry #20 (contest one)

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Hi guys! Seems I missed an entry due to username change and the person just contacted me sooooo, there's one last graphic to judge before I can post the stickers I made last night.

On that note, here's another great aesthetic by MahadeviniAdah369:

8/10 - Neatness
Her name is going into the frame, as is yours, which doesn't look too great. Her last name is majorly cut off in the top right corner for the picture. Also, two of the pictures have watermarks on them, which lowers the quality of the graphic and also means that unless you asked for permission, you can't use those photos. I don't mind people using pictures that aren't their own as long as they are un-watermarked, because un-watermarked photos means that the person doesn't mind it's sort of public domain, though if you're being good about it you can still ask for permission and give credits - but when it is watermarked then you 100% must ask the person if you can use it and give credits as it is a picture that they own, moreso than if someone just designs something. It's like putting your username on the graphic because you made it - it's like a watermark, but you can't watermark something that includes images that aren't public domain and are instead generally needing to be bought or at least asked if can be used. Sorry for the long writeup.

9/10 - Spelling & Fonts
Cutoff of her name on the corner photo and placement of her name and your username aren't ideal.

20/20 - Creativity
Very creative, you had interesting ideas and your choices for photos are definitely quite interesting choices.

19/20 - Colour Scheme
The photos do not blend very well, they contrast each other a lot. As it is art that's all right to a degree, but nonetheless the photos should go together.

15/15 - Originality
Very original ideas and pictures chosen. Your graphic has a lot of pictures I wouldn't have expected to see in it, but they add to the originality and show that you were being very creative.

14.5/15 - Face Claim
Great choices, except for the top right corner.

10/10 - Historical
The graphic reflects her time and likings quite well.

Total: 95.5/100

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