Flowers In Her Hair - Part 1

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🌸 Y/N'S POV 🌸

"Let's go!" Yelled your best friend Lili from the hallway.

"I'm coming, gosh could you stop yelling!" You yelled back, annoyed that she had woken you up so early in the morning. "It's going to be worth it, trust me." She kept repeating when she was practically dragging you out of bed.

You finally left the apartment and got in the car.

"Why don't we start with preparations for today," said Lili from behind the wheel and gave you a big smile while you rolled your eyes.

"I don't got why you're making such a big deal out of this," you looked at her, "it's just a concert."

"Just a concert!" She shrieked back so loudly that it almost gave you a heart-attack. "Going to a BTS concert is the biggest deal." She turned to you deadly serious, "ever."

Before you could reply she turned up the volume and the rest of your ride was accompanied by the beats of BTS songs.

It's not like you aren't a fan. Of course you are, they are amazing. But you never got the over-dramaticness and idealization of them. Why can't people just enjoy their music without the unnecessary screams and shrieks.

And now you were heading to the centre of it all.

You apologized to Lili for your attitude because she had gone out of her way to get the best tickets and to make sure you would enjoy your short break from school.

Lili parked a few blocks from the venue and when you got there you couldn't believe your eyes. How could so many people already be here?

You weren't sure what you were waiting for exactly but Lili who went to literally any concert possible explained that you were waiting to reserve your seats so that you could get in whenever you wanted later.

So you did that and after quite some time you finally got your numbers. Apparently they were amazing seats because Lili was freaking out.

"This is going to be epic!" She said while dancing around you.

Then you could finally leave and get some coffee. But before that Lili dragged you to a store to see if they had any accessories because she had lost an earring and now her outfit wasn't complete anymore.

You entered and Lili wandered away while you looked around a bit. You didn't really need anything. You outfit was perfect for a hot day like today. All white. You already felt sorry for the ones that were dressed in black, because it was almost unbearable even in the shade.

While you were busy thinking Lili snuck up on you," look what I found," she said and raised some kind of floral thing.

After a blank stare from you she explained, "it's a flower crown." And put it on your head.

She was already wearing a blue one that went great with her light hair and blue eyes.

You looked in the mirror before you and you had to admit the pink flowers looked pretty in your hair.

After putting on your flower crowns and Lili buying new earrings, you finally arrived at a cafe. As soon as the doors opened you shivered because of the temperature difference, you had gotten used to the heat.

You decided it would be best to drink your iced coffees inside since you would have to wait in the sun for the concert anyways. Might at least get some coolness before you melt outside.

Since it was 2 pm you decided to get something to eat while you were here. Lili ordered some take-out pizza that you decided to eat in a park near the venue.

It was fine since the bench was in the shade and right next to a water fountain that kept spraying droplets of water on you, keeping you cool.

You stayed there for a few hours and listened to Lili go on and on about how excited she was and singing the songs and dancing, as if her BTS inspired outfit wasn't enoug to get her tons of stares.

The new earrings that she bought went great with her yellow Chimmy shirt and hundrets of purple bracelets on her arms.


Ugh, this meeting was taking so long. I was hungry and hyungs were still not finished discussing whatever it was that they were talking about.

After spinning in my chair for about 10 minutes, I decided to look at the view of the city that we had from the hotel room.

Our hotel was really close to the Stadium, which was great because nobody wants a long drive after a concert. I could go directy to bed. Another plus of the location was the view.

We weren't on the highest floor, but it was still high enough to see the city. And the rooms had not only one window, but a whole glass wall.

I took a few photos and then looked down at the street. I could already see fans dressed in our merch with cute BT21 headbands and Armybombs in their hands.

Since hyungs weren't finished yet, I decided to observe the park that was across the hotel. It wasn't that big; only a few trees and a big fountain in the middle of them. But it offered shade and all the benches were occupied.

I almost turned away, but I noticed another fan in a yellow Chimmy shirt. My gaze, however, didn't linger on her. What caught my eye was the girl sitting next to her. She wasn't dressed up like her friend, but I still caught myself hoping she would come to the concert.

They were eating pizza and laughing really hard, I just couldn't look away.

How could someone just being so happy also bring a smile to my lips?

The pink flower crown that she was wearing is what I told myself I have to look for during the concert.

I wanted to see her smile up close.

"Let's go Jungkook!" Jimin grabbed my hand after I didn't answer him for like five times, because I was too busy thinking if I would really see her tonight.

🌸 Y/N'S POV 🌸

After stuffing yourselves with pizza and Lili convincing you to walk around with an Army bomb it was finally 5 pm. You were able to enter the venue and find your seats.

You weren't sure how close to the stage you were seated and even though Lili had been super excited, you still didn't think the seats would be that good.

But after a long wait you arrived to the stage area and were directed to your seats.

And they were ... incredible.

Even you were freaking out now. You were in the front row in the middle of the right side of the extended stage. You had clear views of both giant screens and a pretty good view of the main stage.

The excitement started to kick in and soon you were just as excited as Lili.

At 7 pm the concert finally started.

The fireworks went off and the stadium was filled with screams. The loudest of course right next to you.

You looked at Lili on your right and saw her jumping up and down while waving her army bomb and screaming the fanchant.

Then the whole stadium went silent for a split second before errupting in even louder screams once the boys came on stage.

You had to admit that the atmosphere was unlike anything you had ever felt before.

Before you knew it you were lost in the music, jumping to the beat with the rest of the crowd.

Unfortunately, most of the opening numbers were on the main stage, but you still tried to enjoy it.

There was so much going on, sometimes even too much. You could hardly keep track of all the members once they spread around.

After the first part, during the vcr Lili nudged you.

"This is the best thing ever, isn't it!" She yelled into your ear and you could still hardy hear her.

A smile spread over your face and you nodded.

"I hope they come to this part of the stage, that way they might notice us!" Lili was still yelling in your ear.

"Haha, like that could ever happen. They can't see anything because of the lights," you said before thinking and when you realized how it sounded you continued, "but you're wearing the most BTS outfit ever so you never know."

Lili smiled widely but before she could answer the performance started again.

The solos were captivating and you now realized why Taehyung is known as the king of facial expressions and Jimin a flirt.

After the solos it was time for the medly. The part that Lili kept telling you about.

But it was even better that you had imagined. They were so full of energy it felt like it was radiating through the whole stadium. Everyone was so hyped.

Since the members were on the extended stage everyone in the floor area had their phones out.

Lili even brought a few portable chargers just in case.

But not you. You wanted to enjoy it, fully. Nothing could beat the feeling of being entirely there, no phone in hand. Just you and the show.

When Dope came on the stadium roared. Since the performance wasn't choreographed the members were jumping freely around the stage.

And that was when it happened.

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