Part 5

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Shreya's pov 

I saw him hugging Amisha i was hurt and i ran away he came to me and consoled  me and told me about her situation .. I felt pity for her but as a wife i was so insecure by her but i agreed to help her anyway as a human .

For the first time i met Amisha she is really beautiful .. Everything was so perfect about her i felt envious at first .. I guesss that's why he fell for her so hard 

" Hii Amisha , i am shreya arush's wife as you know .. I am a lawyer i will help you .. Don't worry " , i said and i purposely emphasized on Arush's wife 

" Thanks a million shreya " , she said and she was grateful to me 

After few days we filed case against her husband avinash but after seeing her husband it didn't felt that he had actually done something like this .. Because he is a really successful business man who has done so much for poors and he has contributed a lot to ngos and national organization for welfare for country .. But who knows 

In these days Amisha lived with us and successfully ruining my and arush's moment .. Aarush always maintained a good distance from her but still i felt so insecure when they both talk and remember something about their past .. 

Amisha was out for few days i was happy now we can spend time together .. But Aarush seems to be more stress out nowdays because of the case of Amisha .. I want to be understanding but i can't ... 

" Arush nowdays you look more stressed out" , i asked him cupping his face in my hands but he jerked my hands away 

" Yeah ofc i am stressed out because I want her to get justice and i want to see her financially stable ", he said 

" But Arush don't you think you are getting distanced  from me " , i asked 

" No No shreya you are misunderstood its just i want to finish this case then we will go for a long vacation " , he said and kissed my forehead 

" Are you sure nothing has changed between us ?" , i asked 

" Nothing has changed between it is still the same .. Our relationship is not gonna affected by this don't worry baby " , he said giving me relieve 

" i can't loose you arush " , i said and hugged him 

" You won't loose me shreya , i love you " , he said and kissed me and after that we made love passionately .. 

Arush pov 

Shreya was insecure it was clearly evident but i am not gonna do anything i am not gonna betray her .. She healed me she again brought back colors in my life .. I love her and i know Amisha was my first love but we have to let things to go .. 

Amisha was now 5 months pregnant i have insisted her to tell all these things to her parents but she always said they won't understand and we agreed . 

But one incident changed all ,  Amisha has a miscarriage she was broken , she lost her baby once again ..I came inside the room and i saw her crying badly she saw me and hugged me tightly and i hugged her back 

" Arush again i lost my baby " , she said while crying i caress her head and my eyes also welled up with tears as all memories were freshen when she aborted her child and i was so hurt but she mattered me .. 

Shreya was seeing all this with a distance i know this has hurted her but right now i have to handle Amisha .. 

" Arush please take care of Amisha i have to go somewhere with case work " , she said and her voice crack i tried to pull away from amisha but she was not leaving me .. I was helpless i somehow loosen her grip but shreya already left .. 

What the hell i am doing with my life ? I love shreya but i care for Amisha too how can i leave her at this condition ... What should i do right now ? I can't loose shreya .. Everything is so messed up right now 


Shreya's pov 

I gulped the entire glass of beer in a single go i am so fucked up right now .. My marriage is going to break because of that Amisha 

" Everything was going so smooothlyyyyy but she came and ruined everythinggggggg " i said my speech slurred and my friend console me 

" Shreya you have drink too much , and its late now you should go home too " , said my friend with concern 

Suddenly my phone rang it was Arush 

" Ohh he remembered noww that he has a wife too wowwwwwwww " , i said sarcastically and pick up the phone 

" Hello shreya , where are you ?? I am worried for you sweetheart?? Why are you not saying anything ?" he bombarded many questions 

" If you don't care then don't pretend too , And i am with aditi unlike you who is with his ex " i said with slurred speech and my eyes welled up with tears because its too much now its getting hard for me now 

"  i am really sorry shreya don't worry everything will be fine , she will leave soon don't worry we will plan a baby right ... We have to do so many things together right we have to travel many places together right .. Plz don't leave me shreya plzzzzzz " , he said while crying and aditi snatched phone from my hand and send him her address . 

He reached her house in about 15 mins and i gulped another glass of beer 

" Shreyaa are you fine ? " he asked he came near to me but i pushed him away 

" Don't touch me Arush , you are the worst husband you promised me to be a good husband you promised me that your past will never interfere in our present but you and that girl  ruined everything " , i said and broke down in tears and he cried too

" Please baby i am the worst but please don't leave me like this , i can't handle this without you shreya please .. Give me some time i will mend everything please sweetheart .. I promise then i will be a good husband please .. I love you so much shreya .. Please don't leave me " , he cried badly and i felt bad for him too 

" I am not leaving you sweetheart if i will leave you then i will be just a lifeless body without any soul " , i said and consoled him 

After so much we came back to our home he carried me in his arms to our room and i snaked my arms around his neck ..He rested me on our bed 

" Promise me Arush everything will be fine " i said and he kissed my lips softly 

" I promise everything will be fine " , he said 

Please shower your love on this book . 

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