Chapter 18

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Flowerpelt opened her eyes, hearing the slight fall of rain outside the warrior's den. She lifted her head, the early morning light peeking into the den. She felt a slight chill and shivered. The warrior's den was completely full with the addition of six new warriors. Flowerpelt and the other most recent warriors had to sleep near the entrance. It wasn't necessarily comfortable and wouldn't feel that great in leaf-bare, but Flowerpelt was just grateful to be in the warrior's den.

She looked around the warrior's den, noticing that Thornpelt, Jayflight, Briarheart, Leafwhisker and Moonfur were gone. It's barely past dawn, they must've been the dawn patrol. Flowerpelt thought and sat up, stretching in the minimal space she had, trying not to wake Stormwind or Crowfur who slept beside her. The air outside was crisp, newleaf was in bloom and the days were very beautiful. Next was greenleaf, Flowerpelt's favorite season.

Flowerpelt was incredibly excited for the day ahead, tonight was her first gathering as a warrior and Foxstar would be announcing all six of their new warriors. It would show how strong SunClan really was!

Flowerpelt joined a hunting patrol with Sunstream, Flintstripe and Brightclaw and managed to catch two squirrels while her companions each caught quite a bit of prey. She was incredibly grateful for the season of newleaf.

SunClan reached the gathering hollow just after LichenClan arrived, Flowerpelt had been to gatherings before but this one already felt different. She was no longer an apprentice, she was a warrior! Flowerpelt walked confidently beside Stormwind, it was also her first gathering as a warrior. I'm glad we at least get to share this together. AshClan and MoonClan had already arrived and were talking amongst themselves, everything seemed peaceful.

Flowerpelt looked around, she didn't really make any friends during the gathering but she wanted to see if she recognized any of them. She spotted a red-brown tom sitting with a golden brown she-cat and dark brown tom near the group of LichenClan cats. Judging by his crooked tail she assumed it was Jaggedtail from LichenClan, she remembered when he was named a warrior, but she couldn't remember the names of the other two.

The four leaders took their places on their trees, Flowerpelt couldn't notice that Birdstar looked incredibly annoyed. I wonder what her problem is? Flowerpelt wondered with a flick of her ears.

"I'd like to start this gathering if the rest of you don't mind." Foxstar mewed, he looked incredibly eager to show of their new warriors. Flowerpelt held her head high, she felt a happy purr from Stormwind beside her. The other leaders agreed and Foxstar stood up. "SunClan welcomes a bunch of new warriors to this gathering. Stormwind, Slateclaw, Cloudstorm, Flowerpelt, Thornpelt, Tigertail, Bramblepelt, Crowfur and Rainears!" Cheers rang out throughout the hollow, Flowerpelt held her head high. She spotted Tigertail and his siblings not too far away, looking equally as proud. "Our warriors den is crowded but we couldn't be happier."

"That's wonderful news." Goldenstar purred. "Mind if I go next?" Foxstar set down and let the AshClan leader continue. "AshClan also has two new warriors, please welcome Lilyclaw and Graypelt!" Flowerpelt's eyes traveled to a gray tabby she-cat and a large, solid gray tom both looking proud. "Our medicine cat apprentice has also received her full medicine cat name, Moonwhisker!"

Flowerpelt looked to the medicine cats, Honeywing was purring and Moonwhisker looked bashful, the two looked like friends. Moonwhisker always seemed like a very nice cat. Goldenstar sat down and Cloudstar stood up. "MoonClan also has two new warriors to announce, welcome Frostfire and Icestorm!" More cheers.

Now it was Birdstar's turn, the old leader stood up and shot a glare at Cloudstar. "LichenClan doesn't have any warriors to announce, but we do welcome two new apprentices, Cherrypaw and Applepaw!" The Clans cheered. "However," Birdstar's voice was sharp. "I've tried my best to keep this between us, but Cloudstar has pushed my borders for the last time." There were murmurs of confusion between AshClan and SunClan, the cats of MoonClan tensed.

"For the past several moons Cloudstar has been crossing our borders, stealing prey and even invaded our camp!" Flowerpelt shared a worried glance with Stormwind, what was going on between those two.

"I'm simply following orders that Owlstar gave before he died." Cloudstar flicked her ears, looking incredibly smug. "You killed our warrior so you must pay."

"That was moons ago, Cloudstar!" Birdstar spat. "Honestly, I know we never forget our dead but you can't blame LichenClan forever. You tried stealing our herbs, that would've killed many of our cats!"

Cloudstar snorted. "I was taught that when a cat makes a mistake, that cat must be punished."

Birdstar bristled. "You blame the action of one of my warriors, I punished him! Move on!"

"You shouldn't have even made him a warrior!" Cloudstar hissed, claws digging into her branch.

"I have to agree with Birdstar," Goldenstar stood up, getting both leader's attention. "You can't blame LichenClan forever, all cats in this hollow know that any battle could be their last. We all took that oath when we became warriors. That we will defend the Clans, even at the cost of our lives." Cloudstar hissed. "The loss of a warrior is tragic but you can't hold grudges forever, and it doesn't give you an excuse to break the warrior code. You're no better than an apprentice throwing a fit, Cloudstar.

Flowerpelt was shocked at how blunt Goldenstar was, Cloudstar flattened her ears. "We're leaving!" With a lash of her tail, the white leader jumped down and led her Clan home. The rest of the Clans were left with an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry I had to bring that up," Birdstar apologized. "But I can't take it anymore, the Clans need to know what MoonClan is doing."

"It's okay, Birdstar." Foxstar dipped his head. "I just hope that you two can come to some sort of an agreement before more blood is shed."

"Me too." Birdstar's eyes were hollow, she shook her head. "I suppose I should take my Clan home, may StarClan light your paths." She dipped her head and jumped down from her tree. When LichenClan was gone, Foxstar and Goldenstar both agreed to leave as well.

"Well that was certainly something." Flowerpelt mewed to Stormwind as they made their way home.

"No kidding." Stormwind snorted. "I had no idea that this was going on between the two of them. "I remember when that warrior died but I really didn't think they would hold that much of a grudge.

Flowerpelt nodded. "I guess I can understand, when another cat dies to another Clan it can't be easy. MoonClan was really upset, I'm sure SunClan would be too."

"Yeah, but we wouldn't steal prey from the Clan that did it." Stormwind pointed. Flowerpelt couldn't help but agreed. Killing is against the warrior code, but so is stealing prey. Is it really right to respond to code breaking with more code breaking?

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