Chapter 30

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The sky shimmered brighter than Flowerpelt had ever seen it. She looked around, amazed at how many stars there were and how bright they shined. She felt a sense of peace around her.

"Hello, Flowerpelt." Flowerpelt heard a familiar voice. She turned to see Feathernose standing a few taillengths away. "Beautiful night isn't it?" Flowerpelt blinked, Feathernose looked amazing. His silver tabby pelt was shimmering and his eyes glowed as bright as the stars above.

"Am I dead?" Those were the only words that formed in mouth. She remembered being attacked by Falconclaw and being in the medicine cat den.

Feathernose's eyes were soft, he stepped closer. "No, Flowerpelt, you're not dead. You were close though." He sat down beside her, looking up at the stars. "It's not your time to die, death happens for a reason and your reason won't be for a while."

"Death happens for a reason? What reason did my father have for dying? Or Springkit?"

"The reasons aren't always obvious, your father died so you could find strength. I died so that Poppypaw could become Honeywing's apprentice. It is not your time to die."

"When will it be?" Flowerpelt questioned.

"Not for a long time, you have a long life ahead of you." Feathernose met her gaze. "For now, you need to return to your Clan and tell them of Falconclaw's treachery. He's being questioned but they can't prove that he's dangerous without you."

The world around them faded and suddenly Flowerpelt was sitting in the middle of SunClan camp with Feathernose still at her side. Foxstar had a meeting called and Falconclaw was sitting alone with the Clan facing him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accuse Falconclaw of anything without proof." Foxstar spoke to the Clan.

"He tried to murder Flowerpelt! It's clear!" Stormwind was on her paws, claws digging into the earth and her pelt bristling, she turned to Foxstar, blue eyes blazing. "You have to be blind not to notice it!"

"I agree with Stormwind." Owlfoot added, lashing his tail. "He's always hated Dovewish and how he's trying to kill her kits. There was no trace of rogues where we found Flowerpelt."

"Owlfoot is right." Icepetal spoke up. "We tracked all over the territory and found zero trace of any cats other than Flowerpelt, Thornpelt and Falconclaw."

"Thornpelt," It was Hawktalon who spoke up next, he was in clear distress over his brother being accused of trying to kill a cat. "What did you hear when you told Mallownose to go check out the training area?"

Thornpelt shuffled his paws, avoiding any cats' gaze. Falconclaw glared at him, the dark tabby had kept his silence during this entire conversation. "I heard fighting, I didn't know if it was dangerous so I ran until I found Mallownose and her patrol."

Flowerpelt's heart dropped. "He's lying!" She cried out, no cat could hear her though. "Why is he lying?" She turned to Feathernose, expecting answers. "He knows that Falconclaw did this!"

"I can't answer that, Flowerpelt." Feathernose response just hurt her even more. "Only Thornpelt can."

Flowerpelt sat down, unable to comprehend what was happening. "I don't wanna see anymore of this." She closed her eyes and they were back in the starry forest. "Thornpelt could prove he's guilty right now...I thought we had something." She could feel heart breaking. It was a different pain from her parents died, it was an entirely new pain. "Is his fear for Falconclaw really greater than his love for me?"

"I'm sorry you've had to struggle so much, Flowerpelt." Feathernose's voice was pained, Flowerpelt looked at him once more. There was darkness in his green eyes. "You've lost both your parents and you've experienced betrayal and intense pain." He met her gaze, it was suddenly very bright. "But you have to stay strong, you have an incredibly strong destiny ahead of you. You have to stay strong, no matter what. Your sister, your friends, and all the cats you've lost will be by your side to help you." He stepped forward, touching his nose to hers. "You just have to stay strong."

Flowerpelt opened her eyes, sunlight burned her vision. She blinked away sleep, she was confused, wondering where Feathernose had gone. She then realized she was in the medicine cat. Honeywing had her nose in her herb store and Poppypaw was sorting out some moss. Flowerpelt tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain in her belly and chest.

As she tried to move, Flowerpelt got the attention of Poppypaw. "You're awake." The medicine cat apprentice stared in surprise.

Honeywing let out a small mew of alarm and quickly turned around, bumping her head on the top of the rock ceiling of her herb store. She let out a small hiss of pain then ran over to Flowerpelt. "Thank, StarClan, you're alive!" Honeywing sighed heavily with relief. That's one way to put it. Flowerpelt though, still semi-lost in sleep. "How do you feel?"

"I feel...weird." Flowerpelt replied, her voice dry. "I'm thirsty." Once she said that, Poppypaw was on her paws and dipping some moss into a puddle. She brought the dropping moss over to Flowerpelt who lapped up the water. It was the most refreshing water she had ever drank. "Thank you." She breathed out when she finished.

"I know you're probably tired and in pain, and if you don't feel up to it that's fine but--" Honeywing looked around awkwardly. "We need you to tell the Clan who did this to you."

"The entire Clan thinks it's Falconclaw, but Foxstar won't do anything until he hears it from you." Poppypaw added, cleaning up some herbs.

Flowerpelt lowered her head. "I can do it." She said, attempting to stand up. Honeywing rushed to her side and helped her to her paws. Her legs were wobbly and and her entire body felt weak. "How long was I out?"

"About three days." Honeywing replied. "We'll get you some prey soon." With Honeywing's help, Flowerpelt managed to step outside the medicine cat den. The sun made her wince, it was sunhigh.

The first cat to spot Flowerpelt was Stormwind, she was sitting with Snakewhisker who appeared to be consoling her. Stormwind looked up, her blue eyes going wide and she sprinted over to Flowerpelt, making it across camp in a few short bounds. "You're awake!" Stormwind nuzzled Flowerpelt all over and for the first time since she was attacked, Flowerpelt felt safe. "I'm so glad, you're okay." Stormwind's voice trembled. "I don't know what I would've done without you, Flowerpelt."

"It's okay, Stormwind." Flowerpelt nuzzled her sister in return. "I'm okay." The two had gotten the attention of the rest of the Clan, including Falconclaw who kept a blank expression and Thornpelt who hid his gaze from Flowerpelt. Flowerpelt felt more pain in heart, but she ignored it. I have something to do.

"Flowerpelt." Foxstar was approach her. "I'm glad to see you're alive and well--err, well enough." He looked around awkwardly. "Did Honeywing tell you what we need to know? Do you know who did this to you?"

Flowerpelt nodded. "Yes." She looked around, Tigertail, Bramblepelt, Crowfur, Rainears and Hawktalon looked horrified. I'm so sorry, I wish this wasn't the truth. I'm going to break their hearts. "Falconclaw did this to me. He called me weak for being born from a kittypet and attacked me."

Gasps spread out through the Clan, Hawktalon dropped his head, Nightwing brushed up against him. All of SunClan's gazes went to Falconclaw. The tabby warrior stood up and glared at Flowerpelt. "What do you have to say for yourself, Falconclaw?" Foxstar moved closer to him.

Falconclaw looked around, a lot of SunClan was now bristling at their Clanmates. "I stand by what I did." Flowerpelt tensed, he really had no shame. Beside Flowerpelt, Stormwind let out a deep growl.

"Why don't you come at me and I'll show what a kittypet can really do!" Stormwind unsheathed her claws and spat at Falconclaw.

"I'd like to see you try." Falconclaw snorted, not breaking his gaze from Foxstar. Honeywing had to restrain Stormwind from actually attacking him. "You have ruined this Clan, Foxstar. You ruined it the moment you allowed that kittypet to join our Clan. As long as those two remain here SunClan will be impure."

"The only weakness I see," Foxstar growled, lashing his tail. "Is you, Falconclaw. Not every cat agreed with my decision to bring Dovewish into this Clan but I don't regret my choice and I know all of the cats here grew to love her. Any cat that sees themselves higher than their fellow Clanmate does not belong in SunClan." Falconclaw flattened his ears and bared his teeth. "You are hereby exiled from SunClan!"

The Clan was silent, Falconclaw and Foxstar faced each other, Flowerpelt could see rage brewing in Falconclaw's eyes but he didn't move. He knows that he wouldn't get away with attacking Foxstar in the middle of all of SunClan.

"You need to leave, now, Falconclaw." Flowerpelt was shocked as Hawktalon stepped forward, his amber eyes burning with the same rage Falconclaw had.

"What a shock," Falconclaw laughed. "My own brother, you never did care about me, did you?"

"I cared about the cat I thought loved his Clan." Hawktalon growled.

"I care more about this Clan than any of you!" Falconclaw shouted, fur on end and claws ripping at the soil. "That's why I tried to kill her! To rid this Clan of kittypet filth!"

"Leave!" Hawktalon lashed out, Falconclaw let out a hiss and fell back. His ear was bleeding from where Hawktalon had clawed his ear.

"Hawktalon is right." Foxstar stopped closer to Falconclaw who in turned hissed at the leader. "If you are seen in our territory we will treat you as an enemy and attack. You best not show your face out here again."

Falconclaw hissed and turned. "I will be grateful when this Clan falls apart. Don't come crying to me when your kittypets turn out to be as weak as I said they were."

"Mallownose, Rockfall, Brightclaw, Jayflight and Rowanfall. Lead him out of territory, make sure he leaves." Foxstar growled. The named cats nodded and began escorting their former Clanmate out the camp, leaving the rest of SunClan in a shocked silence. Flowerpelt suddenly felt exhausted.

"I'm sorry you had to do that, Flowerpelt." Foxstar mewed, his voice quiet. "But we thank you for doing that as well."

"I'm tired." Was all Flowerpelt said, her voice dry. She felt sick and dizzy. She lifted her head, looking at Thornpelt only to see him vanish into the warriors den. He's going to hate me... She closed her eyes, trying to hide the pain that wracked her heart. But why...why did he lie?

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