Chapter 42

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Flowerstar walked into camp feeling like an entirely new cat. She now had nine lives, she had spoken with StarClan and received a prophecy. When the forest is in danger, a new dawn will blaze brighter than the sun. What did it mean? Feathernose told her not to worry about it so she wasn't going to. She had something much more present to worry about, choosing a deputy.

She had no idea who to pick, she had a few ideas but she didn't have any other clue. When Flowerstar entered camp, the first cat to notice her was Stormwind. She was watching over Dovekit, Rockkit and Stonekit. She turned her head and her eyes went wide. "Flowerpelt!" She sprinted over to Flowerstar and nuzzled her all over. She stepped back, looking slightly awkward. "Err...I guess it's Flowerstar now right?"

Flowerstar nodded. "I got my nine lives." She wished that she could tell Stormwind about Dovewish and Stonewhisker but Poppyfur told her that she was strictly not allowed to share what happened during the ceremony.

"That's wonderful." Stormwind purred. "Do you have a deputy in mind yet?" Flowerstar shook her head, but she figured that she should call a meeting to let the Clan know her ceremony was successful.

She quickly trotted over to the SunTree and climbed up so she was on top, looking over her Clan. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!"

Flowerstar watched as her Clan quickly gathered under the SunTree. They really are my Clan now. "I just wanted to let you all know that the ceremony was successful and I have my nine lives. It will be hard to serve in the place of Foxstar but I promise I will do my best to serve you the best I possibly can."

Her Clanmates cheered their new leader and Flowerstar dismissed them. Once she jumped down she found herself face to face with Thornpelt. His amber eyes were serious, they hadn't really spoken during the past few moons. Despite the awkwardness, Flowerstar held her head higher, after all she was his leader now. "Can I help you, Thornpelt?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly. "We need to talk." Flowerstar felt somewhat awkward but nodded. "Let's go to your den."

Right. It's my den now. Flowerstar realized, she wasn't looking forward to sleeping alone. I guess I'll get used to it. She poked her head inside and realized that the old moss had been completely swapped out for clean moss.

"Icepetal and Snowtail cleaned out your den." Thornpelt explained. It still kind of smells like Foxstar in here. Flowerstar thought, then faced Thornpelt.

"What did you need?"

"You need to pick a deputy and I thought I'd remind you of the promise we made when your father died." His voice was curt, Flowerstar narrowed her eyes slightly. They had made a promise that if either of them became leader, the other would be made deputy but so much had changed between them...and there was one other thing.

"Thornpelt..." She shuffled her paws. "We did make that promise but you haven't mentored an apprentice...I can't make you my deputy."

Anger flashed in his amber eyes. "But you promised!" He spat, Flowerstar took a step back. No. I can't be scared of him. I have to show I'm strong, I'm a leader now.

"I'm sorry Thornpelt but there's nothing I can do. Even if we did still have what we used to I couldn't make you my deputy. I refuse to break the warrior code." She kept her voice stern, not matter how much it hurt her.

Thornpelt lashed his tail. "Some friend you are!" He shouted.

"You stopped being my friend the moment you didn't tell the Clan about Falconclaw!" She shouted in response. "I still haven't forgotten about that!"

Thornpelt took a step closer, his muzzle inches from her. "Who do you think killed Falconclaw?" He growled, Flowerstar couldn't help but step backwards from him. "It wasn't some random rouge it was me!"

Flowerstar stared in shock, she had always guessed it was him, but now she knew for sure. Still. My decision still stands. She took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter if we're friends or not, Thornpelt. I can't make you deputy and there's nothing you do to convince me to break the warrior code."

Thornpelt hissed and turned around, storming out of the SunTree, leaving Flowerstar standing awkward and alone in her den. She dropped her head and let out a long sigh. "What was his problem?" Flowerstar's ears twitched and she looked up to see Stormwind standing in the entrance of her den. "He stormed out in a hurry."

"It's a long story." Flowerstar sat down, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"I've got time." Stormwind trotted inside and sat down beside her sister. "Lakeflight took the kits to the elder's den for some stories, I needed a break. Flowerstar looked at Stormwind. It would be nice to talk about it. Flowerstar thought.

"Back when Thornpelt and I were really close, we made a promise, just after Stonewhisker died, that if one of us became leader we would make the other one deputy. Not only are we not close anymore but he hasn't trained an apprentice."

"I see." Stormwind mewed, thinking for a moment. "Well that's really not your fault." She said. "You can't break the warrior code for him. Plus, I don't really know if he'd make a good deputy if that's the way he reacted." Flowerstar couldn't help but agree. Then, a face flashed in her mind. The perfect choice for a deputy, a cat that she thought would've been of picked instead of her.

"I think who I know I want to be deputy." Flowerstar looked down at her paws. "But it's going to make Thornpelt hate me even more."

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the SunTree for a Clan meeting!" Flowerstar called her Clan to gather. It was just before sunset and the dusk sky was a beautiful shade of orange. She waited patiently for the cats of SunClan to finish gathering before she started speaking. "I've decided on a deputy. This cat has shown to be strong, brave, wise and mature more times than I can count." The cats looked around, questioning who it would be. "I say these words before the spirit of StarClan, so they may hear and approve my choice. Tigertail will be the new deputy of SunClan!"

There was a mixture of reactions from the cats of SunClan, pretty much all were positive. Tigertail was a well respected warrior and Flowerstar knew that they would support him as deputy. Then Flowerstar met Thornpelt's gaze, his amber eyes were wide and full of betrayal. I'm sorry, Thornpelt. I really am, but I have to do what's best for the Clan.

Sunstream urged Tigertail to go up and speak, her green eyes full of love and pride for her mate. "Go on!" She shoved him forward and Tigertail finally moved, looking up at Flowerstar.

"I wasn't expecting this, Flowerstar." He mewed. "But I promise that I will do everything in my power to be a deputy that SunClan is proud of, and I can't think of a better leader of Clan to serve."

Flowerstar looked down proudly at her new deputy, she had chosen wisely. I'm a leader, it's time to put emotions and old friendships aside. Tigertail is what's best for SunClan, I can feel it.

"Tigertail! Tigertail! Tigertail!" The Clan cheered their new deputy with pride, his family, even Thornpelt, swarmed around him. They celebrated his new role and he looked just as happy. Flowerstar jumped down and looked over her Clan. So much had changed, she had grown so much and learned so much.

She started out as an apprentice who was behind on her training and was now leader of her Clan. She sighed happily and stared up at the slowly falling sun. This was her life now, her destiny. She could only imagine what the future would hold for her.

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