Child of The Echoes

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× Amidst the chaos, there are whispers of strength and perseverance that define her journey. ×


In a home where chaos dwells,
There's a girl with stories to tell.
She's the last child, the youngest one,
But her journey has only just begun.

When she was small, her parents were strong,
With energy and health, they'd sing along.
They tended to chores with loving grace,
Taking care of siblings in a lively space.

But time has passed, and life took its toll,
Her parents' strength, started to fold.
Their bodies grew weary, their vigour waned,
Yet their love and devotion remained.

Now they carry burdens heavier than before,
Not just for her, but for many more.
Nephews and nieces, they've come to embrace,
Expanding their roles with selfless grace.

In the midst of chaos, she finds her place,
Witnessing struggles etched on every face.
Her parents, once wealthy in both health and gold,
Now face hardships that can't be controlled.

She asks as a poet, with empathy deep,
What does it mean to be the last one to keep?
What traumas lie hidden, what battles are fought?
Is it true what they say, are the last children just sought?

The truth is complex, not easy to discern,
Each journey's unique, with lessons to learn.
While some may be babied, with love overflowing,
Others may face trials that keep on growing.

Blame has no purpose. It serves no good,
Life's unpredictable, as it always should be.
Instead, let's embrace every last child's pain,
Extend our love, helping them heal and regain.

So here's to the last children, may their spirits rise,
Give them strength to endure, where their resilience lies.
Let's offer them solace, a comforting embrace,
For they deserve love and a peaceful space.


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