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Alright, so, my sisters best friend in Tennessee, basically treated like our sister, has been talking bad about our backs ever since we moved.

Talking bad is one thing, but destroying the house i fucking grew up in is another thing.

I'm livid.

I couldn't care less about our old ties at this point, you can talk around and act all badass, but as soon as you dare lay a hand on something precious to me you have another thing coming.

I swear if I was back in Tennessee I wouldn't give a damn about going to jail, I'd fucking whip her ass. She and her petty little whore of a mom have such a big lawsuit on their asses its criminal. They're broke as fuck, so they're probably gonna end up in jail, just where trash belongs.

I mean, they threw trash everywhere, made holes in the walls, wrecked the whole house. I'm so fucking pissed I've reached that point where I'm calm. I grew up there, that's where I learned to talk and walk. I've been there since I was not even a year old, and that house is extremely important to not just me, but my family as well.

We share so many good memories in that house, and for her to just fucking wreck it?

I swear if she ever comes to Florida I'm gonna go off on her and her petty little fuckboi of a boyfriend. Try me.

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