Crack ships mini Collection!

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Lmao lmao i mean side chapt!

So in this one im just gonna make lil shots abt crack ships.
For example:
- New bane x Odette.


Jk im not gonna put in ships like that tho.

So, without further ado, lets begin!

1. Mlag a.k.a mlxlag


One day, ml was walking around in a park. When he spotted some children, sitting in a group on the ground playing what looks like an online mobile game under the tree.

"Well would you look at that. They're all playing online games. I bet lag would love watching them play with me... maybe i should call her to meet me here.."

Then he called his girlfriend, lag to come and meet him at the park. The kids were playing happily. They looked like they were winning. All five of them are very good players and they were able to kick their enemy's asses like a boss. Ml walked towards them and asked;

"Hello guys! What are you doing? Playing some online moba?"

"Yea. We are ranking up. Right now and we are winning!" Said one of the child"

"But why are you guys playing outside in the park? Why don't you guys play in your houses?" Ml questioned them out of curiosity. But their answer was.. somewhat unique.

"Yeahh our mothers told us to go play outside, so.. we did what she told us to."


Smert rite? Ok sorry... XD

A few moments later, lag finally arrives to the park. With a smile on her face, she greeted ml while running to him in full speed. "ML!!! IM HERE!!!" She screamed.

"LAG!!! THERE YOU ARE!!!!" he said spreading his arms ready to hug his girlfriend who's running full speed at him.


Instead of hugging, they both collided and fell to the ground. "Oof... gosh you shouldn't have run so fast." Said the chuckling young man while hugging his girlfriend. "But i missed youuuu!!" She said squeezing him harder. "Haha, we just met yestersay you silly goose!"

And so on. Meanwhile...

"THIS IS IT!! WE'RE GONNA KILL THE LORD!!" One of the children said, but suddenly their game froze. "Crap.. No WHY IS IT LAGGING!??!!?"

"MINE TOO" said another one

"SAME HERE" and another one

"FUUUUUUUUUUU" and the other one

While the last one just threw his phone and left the park.

The End.


2. Alber (alpha x saber)

Disclaimer: i purposely made alpha and saber's lab different because i said so. Lolololol


"Bzzzztttt Bzzzzzzt"
A weird and rather annoying noise can be heard from inside a peculiar lab. Saber, a lone cyber assasssin is currently on a mission to slay a vampiric assassin who goes by the name Viscount. But on his way, he found an old and abandoned lab with loud annoying buzzing noises that appears to be coming from inside the lab. He doesn't really think much of it and wanted to just carry on with the mission. But suddenly a robotic voice calling for help was heard.

"H... help.. m...... me...."

Saber was confused. He was curious. He wasn't really a nice guy that will do whatever it takes to help another soul at his own will. He wanted to leave it alone but something inside of him tells him to go and investigate. "That's weird. I never felt any sympathy to a suffering soul" he said to himself, but he went along with his instincts and takes out his two blades just in case it was a set up.

He carefully made his way into the beaten building. Glasses were broken. Walls fell apart. Explosion damages everywhere. All the wires seems to be short circuited. He keeps an eye on the voice who's calling for help and using it as a guide to lead him to the person and or being who was calling for help.

"H.... help... m... me....."

The voice continued on calling for help, with each step he takes, the voice kept on getting louder and louder. Until he reached a mysteriously intact door. He tried opening the door but it won't budge. He got impatient so he kicked the door open. Turns out it was a sliding door. So he felt embarrased because he acted like a fool.

He takes a quick look around the room. The voice stopped at that moment, so he didn't really know what or where the being was. He can see loads of machines simillar to the ones that made him live in the first place. Most of the machines were broken though, and a load of papers were scattered around on a table that was full of beakers and electronics. He then picks up a fallen file that was on the ground near the table. He read through the file and it turns out that this lab was meant to make a living robotic killing machine called Project Alpha. But according to the records in the files, there were miscalculations that caused the robotic being called Alpha goes out of control and destroyed the lab. The rest was unknown. They also wrote that there was another copy of Alpha and it was called Beta. But Beta was deatroyed in an accident and all that's left of him was his left hand.

Saber was shocked by what he just read. It reminds him of himself. A killing machine, who kills mercilessly. A heartless being. Then, he somehow felt the need to help someone for once. He looked around the lab. He want to find the person who was calling for help this whole time. After looking around the area for a while, he discovered some sort of cage on the end of a corridor that's hidden inside a rusty door in the lab.

The corridor is somewhat dark, but he steps closer wanting to know what was inside the cage. He then realises that his sword kinda glows, so he took them out and uses them as a light source. Inside the cage was, a robotic human who was silently crying while hugging an arm silently weeping as he continued to scream for help.

"H.. hello?" Saber slowly said attempting to not startle him.

"W.. w ... who are you!? D.. did they sent you? DONT COME NEAR ME!" he said, inching backwards cornering himself in the corner of the cage. He was afraid at saber's two blazing blades that seemed like its ready to slice both him and the remains of what probably was Beta.

"No... im not gonna hurt you. Im sorry for startling you, i want to save you." Saber took out his blade, he swings it towards the cage bars and it slices the bars to make an opening big enough to set Alpha free from his cage. "T.... Thank
You... stranger, but Beta.. he did not survive, can you help him?" Saber took a quick look at what he called "beta" it was the arm he was hugging when he cried there the entire time. "I don't know. I might be able to reconstruct him to be able to live again. But he won't be a living cyborg anymore." Saber explained, as he helped Alpha up from the floor of his cage. "I... im sorry for asking a lot right after you saved my life. If you can at least bring Beta back... i... i would forever be indebted to you.. thank you for being so kind to a killing machine like me. Im a worthless being. I... i didn't even think anyone would care if i die in this lab..." Hearing the following, Saber felt bad. He felt.. bad? Since when did the ruthless assassin of Eruditio feel.. sympathy? This particular cyborg changed his vision. From a ruthless killing machine.... he changed him to be a better person. "No. Everyone deserves a second chance. You weren't able to control yourself. You were created to be a killing machine. But you don't have to be one that kills for evil. You can help others too. So let's take you and your brother back to Eruditio so i can fix your brother." Saber smiled. A rare sighting not even the cries of his enemies when he tortured them could make him smile. He never smiled. Sadisticly nor happily. Since that day on. The two cyborg lived together side by side, fighting for justice.

The End


3. Akai x Food.



FOOD: ...........


FOOD: .........




FOOD: *sweat drops*

Akai: AM NYAM NYAM NYAM. I ate the food. I love food.



4. Zilong x Spear
Title: Spear Flippin

Author's note: this fic is a parody of Daydreaming. Which is an ostrich song. Yeah... search it in google. You'll understand.


Spear flippin, friends in the air~~
Spear flippin, friends in the air~~


Im in love with my gold spear~~
All the heroes complainin ya see....
But she loves me.
Can't help it if they don't understand it~

It's fun to be in love with a gold spear~~
And if you haven't tried it,
Don't deny it ma friend,
'Cause it's so much fun!
To go out in the sun!
Just flip the rest of the world~~

Spear flippin, friends in the air~~
Spear flippin, friends in the air~~


Walkin down top lane with ma gold spear
All the teammates stare
But i don't care what they say,
She never says a word
She's a fucking object
She cannot say a worrdd

So if you found an object that loves you
All your friends complainin,
They just haven't been flipped.
Let's poke Alu in the ass
With ma Golden speaar!!

Wait... that sounds wrong....

Alu: uhh.... yes. Yes it does.

The End



5. Cyask (lol what)


Once upon a time lived a planet dominator who changed himself to be a planes dominator. Because he thought he would start small and dominate planes first. Then planets. He was known as Zhask. With his plane army, he chooses to destroy the world. And then he can finally rule the world!

"Hahaha.... things are going perfectly as planned. Now all we have to do is operate the master plane, to attack the world! DESTROY IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!" His sadistic laugh echoed throughout the hallways of his lair. With one push of the button on the control panel, the master plane will be awaken. And the world is done for. "At last.... i'll be succesfull ! Time do be destroyed. Petty humans!" Zhask pushed the button. But weirdly enough, nothing happened. Instead the plane' garage door opened. "What..!? HOW!? WHAT IS HAPPENING!??! WHY WON'T IT ATTACK THAT PATHETIC PIECE OF ROCK YOU CALL EARTH?!" Zhask fumed in rage.

A laugh can be heard from the distance. "Hahahahahaha. Do you really think after i showed up everytime you dominate a plane i didn't actually do anything to it? You stupid alien." A huge shadow of a being with pointed hat, was seen in the edge of the corridor. "What!? W.. who are you!?" Zhask asked the shadowy being. "It is i. Your enemy." The figure said. "Uhh which one is it? I kinda have a lot of enemies i can't really remember them all. Also can you step a bit closer? I can't see you."

"What? No. I look cooler from here." The figure whined. "Just come over here and get this over with." Zhask ordered the being. " UGGGGHHHHHH FIINEE" the huge shadow came closer. Each time it gets closer, it turns smaller, and smaller. Until it was clear of who it was. "*Gasp* ! Cyclops.. the infamous starsoul magician?" Zhask exclaimed, surprised as ever. "Wow. You look even smaller than i think you would." Zhask added. "Gee. Thanks." Cyclops rolled his eye. "Anyways, I have hacked into your plane's system. It was as easy as taking candy from a child. I mean seriously. Who puts 12345 as your confitmation password!?" He exclaimed. Smirking at first but his face turned into an anoyed one when he talked about the password. "Uhh.. wasn't me." Zhask sweatdropped. "Oh really? System command, sign in." A female voice could be heard after Cyclops said the following. "Please input the passcode in the monitor in front of you." A hologram monitor than appeared with a keypad on it. Cyclops then puts in the number 12345 into it. "Access granted. You may now destroy the world. Ha ha ha ha ha.......


Cyclops facepalmed. "Zhask, really?" Cyclops asked the planes dominator as he sweatdropped. "It was catchy! Ok?! I love that song." He said, his face a little bit flustered at the fact that Cyclops now know he loves listening to Havana and also how dumb he really is. "How.. just how did u even become the king of the kastiyans? Im truly very sorry for the kastiyans.... "

"Shut up! For your information, i am a great king! And i will destroy the earth and rule it for the sake of my kastiyans!" Zhask revealed his plan. "Uhm sorry? Nu-uh. Im taking over the earth. Not some... dumb tentacled shrimp loving alien." Cyclops mocked him, "I AM NOT DUMB" Zhask raised his voice at the midget. He was triggered enough that he has been called a dumb alien over and over again. Which is kinda ironic because he is actually a dumb alien.

"Yes. Yes you are."

"No! No im not!"

"Yes. yes you are."


"Oh reaallyy? What was your plan again?" Cyclops asked the planes dominator again. "My master plan is to destroy the earth and RULE THE EARTH!" He exclaimed, feeling proud about himself. "Uh-uh. Then, if you destroyed it, what's left for you to rule? Stardust? PFFTT YA DUMBASS TWAT!" Cyclops smirked, for he has backed him up into a corner of smert comebacks. "Uhm... well that's true... i... i didn't think about that before... CYCLOPS! THANK YOU!" Zhask's sudden change of behaviour. "Wait.. what?" Zhask the hugs Cyclops tightly. "Thank you! If you haven't hacked my master plane, my people wouldn't have a place to live! Please join me. Let's rule the earth together! You can be my king!" Zhask said, he kneeled down on one knee. And pulled out a red box from his pocket. Insidd it was an asteroid ring. "I.. im flattered. Zhask, if you wanted to marry me in the first place, you can just ask me to. You don't have to.. wait wait wait wait.... aren't you a male?" Cyclops questioned him. "Kastiyans are genderless to be honest. We can either be a female or a male."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Da da da da da da da da da da da da da.
Da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da.

Wedding. Stuff happened. They breed. And yeah.

And so, the starsoul magician and the planes dominator, rejoiced to rule the world forever. With their own growing happy family.

The End


And, that is all for this mini crack ship compilation. Thank you guys for reading and i'll see you all in the next update!

Again, thanks for reading!!

~~~~~Fluffy Away!!~~~~~

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