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Love, the so called powerful element the world can offer. But as for me, i have never gotten the chance to...
Understand it.......


"Hey! You're coming to Angela's party tonight right?"

"Of course! Rumor has it that Angela's hoping to find someone to date in that party, i would do anything to be able to be there!"

"Dream on, like hell she's gonna pick you! If she's gonna pick someone it'll be me!"

"You? Oh please you can't even count! Lol. Anyways, see ya tonight!"

"True XD see ya!"


"Sigh... party huh?" I sighed, looking at those other kids who just parted ways. I've always liked Angela... i kinda.. have a crush on her. But seeing the competitions... i doubt a piece of garbage like me would ever be worthy of being Angela's significant other.

But a part of me says.... i wan't to try. I want to claim her. Let them know that i can fulfill my dream. But with my physical form..? I doubt she would even look at me without calling the guards to kick me out.

I just wish that... i can change who i am.... for a little while, for me to express my... love? For someone.. without worrying about being slapped or humiliated by the person im confessing to...

Then it struck me.

I dashed through the halls of the library, going through the most unvisited part. The part where thick books of spells or geography of the world or any kind of boring education was located. I searched and searched, then i found the book that holds the knowledge i desired.

I opened the dusty book, flipping pages after pages looking for one particular spell. The spell to change one's appearance.

My current... form... Isn't human. Im a short disgusting Cyclops. No one likes my real form. That's why i hid my face with the scarf i hold dear. It was a gift... from my mother, a gift she gave to warm up my freezing body. From the cold breeze of judgement. But i've misused it myself...

Her intention was never to make me feel ashamed of myself. She did not give me this scarf because of my disgusting form. She never want me to hide myself from the world. She always told me that... "what they think doesn't matter. You're you. You're perfect the way you are."

Her words made me feel better. She gave me this scarf, and she told me she likes seeing me with it. She said i look "handsome". Which at the time made me happy and confident. Though the world never agrees. And when my mother passed away, i started hiding myself.

People never cared. They never have. They look at me with their disgusted look. It hurts so much... but there is nothing i can do. No one will be able to love such a miscreated being like myself.

I just thought.. just this once... if maybe i can be... good looking? I can finally be happier...


After reading most of the book, i finally found it. I found the spell. The book said the spell will wear off after 30 days of use. "A month..." i mumbled to myself. It's not a really long time, but... im too desperate to refuse.

I chanted the spell, thus changing my physical form in an instant.

"It.. worked?"

"Haha... it worked.... haha..... i'll finally be happy..."

I started getting ready for the party. It was a free party, so it doesn't matter who comes. I wore my best outfit, and i've prepared a letter to express my love for her.

As soon as i arrived, everyone stared at me. But it wasn't a disgusted stare, it felt  like they like my existance.. for once i wasn't hated.

That night, i actually made friends. And people actually acknowledges my existance. This is my first time knowing how it felt to not be lonely. As i chat with the other guests, suddenly she came. Her pretty eyes, her soft looking hair, her beautiful smile. She's the woman of my dreams.

I mustered all of my confidence and i started walking up to her. As i got closer, she started to notice me. And to my surprise, she greeted me first.

"Hello there, enjoying the party?" She said to me with her signature smile that everyone adores.

"Oh... Uh yeah! Great party Angela. And i must admit, that dress look pretty on you."

"What was i thinking!? What if she thinks im weird for observing her dress? What if she thinks im a pervert? Is complimenting a person counts as flirting? Oh my stars what have i done?"

after that thought, i kinda just plastered a smile on my face, eager to know her reaction towards my recent compliment. And thankfully her reaction turned out good. At first she looked rather surprised, but her surprised look soon changes into her usual smile. 1 0

"Why thank you! That's the first time anyone had said anything about my dress this intire night, thank you... uhmm.."

"Oh. How rude of me. My name is Cyclops."

"Hehe, thanks Cyclops. It's nice meeting you here. Well, i gotta go check on some  of the snacks and beverages. Enjoy the party Cyclops!"

As she was about to go, i managed to stop her.

"Wait!" I said, making her stop and look to me once more.

"Yes?" She plainly asked.

"I uh... here, i wanted to give you this..."

I handed her the letter i wrote earlier, again, she looked rather surprised but eventually changes her expression to her usual happy self.

"Oh, thank you. I'll read it in a minute. See you later Cyc!"

I just nodded at her sentence, and with that she went off to go whatever she was gonna do. After i successfully engaged a conversation and managed to give her the letter expressing my feelings, i just stood there stunned. I still could not believe that i managed to pull it off without any problems.

"Well i guess i just need to wait for her reply then.."


The party went on, And on untill it's finally time to call it a day. Everyone was starting to leave. But Angela didn't seem to reply to any confessions troughout the party. I sighed and decided to leave also.

"Maybe this change of appearance won't help after all ..."

I started to walk out of her mansion, and as i was walking through her front garden, i heard someone called my name.

"Cyclops! Wait!"

I looked back to see who called my name, and to my surprise, it was Angela. She ran over to me, while i just stood there, dumbfounded looking like an idiot.

"Cyclops. That poem was so beautiful... And i.. i think i also feel the same way.." she lightly blushed as she said those words shyly.

I was shocked. Really shocked. I didn't really think she would pick me, of all people....

"R ... really?" I asked her, still shocked.

"Yes." She then hugs me tightly and kissed my cheek before letting go of the hug.

"Here's my phone number, let's chat some more later. And if you want... we could maybe... go on a date tomorrow. What do you say?" She handed me a piece of paper containing numbers in it. And with a smile on my face, i happily said "That would be great! I'll pick you up tomorrow ok?"

"Hehe.. ok. Good night Cyclops!" She then walks back into her mansion and waved at me as i made my way back to my own home.


OK! Which ship do you think this fic is about? Comment your answer in this dot!


Try and guess! First person to get it right can request any ship to me. I'll even do a character x reader type. Im doing this as an apology for beung unactive for 1 month and a few days.. so.. Gud luck! Oh. And don't cheat by scrolling down the story! And once you comment down your answer, you cannot change it. So think wisely!

(Tho there's a high chance that no one cares XD but whatever im doing it anyways XD)

Now let's get back to the story!


After that eventfull day at Angela's party, we're officially dating. And again, for once i can experience happiness with the person i really loved. We were happy together. We spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other. But we still haven't kissed though...

It all stayed like this for around a week. Then i started to notice something. It felt like she cared about me less now. We didn't spend as much time together as we used to... and she looks kinda distracted and uninterested to me most of the time when we are together. Until one day...

We were hanging out on a park, when i needed to go to the bathroom. So i left her on a bench near an ice cream stand. But then after i got back from the toilet, i saw her..... kissing with another man. I didn't know who it was at first, Angela's body was covering whoever she was kissing. My heart slowly tear apart. After looking at that scene.

I slowly walked up to her. And said..


She heard me. But she didn't bother to look at me. At that point my heart was feeling immense pain. To be betrayed by someone you thought loved you so much? It feels so bad... so bad that i really wanted to just stab myself and end the pain once and for all.

A few seconds after i called her name, they finally stopped making out. As she moved her body away from the one she was kissing, i got a clear view of who it was. It was Harley. Harley Vance.

"Oh right... you. Uhm.. we're done." She plainly said as i stood there holding in my tears.

"But.. why?" I wanted to know why she betrayed me. What made her heart change.

"Cyclops, you're cute. And nice. But i've got to admit. You're boring at times. And you don't have money. What kind of a guy are you? You couldn't even afford me a dress last monday, let alone afford giving me a great future. Im sorry. But we're done." She said. As she left the park with Harley, hand in hand.


I went home looking like shit. I cried my eye out that night. Slowly realizing the painful realization that no matter what form he is in, no one could truly love me. After that, i spent my whole time inside my house doing research instead of bothering to go outside. I only go out to buy food supplies or maybe something else. Once again, im lonely and miserable. Slowly becoming a hermit.

Then one day, i wanted to check on how  many days do i have till the spell wears off. "Seven days..." i mumbled to myself. Though it wouldn't matter anyways... im still going to be alone no matter what. I started to read my books again, but then i noticed it started pouring outside. And by the looks of it, it might even be a thunderstorm. I didn't think much about it until i heard someone knocks my door loudly.


I sighed at first but i answered the door anyways. The person who knocked my door was a slim cat elf with pink hair, shivering from being drenched in the rain.

"Oh my, come in. You must be cold. Sit down and i'll get you a towel and some clean clothes." I said, feeling a bit sympathy for the poor girl.

"Thank you so much, i really apreciate your hospitality.." the pink haired girl said as she sat down on the couch. "Here, you can change in that room. I'll prepare you a warm meal, you must be hungry. It's kinda late." I was making my way to the kitchen when she said something. "Wait, no need. I've already given you much trouble by bothering you at a late hour... i don't want to trouble you anymore.."

"Oh, no it's fine. I needed to make dinner anyways, so might as well help another amirite?"

"Well.. if you insist..."

"Yeah, you better hurry and change before you get a cold."

"Oh right, again, im so sorry for troubling you."

"It's fine really."

She then proceeds to change her clothing while i prepared some curry because why the hell not? It's delicious. And warm and very filling. Anyways, after a while, she showed up behind me, and started to offer me help with the cooking. I said no, but she insisted to help me, so i let her do it before she started to get even louder.

A few minutes later, the curry was done. And we ate together, while warming ourselves in front of the fireplace.

"So, how did you get here? My house is pretty far away from the town. Im even surprised someone even walks past my house." I asked.

"Oh, right. I was going to the forest to find some mushrooms and berries, because THEY'RE SO GOOOD!!!!. Sorry, hehe, anyways.. i mah have taken a wrong turn in the woods, and ended up in a place that im not familiar with. Then it started to rain. I walked aroung the area and found your house. And you know the rest."

"Oh... so you're lost?"

"Kind of? Hehe..  ok i have no idea where i am XD" she laughed a bit and started to eat some of her curry some more. "Well. Since it's late, you can stay here for the night. I'll show you the way back to town tomorrow morning." I finished the last of my curry and stood up to wash the dirty dishes. "Oh right. I didn't catch your name earlier. But my name is Cyclops by the way." I just realized that all this time i didn't even know her name. What if she is actually a mass murderer? Even though she doesn't look like it, she could've actually been one the whole time.

"Oh right haha... My name's Nana. Nice to meet you Cyclops." she said then she gives me a sweet smile, that actually makes her looks quite cute.


Time goes by as we chat near the warm fire. Somehow she makes me feel happy, she is actually interested in my magical studies and is amazed by the fact that im an astronomer.... her acceptance was something i never experienced with Angela. She has never been interested with my nerdy side. And i thought maybe she can be a friend i never had before.

When it's time to hit the hay, i just don't want to let her sleep on the couch. So i lied saying my bedroom (which is the room where Nana changed her clothing in) was an extra bedroom. I made sure she was asleep before i started to sleep myself so that she didn't know im sleeping on the couch.

The next morning though, i woke up LIKE DIS.



And made breakfast for the two of us. And after breakfast, i showed her the way back to town. At first i was kinda sad that she's leaving, her company made me happy. But maybe im still cursed to be forever alone.


The next day, i was drinking tea while reading books. Obviously... and heard yet another knock on my door. When i opened the door, it turned out to be Nana again. A part of me was actually very happt to finally be able to meet her again.

"Oh, hello Nana, what's the matter? You got lost again?" I teased, "no, i know my way around the forest now. Geez XD anyways, here i baked some cookies as a thank you for yesterday, i hope you like it!" She handed me a basket full of chocolate chip cookies. "Oh, wow thanks Nana, i mean you don't have to really." I said, "it's the least i could do, it was so nice of you to let me stay at your house the other day."

When i just put them aside, she suddenly said that she was about to leave. "Well, uhm ... then i'll leave you be now. See ya 'round!" But just before she could leave, i stopped her. "Wait! W... would you like to have tea with me first? We can share your cookies together and maybe chat some more.." i nervously said, i was very afraid if she were to say no. But then she smiled. "Of course!"


Since then, we hung out a lot. We like go to the forest together to find some mushrooms, i even taught her some of my knowledge about mushrooms while we're at it, and we even stargazed once. Time quickly goes by. I have forgotten that i don't have much time left until my real form was revealed.

At the time we were hanging out in my house, having tea and chatting around when suddenly the spell wore off. I panicked. And ran into my bedroom hoping she didn't see my herrendous form.

"Oh my stars.. what have i done? How could i forget?"

At that point i didn't know what to do. I knew i shouldn't have befriended her. She'll just reject me anyways.. i felt like it's all over now no more chances. If i used the spell again it'll just be lying to her. I was lost. Afraid. Anxious.. and it got worse when she called for me.

"Cy? Is everything alright?"

She asked in a concerned tone. But i didn't dare to reply. Im still shocked. I didn't know what else to do. I don't want her to look at me. I don't want her to hate me. I don't want her to think that i've been lying to her.

"Cy, are you alright?"

I still kept my mouth shut. If my mind weren't so all over the place i could've thought of running away through the window. Instead i stood there. Hiding.

"Cy, please answer me."

"Cy.... please tell me what's wrong."

"Cyclops.... don't ignore me. Tell me what's wrong. It's fine."

I couldn't take it anymore. I decided to tell her the truth. The truth about how much of a fraud i am.
(The italic dialouges are Nana talking)

"No. It's not ok."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't wabt you to see me. See my true form."




"Just ... leave before you get disgusted by me. The worst thing that can happen now is the thought of you being disgusted by me."

"........ i don't care."

"W.. what?"

"I don't care what you look like or whatever. I still want to spend time with you. You have a kind heart... even though you've been going through a lot, you still have the heart to help me that night. I like your company. What matters is the inside. Not the outside. So please, get out of the room and let's talk again."


I was stunned at her words. Those are the first time someone has ever said that to me... I gathered the courage i still have left and slowly opened the door.

When it's fully opened, she greeted me with a hug. A warm hug, and said.

"I'll always be with you. Don't let what others think get to you. You're perfect the way you are."

I remembered those words. Those are my mother's last words. Nana reminds me of her. She's the kind that doesn't see others through their looks. And for some reason i began to cry in her embrace.

"*sniff*.. *sniff*.... thanks... Nana.."



Nana: There, there, it's okay... stop crying and let's drink more tea.

Cyclops: /._.\

Nana: you know... you look even cuter in this form... you remind me of a potato~♡

Cyclops: ( ̄□ ̄;)

Nana: hahaha, c'mon let's have a little tea party~~ ~(˘▾˘~)

Cyc: :) ♡

la fin~


HOOO BOI THAT TOOK ME A WHILE XD. Sorry for not updating for like 1 month and a few days... some of you might have already deleted my book from your reading lists or libraries probably... heheh... but yeah im alive. But very lazy. Im supposed to publish stars and cards first but the idea is just not there yet.. soo i decided tl publish this first! Also yeah. The answer was not cyclops x angela. XD ok im gonna cut this short because i gotta sleep XD. See you next time! And i swear it wont take me one more month to update XD.

~~~~~~~FLUFFY AWAY!!!~~~~~~~

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