The Demon's Wolf

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DICLAIMER!!: i do not own any of these characters. But the so called art displayed above is indeed mine. I coloured it. And i personally hate the outcome. And i also hate myself. But.. yea.. u guys are the only one that sees that. Because i ain't postin' it on instagram. Nuh-uh. No can do. NEVAHH.



Howls of wolves can be heard every night. It disgusts her. Because she didn't really have the best past with wolves. After the chaotic day when the old wolf king, Haas killed her grandparents. She swore to herself to make every story to have a better ending. (A/N: Yeah ruby, can u help the author with her stupid and idiotic endings? XD)

Today was an ordinary night, a night like any other. Ruby was walking around forest for a nice nightwalk. "Today's weather is really nice, maybe i'll even stargaze for a while.." she said to herself while admiring the beautiful scenery. It might be a forest, but it was no ordinary forest. The trees was illuminated with moonworms. Moonworms are a type of worms that glow in the nighttime, just like the moon. Thus they were named moonworms. And rainbow fireflies, fly around the area. It was truly a magnificent sight. But suddenly, she heard a scream. Followed by a loud howl.

"*sigh* way to ruin the moment..." she thought. Regarding what she thought, she immidiately run towards the source of the sound to see what's happening.
And she saw two children being surrounded by five wolves ready to attack them. Whitout being hesitant, she jumps in and swings her scythe to the wolf that was about to eat the older children. "RUN! i'll take care of this!" She says commanding the two childrens to retreat to their homes. "But.. what abou--" "just go. I'll be fine. Your parents must be worried!" She says while fighting off one wolf after another. She swings her scythe making a red shockwave with bats, hurting the wolves, then she spins around stunning them hurling them closer as she hits them mercilessly. Everytime one or two starts to run away, she draws them back to her in order for her to continue on hitting them. "Say goodbye, u filthy creatures" she said before sending them the last blow, but suddenly a man dressed in blue, jumps in out of nowhere, taking the last blow, killing all of the wolves instantly.

"Wait what? WHAT THE HECK. YOU STOLE MY KILL!" she says, clearly annoyed by the man who is just chuckling at her reaction. "Stole? I thought i just saved you." He says teasing her. "NO. U !! AARRGGH!!! GET YOUR OWN PACK OF WOLF NEXT TIME YOU JERK!!". "Sorry no can do, im a demon hunter." He says.

"Because then i won't be able to meet this cutie~" he says still teasing ruby.
"Nice moves by the way. Those lifesteal effects was really nice." He adds. Ruby took a deep breath to calm her down as she needs to put her rage mode to a stop. "Thanks. I leared it from my grandpa. He thought me how to fight and teaches me the way of using lifesteal in my attacks." Ruby explained, she remembers the good old days when she would train with her grandpa every night, and they would often hunt wolves together.

"Soooo you're a wolf hunter?" The male spoke, switching ruby back into the future. "Oh umhh yeah. Why?" She asked confused. "That's funny, because you remind me of a wolf. XD" he says followed by laughing at ruby. "DON'T U DARE COMPARE ME TO THOSE BEASTS. I AM NOTHING LIKE THEM." Ruby said, defending herself. "Ahaha.... reaaally???says the girl who howls while attacking those wolves earlier Ms floofy wolfy~~ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH" he suddenly bursts out laughing getting ruby annoyed. "Why.. YOU....!!!--"..

"Hold on hold on... you're also short too XD ahahahaha u look like a little wolf XD ahahahahahha!!!" He says again, still laughing. "Says the demon hunter with a personality as annoying as a demon, and one that has a demon hand. Were not that different now, are we?" Ruby says getting her revenge. (A/N oh yeah. I forgot to mention, i know blue alucard has a metal hand thing, but i love the old alucard's demon hand. But i don't like old alucard's face.... sooooo... I'll just mix them all together! XD) "ahaha... you're right, were not different after all, ms wolfy XD" He replies with a sweet smile on his face. "Oh right, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Alucard, a demon hunter. May i know your name ms wolfy?" Alu says still trying to hold back his laughter after saying those last words. XD "yeah very rude of you. And i am Ruby, i am a wolf hunter, and coukd you please stop annoying me or you'll be my next target." She says trying to sound threatening. "Whoa, easy there. I was also looking for you, ms wolfy, my current mission is to take down a demonic wolf that resides in the mountains nearby, i myself wasn't really fond of how wolves attack, so i might need the help of someone that's been fighting wolves a lot. And i heard, a girl was saving a lot of people in this nearby village from countless of wolf attacks." He explained. "How would you know that im willing to help you?" "Because im handsome~"

Silence. Nothing was heard. Ruby was left with a pokerface. Then suddenly she burst out laughing. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA ARE YOU EVEN BEING SERIOUS?" "Hey, rude. But don't blame me if you get yourself fallin' for me, some girls did but i rejected them." He says being ever so arrogant but he is cute~♡♡♡ Ehehe... hehe..... okay i need to stop. This is alucard not an x reader.

"Ahaha... yea yea whatever mr "handsome" demon. And why me? Don't you know that guy that's also a wolf hunter? I believe he is roger, he's been hunting down wolves waaay longer than i have. He might be a better partner than me." She says even though she felt that a part of her wants to be his partner. "Yeaahh.... but then, i won't be able to have a chance of fighting with a cute girl like you~ besiideeeesss fighting along with an old man is no fun." Alu says mid flirting with Ruby. "In the end i'll just get a mouthful of useless advice i already know. Typical old people are no fuunnn ( .\_/. ) !!!" He says.

"EXCUuuuuseee you. My grandpa have always been a fun person. He is also nicr and caring. And POLITE. Unlike somebody who just jumps in, steals my kills, and then mocking the person." Ruby complained. "Ahaha... ur still bitter about that? XD and i wouldn't call it "mocking" it's "teasing". And ur fun to tease ~~. Sooo about the mission, are u in or are you out?." Alu replies. " '^' .............. fine.. i've got nothing to do anyways. When are we leaving?" She asked. She kinda felt..... somewhat happy and excited. Even though she kinda hates the guy. I mean, he's full of himself, and he is annoying. How could she not hate him? But there's just something she felt that she can't quite explain.... what is that feeling?..


~~~~~~~~FLUFFY AWAY!~~~~~~~~


Okay sorry..

Please don't kill me..


"Tomorrow morning! What do you say? do you want to stay at the demon hunter's headquarters? We have all you can eat breakfast too!" The male in blue says sounding rather exited that ruby decides to join him. "Hmm... i'll stay at your hq. It'll be easier that way. And by any chance can i cook my own meal? I really want to try something out. I can also make us luches for the trip. The mountains are a day trip by foot is it not?" She says "yeaaahh...... one day by foot... but only half a day..... IF WE HAVE A TIGER!" He says. "Excuse me, did i hear that right? Did you say ... a tiger!?" Ruby says in shock. "YEEPP. I have a friend, and her bro is a ..... lets put it this way, she was adopted by a nice silodon that just gave birth to a baby smilodon, and yadda yadda yadda, she might let us ride her brother... maybe..... i don't know i need to ask nana to contact her.. anyways, let's head to the hq, it's getting real late already." He says as he leads the way to the hq. Ruby kinda felt... envious. Because he seemed so happy, and cheerful. She wished she can also have a happy life like Alucard. Why can't my life be a lot like his? Why do i have to suffer a hard past? She asked herself questions similar to those. But she knew.. all things that happens always has a reason to why it happened. So she just tries to believe that that's for the best.

"AAAAYYYYY IM BACK GUYS!! WHOOAAAAAA Long time no see Fanny! I thought you hated me!! Did you come back because you missed me?" Alu says "greeting" his old friend. "Tch. As if. Im just here to give you this. The leader general thing, whatever you have in this community--" "leader." Alu cuts her off. "Yea yea whatever, he asked me to give you the plans and some sort of advice or to-do list to help u take down the demon wolf creature." Fanny says. "Wow. Is everyone here always this rude?" Ruby suddenly comments and then replied by Alucard saying "not really, she used to have a crush on me--"

"LIEEESSS. i would NEVER like a *does panicked hand qesture thing* guy. Like this. HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MANNERS" Fanny said, saying the opposite of what Alucard's trying to say, although her face kinda shows how much she is actually lying herself. "I KNOW RIGHT? he, is RUDE AF." Ruby adds, making Alucard look even more bad. "Aww come on. 2 vs 1? No fearr
.... and u guys have no sense of humour. I wasn't being rude, i was just trying to make people laugh 😉😉" Alu says defending himself. "It doesn't count if you're the only one laughing." Fanny says. "Argh. Whatever im out of here" Fanny says once again, before flying out of the headquarters using her grappling hook thing. "Boooooo!! Such a cowaaarrdd!!" Alu screams "teasing" Fanny as they hear a faint "I DON'T CARE!" from the distance. "Haha. Classic Fanny." Alu says. "Is she your friend?" Ruby suddenly asks. "Yeah.. we're childhood friends, we used to hang out when me were little, guess time goes by quckly. Whooaa look at the time! Ms wolfy gotta go to sleep or else you can't go attend the mission tomorrow ! Come on, let me show you to a room you can use!" Alu says. "I am not a child." Ruby says coldly. "Lmao i know ms wolfy ~~ here you can use this room, be awake at 5 tomorrow, we still need to discuss the plan. See you tomorrow ms wolfy~~" Alucard says teasing her while running away to his own room, which is actually quite near hers.

<<The Next Day>>

"OKAY!! Ms wolfy, first off, good morning." Alu says after all the preparations are done. "Morning. That's the third time u said that this morning." Ruby says. "Lmao. Ok back to the task on hand, the leader said, we can't kill the wolf unless we exorcise the demon in it. So the trip might take a wee bit longer because we need to visit the starsoul magician, also known as Cyclops." Alu explained. "Wait, why are we visiting Cyclops? He's not an exorcist." Ruby asked confused at Alu's current plan. "You'll see later. Okay, so we can get a potion or sth to get the demon out, then, we fight both of it. You take care of the wolf and i'll take the demon. But it looks like it's a mid ranking demon. It should be easy. So i'll help you after im done with the demon. Any questions?" Alu says looking serious for once. And Ruby's got to admit, his serious face is kinda cute. But enough of that, she don't want to fall in love yet. And not with this guy. Nope. Totally not her type.. or is it? Idk. Im just the narator. And no. Im not harley nor miya. "I'll take that as a no. Okay then, let's call Irithel and see if she lets us borrow her brother XD" Alu says, his playful personality coming back from the abyss.

*ttttrrrtt* *trrrrrtt* "H.. hello? Nana, how does this work?" A sound from the telephone can be heard. "Hello. Im Alucard remember me?" Alu says to the person on the phone. "WHOA HUH? WHAT? who said that?" Thr person said. "It's from the phone Irithel." A voice that's probably Nana said. "Uhmm Alucard oh yeah. One of the very little amount of humans that i actually like. Yea.. how can i help you?" Irithel said. "Uuuhhh i was wondering if i can maaaayybeee..... borrow Leo?" Alu says. "No.". "WHAAT?!?!? oh come on. Just for one day!" Alu says trying to get Irithel to agree. "I already know where this is going and im not gonna allow it. Do you think my brother is a transportation device that you can borrow? He is not a.. thing .. what do you call it Lolita? Oh yeah. A car. He is not a car." Irithel firmly says. "But... you ride him." Alu says. "That's none your bussiness. Byeeee." *click* tuuuut tuuut.

The phone was cut off. "Welp. By foot it is. 😂😂"Alu says "well then we'd better get going now shouldn't we? It's almost half past six. And we still need to go to Cyclops' place." Ruby says suggrsting that they leave now. "Good idea. Let's go."

And with that, the two hunters sets off on their journey, first, they need to go to Cyclop's house to get the thing to exorcise the demon. Along the way, they were exchanging stories about themselves. Laughing at some jokes, and made fun of some weird looking creatures they see on the way. Until Alucard has an idea...

"Hey look! Rapid turtles! Let's ride them! They're huge enough for both of us, and i happen to know how to contol them ! Let's go. Walking is gonna take forever!" Alu says really wanting to ride rapid turtles again. (Rapid turtles are a made up being. Just imagine the huge ml turtle but with a yellow colour and they move fast.) "Are you sure this is a good idea? From what u told me earlier, your skills in riding these turtles aren't really that great.." Ruby adds feeling uncertain. "It's fiinnee trust me. Would i ever lie to ms wolfy?". "Im pretty sure you would." Ruby said "No i wouldn't come on!! Stop wasting time!" Alu said gettin real excited, as he used to ride rapid turtles a lot back when he was still a kid. "You ready?" He asked Ruby getting her approval to start moving the turtle. "Y... Yeah i guess?" Ruby said kinda uncertain because she had never ridden a rapid turtle before. "Aaaaannddd gooo!!!" Alu screams as he broke one of the turtle's crystal and it went running like crazy. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaluuuuucaaaaaarrrrdddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S ANIMAL ABUUUUUSEEEEEE!!!!!! WEEEERRRREEEEEE GOOOOIIIINGGG TOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!"Ruby screamed as the turtle runs at a sonic like pace. "AHAHAHAHAHHAHA I MISSED DOING THIS!" Alu said but suddenly the turtle stopped, and they both went flying, luckily they landed on a big pile of leaves as fall was the current season, Ruby felt very nauseaus,(did i spell that right? Lmao idk) she then saw a laughing Alucard saying "Oh man that was fun" He says followed by laughing at how messy Ruby's hair looks. "FUN!? THAT'S FUN TO YOU?" Ruby said, as she tries to tame her crazy hair. "Come onnnn i know you like it XD. you have to admit, that was amazing XD. just like the good old days.." He says, followed by a sweet smile as he recalled his memories, seeing his smile, Ruby felt even more envious that he gets to have a good childhood.

"You're so lucky"

"Sorry?" Alu said confused at Ruby's sudden statement. "You seemed like you're always happy, and cheerful. You must have a nice childhood. Unlike me, my only family i had. Had to be murdered by those. Filthy wolves. I became insane. They took away my sanity. My happiness, all gone." She says. "You know.... i don't use to be as happy as i am now." "My family was also brutally murdered by demons. And i was captured. They tortured me, use me as their slave. That time, i felt like.... that was it. My time was over. But then they came, the demon hunters, they saved me, and they took me in. They raised me, they treated me like i was a part of their family. If it weren't for them, i wouldn't be here. And i've known your past. I saw you murder those wolves all by yourself. If only i walked through there earlier, i could've saved your family. But i was too late. I felt bad, so i've been keeping an eye on you. Seeing you all alone everyday, you don't even have a home to go home to. And this mission wasn't even supposed to be for me. As soon as i heard about the demonic wolf, i immidiately ask for the job to be transferred to me instead, because i wanted to finally save you from your misery. I want to show you, that nothing lasts forever. We can still change the future. Seeing you laugh when i told you a joke, makes me happy... and less guilty about not being able to help. Your smile is what i want to see.". "So stop giving me that look. SMILE!! I DEMAND YOU TO SMILE MS WOLFY! SMIILEEEE!!!" He said while tickling Ruby.

"Ahahahahahahaha... alright... alright stoop sheesh. And im sorry for bringing up your painful past..." Ruby said. "And thank you... for saving me. You truly are a good man after all." She said. Giving Alucard a sweet sincere smile that made his heart skip a beat. She truly deserve happiness. And he will do whatever it takes to make her happy. "Well, alright then. Now that that's out of the way, let's continue our journey! Cyclop's house should be that much of a walk. Come on. We need to slay dat beast!!!!!" He said regaining his playful personality. Ruby chuckled at his behaviour. It also felt like she has found her happiness. In a span of a day.

<<At Cy's house>>

A/N you know it's gonna be comedic when there's cy around. And who will show up if there's a cy? YOU'LL FIND OUT NOW.

"Soo this is it. And it's still midday. The mountains is not that far from here too. I guess the rapid turtle kinda helps XD" Ruby said. "see ? I told you it was a good idea!" Alu said with pride. "But that kinda counts as animal abuse. You shouldn't do that." She said. "Lmao. Watch me." He said. Just as Ruby was about to knock the door, a loud noise can be heard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH STOOOPPP AH NOOOOO.!!". "What is going on in there?" Aku said. "It honestly kinda sounds like Cyclops." Ruby said. And then Alucard decides to knock the door. "H.. hey! Is everything alright in there?" As soon as Alucard spoke, the noise stopped. And suddenly the door opens revealing a messy looking Cyclops. "Yes? How may i help you?" Cy said sounding very exhausted. "Whoa. Bro. You don't look so good. What happened?" Alu asked. "Harley happened." He said. "Oooohh.. right. Okay im so sorry you have to deal with him XD but i need your help. We want to exorcise a demonic wolf. And we need to get the demon out first. How do we do it?" Alu said.. "huuh.... wait you're asking the wrong guy. Just a moment." He said as he went inside and shortly came back outside with a different look. "Okay. Now i can help you." He said. "What's the use of the change?" Ruby said. "UHHHH EVERYTHING. I need to look like this in order to help with your problem. Come inside, i have the thing you need." He said while gesturing them to come inside his quite unique looking house. Inside, they saw a harley in the corner on the room and Cyclop's cage thingy with "the timeout corner" written above the cage. "Don't mind my boyfriend. He was just being a rebel." He said while going through his stuff. "Ohmygod Cy is in exorcist mode!! You look so---" "at tat tat tat. No talking in the timeout corner." He cuts him off continued by a pout on Harley's face. "Here. This should do it. Throw this water to de wolf. And the demon should come out. But after that it would possess something else. And it'll most likely be Alucard. Because he has a demon arm. You've been posssessed once am i right? That's how you got your demon hand in the first place. If that were to happen, you need to dispose of the place where the demon resides. Use this, it is a special knife that kills demons instantly. After you dislocated the place where it resides, the demon will have nowhere to go. So you'll need to kill it isntantly. And be carefull demons like to play with your mind to get what it wants" He explains. "Okay now do you want to stay for lunch or do you want to immidiately go kill that thing?" Cyclops said making them a n offer. "Lunch... that's right. AAAA IT FELL WHEN WE RODE THE TURTLE!!" Said Ruby feeling dissapointed because she packed her favorite lunch too. "How does it fall? Turtles are--" "rapid turtles" Alu said. "Oooohh that makes sense. But dude, they are really rare y'know. Don't mess with them too often. Here take this arrival ward. Just teleport back to your hq." He said. "Thank you Cyclops. And lunch would be great if it isn't that much of a burden to you." Ruby said. "No problem. Har har, your timeout is over. Let's have lunch."

After they spend a while talking with Cyclops and Harley, they kept laughing at something that Ruby and Alu don't understand XD because this happens:

A/N yes. I saw this person's story and i ssed it. Im sorry for stealing. It's just too hilarious XD.

They went on to their journey to the mountains. As they walked, they often ask each other some questions, getting to know each other. Sometimes alu makes cringy jokes, and ruby would cringe and overreact making Alu laugh instead. They liked each other's company. And they didn't want it to ever end. "Well. This is it. The home of the wolf demon." Alu said while looking at the map. "Shall we climb it then?" Ruby asked. "Yeah. But just until that flat part over there with the cave. That should be it's cave. And luckily it's not that high." He said while going up the quite steep mountain. "Wait you mean that area over there? That's only 2 metres high. This beast is dang lazy if you ask me." Ruby said, judging the beast. "Shhhhh. It can detect sounds." Alu said. "Sorry." Ruby whispered as she makes her way up to the area with the cave. "Okay. How are we going to do this?" Ruby asked while Alucard was getting the potion and the knife ready. "Turns out this demon is gonna be harder to deal.. i don't quite know how we're gonna do it but i believe we can." He said "Let's do our best! Wolfy? What's with your face? Are you scared?" Alu said looking at Ruby with a confused face. "A... alu..... Behind you...." She says her face still looks shocked. The beast was right behind Alucard while he gives his "speech" of confidence XD. "what do you. AAAHHH!!" he screamed while splashing the liquid on his hand to the beast' face leaving Ruby facepalming at his reaction. 'Isn't he supposed to be used to this kind of thing?' Ruby thought in her mind "Wait... nothing happened" Alu said as he kept throwing more water to the wolf's face but nothing still happned. "ALUCARD THAT'S OUR DRINKING WATER YOU'RE HOLDING! THE POTION IS IN THE BAG." (A/N just to let yoy know, the potion bottle and the regular water bottle was simillar XD)Ruby said facepalming real hard this time. "Ohhh right.. hehe... crap it's angry... Wolfy! Grab the potion! I'll get his attention!" Alu commanded, getting his sword ready as he runs the opposite way of Ruby to lead the wolf away from her while she looks the real potion. The wolf that was already annoyed by the amount of water thrown at him,(i swear this scene would be so funny if it were to be made as an anime or cartoon or sth XD) the wolf runs after Alucard trying to hurt him with his claws, but only to get blocked by Alucard's sword. "HAH. Is that all you've got? Take this." He said as he jumps in the air hitting it with his sword on the head, followed by a spinning attack. (A.k.a skill 1 + skill 2. 😆😆😆) "Oh my god. Your regeneration is really annoying. WOLFY HURRY UP! THERE IS NO WAY I CAN KILL IT!" Alu said blocking more attacks and frequently hitting the wolf everywhere. But because of the demon in it, it heals all his wound in a blink of an eye. "I got it! Watch out!" Ruby alarmed him as she threw the potion at the wolf while Alucard jumps out of the way. It worked . It was truly a dreadful sight.

The wolf struggled in pain, as the demon goes out. But when it's out, it moves lightning fast. And unfortunately, Alucard was standing quite near the suffering wolf, and Ruby couldn't quite catch who the demon possess. "Oh no.. i don't know which one of you is possessed.." Alucard looked normal. Nothing weird. The wolf stayed the same. "Kill it ruby. It went back in the wolf. The knife is all we have left." Alu said but strangely forming a sinister smile after saying so. Ruby can't really think at that moment, she knew it was illogical to go straight back into the wolf but she trusts Alucard, and immidiately getting the knife Alu left on the floor, using her scythe to get the wolf near her, and stabs the wolf multiple times until it dies. But strangely, Alu didn't move. Instead he says "haha .. good job ruby. And have i ever say how powerful you are? Im truly envious. That lifesteal that you have inbedded inside your scythe, why don't you give it to me? So that all your bad memories of letting your granparents die a horrible death all gone? Im sure i'll make better use of it than just killing stupid wolves." Alu said, being very suspicious. "N. No.. this is all i have left of my grandpa." She said, confused of alu's request. Why did he sound like he wants power so much? "Come on Ruby, don't you trust me ? After all i've done for you to have a wonderful time today? Didn't i say how much your smile meant for me? You are the only thing i care about. And i want to protect you. So give your source of power to me, and i can always keep you save. My dear Ruby." He says. "No.. Alucard, what has gotten into you--" that was it. She remembered. "And be carefull. Demons like to play with your mind to get what it wants" she suddenly remembered what Cyclops said. She attacked the wrong being. She should've immidiately cut off Alu's demon arm. "No. You're not Alucard." She said. "What are you talking about? Of course im Alucard. And Ruby, i truly love you. Let me protect you. Lend me your lifesteal." The demon says. Despite being possessed, Alu can still see what's goin on, he desperately want Ruby to not listen to it. He wanted to kill this demon for messing with ruby. "No! Alu is not the type of person to be wanting power. I can see right through you. And you even called me ruby. Alu always calls me ms wolfy or wolfy. You know nothing demon. Get out of him or i'll kill you!" She says "haha. Smart little girl. If you won't give me your lifesteal capabilities, then i'll have to take it by force." The demon said, picking up Alu's sword as he swings it towards Ruby.

Ruby blocks the sword. "No please. Don't. I don't want to hurt Alucard." Ruby pleades, but the demon seems to not care a thing about it. He kept swinging his sword towards Ruby. "Come on ruby don't just dodge me. Fight me!" The demon said giving her a sinister smile because it knew, Ruby loves Alucard. And it's using Alucard as an advantage to get the power he desires. The gem in Ruby's schyte was a sacred gem her granpa found, that provides the weapon it's embedded to a powerful amount of lifesteal. When the demon saw Ruby climbing up the mountain. He saw the gem. And he wants it. Time passed by, Ruby was dodging every attack. And she was getting exhausted. "Aren't you tired yet? You pathetic human." The demon said. And Ruby was too tired, that she fell to the ground, not being able to dodge any of "alu's" attacks anymore. "Say goodbye, little girl" the demon said as he swings the sword ending Ruby's life.

Ruby fell in defeat. She knew, she'll die. She wasn't able to save Alucard. She felt guilty. She closed her eyes waiting for the final blow. But it never came. When she opened her eyes, she saw Alu struggling. His other hand holding the other preventing it from swinging the sword. And alu suddenly said, "Wolfy get the knife!" He said. As she heard that, he knew it was truly Alucard. He was fighting off the demon inside of him as soon as she heard those words, she immidiately ran with all the energy she had left to grab the knife and cuts off Alu's demon hand arm thing. "AAAAHHHH!!!" The demon screamed as the blade was burning it. As it fled out of Alu's body. Alu fell unconcious right after the demon got out. "NO. MY VESSEL. HOW DARE YOU!" but just before he could attack, Ruby stabbed the demon right on the heart as it slowly fades a way "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" was it's last words.

Ruby grabbed a healing potion they got from Cylops and ran straight to Alucard. "Alu! Are you okay? Alu!!" She says but he did not respond. "Alu! Here i'll heal you" she splashed the potion onto him. It seems to help the wound on his hand. But he still hasn't opened his eyes. "Alu!!! OPEN YOUR EYES. SAY SOMETHING! PLEASE DON'T DIE. I DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU. I... I LOVE YOU. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Ruby screamed as tear started to flow down.


"R... ruby.... i.... i was messing with you."

"ALUCARD YOU JERK!" Ruby screamed "YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK! DON'T YOU KNO--" her words was cut off her lips was sealed with Alucard's she was shocked. "Ah... i..." she stuttered her face was bright red. "Im sorry for messing with you. And i love you too. Ms wolfy." Alu said smiling at her. "D.. don't scare me like that... i almost lost someone important to me again... you've saved me. And if you die .... aarrgghh you jerk!!! Never do that again! You demon!" Ruby said her face still flushed from the kiss. "Ahaha. Im sorry my little wolf~" he said.

The end.

WOOO ANOTHER STUPID ENDING. AND I FINALLY FINISHED IT!! haha.. sorry if some of you got a notif saying i updated it yesterday but ur not able to open it. I was just continuing it but then my fingers accidentally pressed publish, and i panicked. So i unpublished it right away XD sorry about that.. XD oh! And please help me choose a ship for the next oneshot! I can't choose

Which one do you prefer?

- Karina x Estes


-Miya x Zilong


-Estes x Alice?

Yeah. It would be nice if you guys could help me. And sorry if this story also have a stupid plot. XD

~~~~~~~FLUFFY AWAAY!!!~~~~~~~

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