Day Eight

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Set during my favourite season- 12

Basically, what if Nya didn't lose her first life in the quick sand?

The five ninja follow Okino through the forest in Prime Empire. Lloyd and Jay are walking in front with Okino, Kai and Cole are in the middle and Nya is lagging behind.

Nya shivers, runs past Kai and Cole, jumps over a tree root and lands in something similar to quicksand. Nya screams as teeth claw at her clothes. Lloyd and Okino turn around. Jay and Cole run to Nya and grab her hands. Nya grabs onto their wrists tightly, digging her nails into their wrists.

Jay and Cole tug on her hands, trying to pull her out. Nya yells in pain as the teeth keep clawing at her waist and legs. Kai and Lloyd sprint over and help pull their youngest teammate out of the sand.

Jay lifts her out and holds her on his lap. Nya looks down at her legs. Her gi is torn and parts of her legs are bleeding. Jay rips off parts of his outfit and wraps them around the cuts. Nya smiles at him and shakily stands up, still a little shaken up.

Jay and Nya come out of the 'sushi restaurant' and walk up the stairs to where they put the Keytana's.

Jay hugs her tightly.

"It'll be okay. We'll get them back, I promise."

Nya smiles into his chest and wraps her arms around Jay's torso. Jay keeps her arms around her waist.

A glitching 'waiter' walks over with a baton and throws it at the couple.

"Jay look out!" Nya pushes Jay out of the way and gets hit with the baton.

Jay grabs the baton and throws it at the waiter, making him vanish. Nya appears next to him surrounded by sparkles.

Jay hugs her tightly.

"Let's stop Unagami and get our friends back!"

Hey guys, this is probably the last update of the day. By tomorrow, I should have hopefully caught up. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

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