Day Six

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"Have we met before?"

Four year old Seliel giggles and runs into the living room at Cole's house, jumping on said boy and hugs him tightly. Six year old Cole laughs and hugs back.

"Coley!" Seliel giggles and snuggles into him.

Cole hugs back and rests his head against hers.

Seventeen year old Seliel unlocks the room to her dorm room and walks inside. She sits on her bed, plugs her earphones into her phone and waits for her roommate.

Twenty minutes later, a tall, dark skinned, nineteen year old teenager walks in. Seliel looks up at him. He's got long black hair that's tied up in a small bun. As Seliel looks into his hazel eyes, she notices a small glint in them. He smiles and holds his hand out.

"I'm Cole," he says.

"I'm Seliel."

"Have we met before?" Cole asks.

"Cole, ready to meet Franchesca's baby?"

"Baby!" Cole giggles, raising his arms to his mother, wanting up.

Lilly smiles and picks him up. Lou opens the door to reveal Franchesca and her husband Terry. Franchesca is holding a baby girl in her arms.

"Hello Cole," Terry says.

"Hwi," Cole says, suddenly going shy. He gasps when he sees the baby girl. "Baby!"

Franchesca giggles. "She's called Seliel," Franchesca says.

"Swel!" Cole giggles and reaches for her.

Lou let's the new parents inside. Lilly places Cole on the sofa and he reaches for Seliel.

"Swel!" Cole raises his arms.

"Okay, here ya go Cole."

Franchesca gently places Seliel in Cole's arms but holds her head up. Cole giggles and gently taps her nose.

"Go and see Sel?" Four year old Cole asks.

"Sure," Lilly says, helping Cole into his car seat.

Half an hour later, they arrive at Franchesca and Terry's house. Lilly carries Cole to the door and knocks. Franchesca opens the door and hugs Lilly.

"Fran!" Cole giggles, reaching for her.

Franchesca hugs Cole as two year old Seliel comes to the door.

"Sel!" Cole giggles, wriggling in Lilly's arms, wanting down.

Lilly puts him down and he runs to Seliel and hugs her tightly.

"Yeah, I think we have. Cole Brookstone?"

Cole nods. "Seliel Waters?"

Seliel smiles and nods, hugging him.

"I missed you," they say simultaneously.

Hey guys, here's day five. Hope you're all staying safe and well.

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