October 17th

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Title: Target Practice
Prompt: Lightning chicken
A/N: Nya lives in a frat house.  Credit to JamesTheSwagg3r  for the name Thunder.

Nya heard a scream, then laughter. She paused from her work, waiting for more sounds, then continued after a few seconds of silence.

There was another scream followed by more laughter, then another, then another, then another. Nya threw down her screwdriver in a huff. Couldn't a girl upgrade the suspension of the Land Bounty in peace?

She made her way to the courtyard to identify the source of the ruckus. The boys were in a circle with Jay in the middle. Cole, Kai and Zane looked like they had some sort of gun in their hands and Lloyd was holding the chicken.

"What are you idiots doing?" she asked, not quite sure if she wanted to know the answer.

They snapped their attention to her and immediately tried to hide the guns behind their backs. Lloyd tried to awkwardly hold Thunder the chicken behind his back.

"Ummmm, training?" Jay tried.

Nya crossed her arms, staring at them, unimpressed.

"And what does Thunder have to do with it?" She gestured towards Lloyd who was failing at trying to hold the bundle of feathers behind his back.

"Well—" Lloyd started, but was cut off by Thunder wiggling out his grasp and running straight to Jay, deciding to use his head as a perch. She clucked, ruffled her feathers, then released an array of lightning, hitting the other ninjas. They all screamed, then burst into laughter.

Nya blinked slowly, unbelieving of the scene unfolding before her. Her curiosity was piqued, but experience told it was probably best to walk away and not try to understand their antics. Lloyd offered her an explanation anyways.

"We were trying to teach Thunder how to shoot lightning at people on command. We were shooting these tasers at Jay as an example." The others revealed the tasers from behind their backs. "But Thunder keeps hitting one of us instead of Jay."

Nya resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Carry on then," she said as evenly as possibly, trying not to laugh.

She turned on her heel to return to her work, shaking her head slightly, knowing full well that she lives with idiots.

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