October 23rd

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Title: borgHound
Prompt: some sort of pet
A/N: Yeah this is super random.

"Ummmm, is it a pet?"

"Kind of."

"Is it a dog?"

"Sort of."

"Is it a robot?"

"Ehhh, maybe?"

The team stared at the creation before them, suddenly at a loss for words.

P.I.X.A.L. sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, then finally said, "It's a borgHound."

"Well then, that explains everything," Jay offered sarcastically.

P.I.X.A.L. tried not to grimace as Zane looked at her knowingly.

"Where is its head?" Kai finally asked.

"Uhhh, that side, I think," Cole offered, pointing to what he assumed was the front of the 'robot'.

"I think that is supposed to be the tail." LLoyd corrected.

The borgHound stepped back a few paces, or forward, no one was really sure. It's movements were uncanny, walking like a dog but not.  Everyone swallowed and took a few steps away from the machine.

"Can we give it back?" Kai asked. He looked at P.I.X.A.L. sympathetically, not wanting to offend.

"Perhaps that would not be wise," P.I.X.A.L. sighed again.

"So we are stuck with it?"

"For now."

There was a collective silent groan.

"Until we can find a better home for it, we can have it patrol the outside of the monastery." Zane finally concluded.

"It will scare away all of our guests, and the mailman." Cole grumbled.

"Is there a better alternative?"


Thunder the chicken finally poked her head from behind Jay, inspecting the borgHound. The machine noticed her movement then took eerie steps towards her.  Thunder clucked, ruffled her feathers, then discharged a bolt of lightning directly at the robo-dog. The borgHound fell to the ground, fried. Relief washed over the team.

"Uhhhh, bad chicken, bad," Jay said, grabbing Thunder, but his scolding didn't sound very convincing.

"Too bad, so sad," Cole feigned lament.

P.I.X.A.L. stared at the short circuiting robot, an array of simulated emotions parading across her face. "I will inform my father that the borgHound does not mix with our pet chicken."

The team nodded in agreement, glad the uncomfortable crisis was over.

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