October 26th

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Title: Mouth of Lightning
Prompt: "Shut up"
A/N: Hey look it is more broken up jaya. I have no excuse.

"Hey Nya," a voice whispered.

"Nya, hey, wake up," a male voice said a little bit louder.

"Nya, hey, Nya.  It is time to get up." 

Nya stirred, wanting the voice to go away.

"Hey Nya, seriously, it is time to get up. Master Wu called an emergency meeting and we all need to be on deck, like now.  I know you were supposed to sleep in today, and it's not like I want to be here waking you up, but we gotta go."  The voice sounded vaguely familiar, like it belonged to a hyperactive blue ninja that didn't know when to put a lid on it. 

"Shut up," she mumbled, still half asleep.

"Sorry that's not an option, Wu wants us all on deck like five minutes ago. Look I pulled the shortest straw otherwise I would not be in here waking you up."

Nya felt like she should be offended by that statement, but she was too tired to care.

"Come on, time to get up, you are a ninja now, remember? You gotta roll with us even when it is inconvenient—"

Nya moved slowly, grabbing the collar of his gi, pulling him down to the bed. "I said shut up, 's too early."

Jay's eyes grew wide and he tried to pull away but her grip on his uniform was surprisingly firm.

"Uh, Nya, you gotta wake up now, Wu is going to give us extra punishment for being late."

"No more talking. Give me that mouth of lightning," she slurred out and used her other hand to wrap around his neck and crashed his lips to hers. Jay made a funny sound and squirmed, then went limp in her grasp. Finally, he was quiet.

His lips were warm and felt nice.  She slowly moved her mouth against his, chasing after his tongue with hers.  She smiled, almost chuckling to herself at the thought of haha, taste my morning breath! That is what you get for trying to wake me up!

A hand came up and tangled in her hair as she leaned into the kiss, wanting to pull the owner of the nice, comfy, warm lips, down into her bed and cuddle with the equally warm body until the emergency meeting on the deck was forgotten.

Wait a minute.

Reality slowly shifted into focus. 

The nice, comfy, warm pair of lips she was currently sucking face with belonged to the mouth of lightning, aka the master of lightning, aka the blue ninja, aka Jay, aka her ex.

She wasn't sure if the jolt she felt was literal or figurative as she pushed away the offending body.  She was greeted by a shocked stare. Bright blue eyes bore into her and she gawked back, clutching her blanket, wanting to hide under it for the rest of the day.

"I've got to go do-- the thing-- in the place," he stumbled around for the right words, gesturing awkwardly.

"OK," she squeaked out.

Jay fled the room, almost colliding with the door frame.  He was surprisingly quiet for the rest of the day.

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