Chapter One

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Steve Rogers preferred to have meetings in the comfort of his home. On his own territory where there was no question who was in charge. But Stark's boy had been causing issues at one of Steve's clubs and he needed to make certain it wasn't the beginning of a power play. Tony Stark was one of the few in the city that could cause real problems for Steve if he so chose.

So this meeting was taking place on "neutral" territory. An exclusive restaurant with private rooms and respect for its patrons' privacy. If it was owned by one of Rogers' shell companies, well, no one needed to know that.

The glow of the candle on the table flickered as Steve finished his meal and leaned back in his chair. His eyes scanned the faces of his companions as they too finished eating. Bucky Barnes sat to his right as always. His best friend since childhood and the only person he trusted without question. They had always been there for one another and Steve saw no reason that would ever change. Sam Wilson was on Steve's left. He was a newer addition to the family but had proven himself more than reliable.

Across from him, Tony Stark lounged with an easy grace that belied the tension in the room. He sipped at his drink as his dark eyes studied Steve. It wasn't often they found themselves at odds and neither man liked it. Stark much preferred drinks in Steve's office than an awkward meal followed by thinly veiled threats. Bruce Banner sat to Tony's left. He looked more like an accountant than an enforcer but he was one of the most feared men in the city. He was ruthless when it came to protecting Stark and his family. Clint Barton filled the last chair. As usual the man appeared completely at ease. Steve was fairly certain Barton would have a smile on his face and a quip on his tongue in the middle of a slaughter.

"Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?" Tony began, his voice smooth and strong like aged whiskey. "I have no intention of going against you. I'm not interested in being king. I just want to run my business as I always have. Let me tinker with my toys, let the cash flow and keep the streets just clean enough that the cops stay out of our hair."

Steve's gaze lingered on Tony, assessing the truth of his words. They'd operated in this city side-by-side for years. He didn't see why it should stop now. He trusted Stark. But Peter, Peter was another matter entirely. Steve knew very little about him beyond the fact Tony had adopted him as a teenager. And he was smart, just like Stark. The boy was getting older, nothing said he couldn't be getting power hungry as he aged.

Steve leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table. "I like to think I can trust you, Tony. We've worked together for a long time. But you're not the one causing issues. I need a guarantee that this is over. You can promise me anything you want but we both know you can't control Peter."

Tony pursed his lips but nodded in agreement. He could try to rein Peter in but there was no guarantee he'd be cooperative. "What do you need from me, Rogers? I don't want a war but I'm not going to hand my empire over just because my kid stirred up trouble in one of your clubs."

Bucky snorted a humorless laugh. "Stirred up some trouble? He put two of our men in the hospital. Nearly killed one of them."

Steve held up a hand to cut off the rant. He rubbed a hand across his mouth and sighed. "I'm not going to pretend what he did was okay but it's the fact that he claimed to be putting them in their place when he did it that is the real issue here. I can't have him running around on a power trip, Tony. We both know what that sort of shit leads to."

Tony rubbed at his forehead before raking his hand through his hair. "What can we do to get back to where we were? What would make you trust us again?"

"An engagement," Steve said. The surprise of everyone in the room was obvious though they all tried to hide it. It was an unusual move but it would bring the Starks back under his control and might rid him of the irritation of his stepson at the same time. It would make Roman someone else's problem.

"I'm flattered, but I'm already married," Tony finally said.

Steve's lips twitched. "Your daughter, my stepson Roman." He leaned back and gave a lazy grin. "Everyone knows family is everything to the Starks. So we become family. Peter won't want to embarrass his sister, he'll behave and I won't question your loyalties."

Tony's tongue darted out to lick his lips. "An engagement."

"Family's important," Bucky said. "Imagine what ours could do together."

Tony nodded slowly as he considered his options.

"Pepper won't like it," Bruce muttered.

"Pepper will like us having peace with Rogers," Tony corrected absently as his mind calculated all the possible outcomes, weighed the pros against the cons. Morgan was young yet. He could push the marriage off until she was twenty. Maybe Roman would get himself killed in the meantime. He had a tendency to piss people off. This could work.

"Alright," Tony murmured. "I agree."

Steve's lips curled up ever so slightly in the mere shadow of a smile. "Then we have an understanding." He leaned forward slightly, the movement minor but deliberate. He held out his hand waiting for Tony to take it, to seal this agreement in the old way. Now it was all contracts and paperwork, but this family started in a time when a man's word was law and a handshake was as good as a signature.

When Tony didn't immediately take it, Steve arched a brow and said his name. "Tony." There was a question in his tone, wondering if his old friend meant to keep to his word or betray it already.

Tony hesitated a moment more as his dark eyes ran over Steve. He was either questioning whether he should actually enter the arrangement or if Pepper was going to kill him for doing so. Morgan was the princess of the family. Which was why she was the perfect inducement for Peter to behave.

Finally, they clasped hands and Tony gave the ghost of a smile. "You've got an agreement, Rogers. Guess this makes us family."

Bucky huffed a humorless laugh. "Make sure to point that out to your son."

Tony's jaw tightened. "I'll make it clear as crystal."

Steve leaned back and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder with more force than necessary. "Tony doesn't need a lecture, Buck. He knows what's at stake."

Their business concluded, they rose to their feet in unison. Chairs scraped across the floor as they headed for the door. They exited out the back and stepped out into the quiet of the night. With one last nod goodbye they separated to their own vehicles to head to their own parts of the city.


Steve stepped into his house with a sigh. His gaze immediately found his stepson Roman where he sprawled sideways in a chair, one foot on the floor and the other leg draped over the arm carelessly. He was playing some sort of videogame and ignored Steve's presence completely.

"Roman." The name was not a greeting but a summons. A call for attention which Roman ignored as usual. "We need to talk. Now."

When he still didn't respond, Steve crossed the room and pushed the power button on the console.

Roman's head snapped up. "What the fuck are you doing? I was playing that."

"No shit. I guess you should have paid attention when I told you we needed to talk." Steve smacked Roman's foot that was hanging in the air. "Sit up when I talk to you."

The boy did as instructed, though the resentment was obvious in every movement. Steve resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "I had a meeting with Stark tonight. We came to an agreement. You're now engaged to his daughter. Congratulations."

Roman shot up from the chair as if it were on fire. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not marrying that bitch. You're out of your damn mind."

"Watch the tone," Steve snapped. "Don't forget who you're talking to."

"And I suppose I'm just supposed to give up the club and the women, for what? A ring and a lifetime of catering to daddy's little princess?"

"If you know what's good for you, you will. You know Stark won't stand for any disrespect. You won't have to marry right away. Get it out of your system now."

"What's going on down here?" Sharon's grating voice drifted down the stairs in front of her.

Steve glanced over and flicked his eyes over the ridiculous robe she was wearing, a pale blue satin number with fake feathers at the neck and cuffs.

"Mommy, Steve engaged me to Stark's daughter." The whine had a headache blossoming behind Steve's eyes. For fuck's sake. The kid was twenty-two not ten.

Her eyes snapped to her husband. "You can't just make decisions like this for him. You're not his father."

Steve took a step forward. "Can't I?"

Roman's backbone was apparently restored with the presence of his mother. "No, you can't. You don't own me."

The corner of Steve's lips flicked up in amusement. "It's cute, really, how you think you have a choice." He brushed imaginary lint from his shoulder then slid his hands into his pockets. "You both live lavishly because I allow it. Your comfort is due solely to my generosity."

Sharon swallowed and lifted her chin to stare him down. "If you think you can bully us into—"

"You both," he said, cutting her off, "enjoy a life others can only dream of. My terms are simple. Comply or forfeit everything."

He paused to give his words a chance to sink in. "Think it over. The clock is ticking and my patience is in short supply."

Roman's gaze dropped first, defeat coloring his features. Sharon followed suit, her defiance crumbling in the face of the reality Steve laid bare. Everything they had, they owed to him.

Steve's gaze flicked between them. "Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

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