6th Flutter.!

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A short poem dedicated to all females.

Hatts of to your life.!❤💕❤

(Extra)Ordinary  SHE.!

Sitting against the tree idly,
My mind's roaming around freely;
To and fro it thinks deeply,
How to describe that soul perfectly?

Hardship is the journey she lives,
Getting the birth, start battling to live.
At time for place, at time for rights,
Hiding her tears she smiles bright.

Although bounded with constraint,
Still she struggles to be independent.
Leaving her roots, she dares to migrate,
Neglecting herself, she flourish a nest.

The powers she held, ceaseless to describe.
Bearing the pain, she brings a life,
Against the darkness of this cruel world,
She fights for the way of her life.

Millions of fold has hidden behind,      Neither acknowledge nor felt pride,
Shighing my mind, sat for a while
Thinking how, this Soul can be defined?

Blooming like a queen amidst the throne,
Becoming the moon brightest which'll shone.
Tough as Iron, Pure like Gold,
Gentle as River, Hard like Rock.

This Soul,
is beyond those ÀLL.




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