Chapter 1: Sweet Scent

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Same day. Every day is the same day. Hunting humans to feast on, taking parts which I needed. I won't stop chasing till I found what I'm looking for. But it's pretty exhausted, especially since humans are pretty hard to kill nowadays. I tend to work and hunt alone since I'm the only species around this earth..
You probably don't know me. I am the creature who known to be The Creeper. I am one creature that you will devoured me your fears and creep on you.

As I was driving my truck, my nose start to flick as I smell something... something fragrant and sweet..., not just sweet, it's much sweeter than any human's fears I ever sniffed on. I stopped the truck only to look around my surrounding for that sweet scent. I tried to ignore as I continued driving and continue my hunting to look for more preys. This scent wouldn't leave me alone as I keep on sniffing this mysterious scent. It makes me feel.. addictive. Wanting nothing more but to taste and smell this sweet scent. I highly doubted it's not so called "perfume" that females used on their face, ugh.

The next day

I started hunting early to look for more parts and bodies for my ceiling to decorate with. Suddenly the scent came back just as I was about to start my hunting. I stumbled upon a group of males surrounded this one female who's on the ground. I silently waited for one of them to move to another place so I couldn't easily get them without noticing me but my eyes couldn't help but to look at this female... She has this fear which satisfy my hunger, too bad she will be my next meal. Yet.. I couldn't help but to pity her.. there's something about her tells me that she's the one...

One of the group started to walk away somewhere. I took this opportunity to fly and snatch him away before he starts screaming. The other victims heard him but they did not see what just happen. The prey that I caught passed out after I knocked him and tied them up tightly before I started aiming for another. But they managed to ran away as I growled in defeat. 'Looks like I will have to deal with them later' I thought as I took the victim and dragged them to my truck. Before I leave, I looked back where the female was. She was gone, nowhere to be seen. I shrugged, shaking off of what I just saw.

'Guess I'll never see her again. She must have left with those males... or does she knows it was me..?' My mind started questioning about her. Who is she? What makes her like this that I caught myself involve with her? I put the victim on the back of my truck as I decide to chase after the group who just ran away. I spread my wings as I flew high up above the sky and starts sniffing by their scents. I flew around for few minutes but there's no signs any of them. 'They couldn't run that far, running away from me couldn't even save them anyhow,... especially that female.. Arghh! WHY AM I STILL THINKING OF HER?!' I growled, only flying back to my truck. As I landed on the ground and opened the back door, I found a big sack in my truck as I sniffed the sack. Strange. Who put this here in my truck and what's in the sack anyway? I slowly opened the sack and found body parts from the preys that I was chasing after. Gladly, it fits to my satisfy. I locked the back door and walked to the front seat and got in.

The scent appeared again and I looked out of my window, searching where it came from, I groaned in disappoint, I can't never stop sniffing if the scent keeps on coming back to me. I started the truck and drove back to my hidden place which located next to the abandoned meat packing factory.
I tried to picture that female's face in my mind, but I couldn't because it's hard to see what she's look like when she was surrounded by those males. What were they doing to her out in this woods.. But the scent I smelled lead me to them.

'Could it be.. Could it be hers...?'

(Hello mah fellow readers! I decide to make another Jeepers Creepers book, I'm so sorry if the story is short. Thanks and credit to TFPCarrie she was the original artist who make the book cover for me including the Yandere Jeepers Creepers x reader book, basically she's like my older sissy ^^ Warning, this book is ocxcanon. I know it's not X Reader book but please respect that I also write fanfics for myself to enjoy reading my own books)

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