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On a cold snowy mountain in the middle of January, 1873, two men ride on horses. One with a small top hat and light brown coat and bear ears, the other with black hair and a black and white coat. Another two drive a wagon, one like the bear man on the horse, only the brown is a darker shade, and the second was a woman with purple hair and bunny ears and a purple vest. In the back of the wagon were three women and a boy.Two were twins, blond hair, yellow coats. The other woman had white hair, a white and pink coat, gray pants, white fox ears sticking out of her grey hat and a white fox tail, and was injured.

"Freddy, I think she's doing better." said Chica.
"Good. Good. BB, go tell your aunt Bon we need more medicine for your aunt Mangle." said Freddy.
"Okay, uncle Freddy." said a boy of 6 and half years.

BB hops out of the wagon and walks through the snow to a second wagon with a woman with blue hair, blue bunny ears sticking out of her white hat.

"Hey little buddy, what do you need?" asked bon.
"Uncle Freddy said that aunt Mangle needs more medicine." said BB.

Bon tossed a bottle of tonic to BB, who then climbed back into the wagon Mangle was in.

"Thank you, darling." Said Cici.

"This is not how I wanted to see the mountains." Said Bonnie.
"Yes, it is unfortunate, but after the mess in Dallas, it's necessary in order to throw the law off our trail." said Freddy.
"There's someone up ahead!" Exclaimed Fredrick.

Fredrick, Logan, Freddy, and Bonnie took out there guns and pointed them at the figure. The snow storm they were riding through offered little to no visibility, so they didn't know who the figure was until the saw him completely.

A man with red hair and red fox ears sticking out of his black hat and a red fox tail, wearing a red coat with grey shirt underneath, came into view. He lifted his head to reveal his pearcing yellow eyes.

"Now is that any way to greet an old friend!?" He shouted with a smirk.

"Foxy! Don't scare us like that." said Logan.

Foxy rode over to the wagon Freddy was driving.

"How's Mangle doing?" He asked.
"I'm fine, you mean old bastard." Mangle replied.
"Old?" asked Foxy, "I'm 25. And if that makes me old, then what about you? You're only three months younger than me".

"The hole stopped bleeding, at least. They're gonna take the bullet out when we find a place to rest." Mangle said.

When she said that, Foxy suddenly remembered he had something to tell Freddy.

"Hey, Freddy. Speaking of, I think I found a place to settle down." Foxy said.

Freddy's face lit up with joy and relief.

"Excellent, well done Foxy." He said.
"Yeah, but there's one small problem. The abandoned lumber town I saw up ahead still had one cabin with someone living in it." Foxy explained.

Freddy sighed and nodded his head.

"Okay. Okay. Bonnie, you drive the wagon slow. Give us time to take care of this. Foxy. You, me, Fredrick, and Bon will ride to this cabin and talk to the people there, have Gold drive the the medicine wagon." He said.

Freddy whistled his horse as Foxy told Bon the plan.

"Okay." She said.

She turned to a young man with blond hair and yellow bear ears, wearing a dark yellow vest and white shirt. He hops from the back of the wagon and climbs up to take the reigns. Bon hops off the wagon. Bon whistles for her horse, mounts it, and joins Foxy, Freddy, and Fredrick. While riding, Foxy has some questions for Fredrick.

"What the hell happened in Dallas?" He asked.
"Funtimes, in every alley. We didn't see any lawmen hunting us, but after the mess that happened in the bank, we assumed they'd be on our asses too." Fredrick explained.

Freddy decided to join the conversation.

"So we're up here trying to lose anyone on our trail. I'm not gonna let any of my brothers die. Blood or otherwise." He said.

Freddy, Fredrick, and Gold are brothers born from the same father. Gold is Fredrick and Freddy's half brother, but that doesn't stop them from treating each other as full brothers.

"I see the cabin!" Bon shouted to the others.

They caught up with Bon and saw an abandoned lumber town. At the far end of it was a cabin with a light inside. The four rode to the cabin hitching the horses at the other end of the town.

"Hide somewhere nearby. A crowd might startle these people." Freddy ordered.

Fredrick hid behind a wagon and Foxy and Bon hid in a stable behind Fredrick. Fredrick started sniffing the air and made a face of disgust.

"Hello!? Is anyone here!?" Freddy asked, acting like he was a lost traveler. The door to the cabin opened and two men walked out.

"Who the hell are you?" Said one of the men, suspicious of why Freddy was there.

As Freddy and the men were talking, Fredrick seemed to see something that caught his attention. When he lifted the cover of the wagon, he recoiled in shock, a look of horror on his face.

"Foxy, Bon!" He whisper-yelled, "there's a dead woman in the cart!".

He lifted the corner of the cover. Foxy and Bon looked at the frozen corpse in shock. All three of them pulled out their guns. Fredrick looked over to the other two.

"On the count of three, we fire." He commanded. Bon and Foxy nodded. Fredrick started counting.

"One, two, three". There were four cracks, then both men on the patio dropped dead. Freddy recoiled in surprise and fell on his back. He quickly whipped out his gun and shot a third man as he ran out the door. There was a sound of another door opening. A fourth man ran away from the cabin into the storm. The four decided to let him run. Foxy examined one of the bodies.

"Funtimes." He reported.
"Dammit." said Bon.

"Foxy, check the barn for any more. Bon, search the house. Fredrick, I want you to explain how you knew they were Funtimes." Freddy ordered.

Foxy walked into the barn and found two horses. Both were anxious and concerned. He calmed them down and fed them apples. Bon suddenly shouted from the cabin.

"PUT THE GUN DOWN NOW!" She shouted. Foxy ran to the cabin with his revolver out. When he entered the house, Freddy and Fredrick were already there. They were pointing there guns at a scared young man with dirty blond hair, yellow bunny ears, wearing a dark yellow coat with a mud brown shirt and grey pants, pointing a gun at them. It looked like the Funtimes tore off half of his right ear.

"Well, well," said Fredrick, "Looks like one of the Funtimes decided to stick around and play hero".

The boy looked confused.

"One of the who?" He asked.
"Don't play dumb with us." Bon said aggressively.
"He ain't playin'." Foxy said. "How can you tell?" Bon asked. "Because he's the boy in the photo." He explained as he pointed at a picture.

The picture was a shot of the boy and a woman with brown hair in a blue dress smiling in front of the cabin. Foxy then looked at the boy, and noticed he had tears in his eyes. The woman was either a sister, cousin, or wife.

Bon, Freddy, and Fredrick slowly put there guns away. Foxy decided to speak to the boy.

"Look, we aren't gonna hurt you, kid. We... we're sorry you got involved in this. We can make it up to you. Just let us and the rest of friends to spend some time here." He said.

"Do you think you'll kill more of those bastards in the future?" The boy asked.
"Uh... it's very likely." Fredrick answered.

The boy closed his eyes and put down the gun.

"Let me come with you. That woman was my wife. And they killed her. So if going with you means killing more of them, then let me come with you." He said.

Foxy considered it for a grand total of 2 and a half seconds and then said, "Okay".

Freddy, Fredrick, Bon, Foxy, and the boy pulled up chairs and sat down. After they took a seat, Bon asked "What's your name, kid?". "Springtrap. My friends call me Spring."

Old west guitar riff

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