The mine

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Three days later

Gold POV

Where the hell is that fox? I've been looking for him for 10 minutes. I walked into the sawmill and saw Logan, who was writing in his diary. "Have you seen Foxy anywhere?" I asked, with a hint of panic in my voice. "Last I saw him he was sitting on the fence by the cook house." He replied. "Okay, thanks." I said.

He caught on to the worry in my voice. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "I wouldn't be looking for him if there wasn't." I answered. He put down the book and pencil down. "I'm coming with you then." He said. "Okay. Yeah, that might be a good idea." I told him.

He buckled his holster and threw his shotgun over his back. I already had a rifle strapped to me. We found Foxy sitting exactly where Logan said he said he was. Our pace slowed slightly as we saw him staring at his watch. That means he's either in deep thought, or he's remembering.

Foxy POV

I was staring at my watch in deep thought, when Gold and Logan walked up to me. Both had guns on there backs. Gold normally has one, but when Logan's carrying one, it usually means shit is gonna go down. Gold had a slightly panicked expression.

"What's happening?" I asked. "Funtimes. I was out hunting when I saw a decent sized group hanging around an old mine shaft. A mile west of here. Way to close to us. I already told Freddy. He's gonna tell everyone to remain inside. Meanwhile, you, me, and Logan are gonna take care of it." He explained.

"A mine shaft, huh. Last time we were one of those, everything went to shit." I said, reminiscing the mine back in Arkansas. I whistled for my horse, so did Logan and Gold. After we mounted up, we followed Gold to the mine. We dismounted our horses, then I swapped my revolver with my sawed off shotgun.

"If we're in a mine, that means means close quarters." I explained. All three of us got down on the ground. Up ahead was the mine. There was a lookout at the entrance. "Alright. How are we going about this?" Logan asked.

"Uhh... you two go up ahead and find cover. I'll take out the lookout from here. Then you two head in and take 'em out." Said Gold.

Both Logan and I nodded. We snuck over to the rock closest to the entrance of the mine. We waited for a minute or two until a gunshot rang out and the lookout dropped dead. Logan and I ran into the mine. I shot a man the second we entered the mine. Logan shot another who came in behind his friends. We took a left turn into a room where five Funtimes were waiting for us.
I ducked behind an old cart and Logan was behind a wooden beam. I shot another man and then reloaded. While reloading, Logan shot two more. I fired two more shots, killing both men. I reloaded my shotgun and followed Logan further into the mine.

Logan POV

We walked further into the mine. We eventually came across a fork in the tunnel. "Split up?" Foxy asked. "Yeah. Yeah, okay. You go left." I instructed. He walked into the left tunnel. I walked into the right tunnel. I took out my revolver. I've been walking down the tunnel for ten minutes when I heard gunshots somewhere else. I guess Foxy found some more friends to greet. I could even hear him say something along the lines of "IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE, I CAST YOU INTO OBLIVION!!!". That boy knows how to have a good time. And I think I'm in for one, too.

I can hear voices get louder and louder as I move forward. I shot one of four Funtimes, then shouted, "YOU THREE WOULD'NT HAPPENED TO HAVE SEEN A RED FOX, WOULD YOU!?". Then I shot a second man. The two remaining Funtimes shot at me. I took a shot at one, but I missed and hit something metal. The bullet ricocheted around the room until it went through the heads of both Funtimes. That was warning shot, too. I crawl out from my cover and examined the room. It was the end of my tunnel, but I could hear Foxy going deeper into the mine. There's a table sitting in the middle of the room. On it are quite a few papers. Plans for the train tracks, writing on a map, and some messages sent to them a few days ago. Gold suddenly came into the room. "What's that?" He asked, referring to the papers. "Looks like plans for a train heist." I replied. "Freddy will want to see this." Gold said. "See what?" Foxy asked. We didn't even hear him enter the room. I looked at Foxy, then the plans, then back at Foxy. I simply smiled.

We're gonna have some fun.

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